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Topic Summary

Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: May 27, 2021, 07:00:26 PM »

Dale Eastman why do you believe being dependent on a private security company is any better than being dependent on a government police force?
I don't. You are making speculations and assumptions again.

Why do you believe an outside entity is the only way to be safe and secure?
Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: May 27, 2021, 04:19:52 PM »

Dale Eastman Again, convince me that your system won't just be another kind of slavery.
Tell me why you speculate that removing the present slavery will only lead to another kind of slavery.
Dale Eastman because you still haven't explained how it wouldn't.
Dale Eastman Without a government in place, what system would YOU have in place that would prevent armed gangs from rolling up onto your property and killing or enslaving your family?
You do realize that "government" and the armed gangs of the "government" claim a monopoly on the use of violence?

You do realize that the criminal government doesn't even follow its own fucking laws?
I found a summary, and it is laughable. "It argues that self-defense is a personal responsibility, which one can fulfill by hiring an agent to protect him, such as a private defense agency."
If you can't see why that is a laughable concept I don't know what to tell ya.
When seconds count, the police are minutes away.

Free clue coward:
Dale Eastman you think a private security company would be less than minutes away? Unless you can afford to have them manning your property 24/7 how is that a better option?
I'm sorry. I have to question why you believe an outside entity is the only way to be safe and secure.
Why do you believe an outside entity is the only way to be safe and secure?
Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: May 27, 2021, 01:57:04 PM »

TW or just be a LITTLE ethical about what you're doing and refuse to do business with dealers who cross certain lines. But if I can't trust you to do business ethically or responsibly then I guess I'm gonna vote to govern you 🤷🏼‍♂️
You vote you are initiating violence against others.
Dale Eastman by advocating for the fall of government, you are initiating violence against everyone who isn't strong enough or independently wealthy enough to survive in the dog eat dog world you seem to fetishize.
Government is a criminal syndicate that extorts people for money and control. Shall we discuss?
Dale Eastman yes, but it's the lesser of two evils, the other choice being a fragmented, broken nation ruled by warlords like Somalia.
Perhaps it escaped your notice that the lessor of two evils is STILL evil?
Dale Eastman yes, but unless you can convince me that your preferred alternative isn't at least as bad... What's your point?
I don't need a preferred alternative to show the lack of legitimacy of what presently exists.

So... Repeating myself: Government is a criminal syndicate that extorts people for money and control.

Do you deny this?
Dale Eastman no, I don't. I maintain that it is still a lesser evil than any alternative you have proffered.
I was double checking that I had your position correct.

So a criminal syndicate, that you agree is a criminal syndicate, that extorts people for money and control, is what you choose to live under... Because you are afraid that another criminal syndicate, that might extort people for money and control, might replace the one that is presently extorting people for money and control.
✔ Got it.

Since I have not proffered an alternative... Your claim that what exists is a lesser evil is flat out wrong.
Dale Eastman I prefer a system which, as you say, "extorts" me for money and control but also provides a system for me to MAKE money safely over a system which would also extort me for money and control without even offering safety in exchange. You think a libertarian system where every road is a toll road doesn't extort you? What IS the system you'd replace it with? Because if you can't suggest something better then you're just whining.
Since your crystal ball is telling you what the future holds, Send me the winning numbers and the date of the drawing of one of those multiple million lottery wins via private message. I'll split it with you 50/50.

Or you could just admit to your cowardly speculations and assumptions.

Cowardly speculations to wit:
"a system which would also extort me for money and control without even offering safety in exchange.";
"I maintain that it is still a lesser evil than any alternative";
"the other choice being a fragmented, broken nation ruled by warlords".

That last speculative assumption shows me that you are BLIND to the warlord(s) ruling the U.S.

Where do you imagine the "government" gets its authority to extort and rule the humans of the United States?
Dale Eastman I've asked a simple question which you have refused to answer: what would you have us replace the current system with? Until you answer that question, I have nothing more to say to you.
Well then. I guess you and I are done discussing the criminal syndicate called government that extorts people for money and control since you support the current criminal system.
Dale Eastman you don't move out of a bad home (unless it's unsafe) until you have a better one to move into. Unless you prefer homelessness to a home that's less than perfect, then go sleep under a bridge for all I care. Just don't try dragging me under the bridge with you.
You support extortion. You support criminal acts. That's all I need to know about your lack of morality.

Dale Eastman convince me that you don't. Convince me that you know of a better system that doesn't include extortion. Until you can tell me what you'd replace it with, it can be said that you also support extortion.
With that type of logic, I expect you to say slaves support being enslaved.