Correct! What document or law grants or
gives you freedom in the United States of America?
a) The
Declaration of
b) The U.S. Constitution. c) The Bill of Rights. d) a, b, and c. e) Other documents. f) No document or law gives freedom in the U.S. of A. I'll let the Supreme Court start to give you some information on the issue:
Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law. The Sovereigns are not subject to law, therefore, the law can NOT give Freedom and Liberty to the Sovereigns. Sovereignty itself remains with the people. The people are the author and source of law.
We hold these truths to be self-evident... all men (meaning mankind which means people) ... are endowed by their Creator with inherent and unalienable rights that among these... are ... liberty. Clearly, your Creator, be it God or Nature, gives to you your Liberty... Among all your other unalienable rights. Your Liberty is something you are born with. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Doesn't "from the consent of the governed" seem to dovetail with "Sovereignty itself remains with the people"?
We the People do ordain and establish this Constitution. Who's the Boss? Who is ordering by virtue of superior authority?
All legislative Powers herein granted... In other words, all the powers that We the People consent to give to government in government's rule and lawmaking authority. Government is the Agent, we are the Principals. The legislative powers granted are found in Article 1, Section 8. The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to SPECIFICALLY LIMIT what rights the government is NOT ALLOWED to come near. This was supposed to be double protection of the Sovereign's (our) rights. Not only is government limited to only those numbered powers granted in Article 1, Section 8, government is specifically prohibited from touching the rights in the Bill of Rights. Even without the Bill of Rights, you are supposed to have all those rights as the Sovereign.
The listing of rights in the Constitution; in other words the list of the Bill of Rights, shall not be used to deny or disparage other rights already existing. Just because there are other rights not listed in the Constitution, does not mean there are NOT other rights. And Just because there are rights listed in the Bill of Rights, does NOT mean the Bill of Rights (or government) grants those rights to the People.
The United States has no powers if such powers have NOT been delegated to the United States. The United States has no powers if such powers have been reserved to the States. The individual States have no powers if such powers are prohibited to the States. Powers NOT delegated to the United States, and powers prohibited to the states are reserved to the people and REMAIN with the people (US, you and I). |