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Why this lot looks like shit

Quoting from section 1.5 of the lease:

The Homesite Leased by Landlord to Tenant hereunder is hereinafter referred to as the "Premises."

Quoting from section 1.2 of the lease:

Manufactured Homesite address: 19900 128th Street withing the Community consisting of approximately ­______ square feet (hereinafter the “Homesite”).

It should be noted that this is the exact wording as the RENTAL AGREEMENT dated May 21 2019 with the exception that the Homesite is listed as “approximately 980 square feet.”

That 980 square feet would conveniently be the 14' X 70' footprint of the mobile home.

This is in violation of Wisconsin statute 704.03(1).

Wisconsin statute 704.03(1) requires “a reasonably definite description of the premises,.

Wisconsin definition statute 704.01(3) states “Premises” mean the property covered by the lease, including not only the realty and fixtures, but also any personal property furnished with the realty.

The readily available maps of the “Community” state:

Lot lines do not depict accurate lot sizes and demarcations.”

To be noted, I quit doing Rainbow Lake Manor's maintenance of NOT THE LEASED PREMISES the day Rainbow Lake Manor, through its attorney, attempted to extort us into signing a FLAWED lease.

Since, per the lease, the lawn being complained of being unkempt is not part of the legally required definite description Manager Kendra Corkin can either discuss the flaws in the lease, or go pound sand.