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Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: March 27, 2022, 05:55:31 PM »

Quote from: 1941 26 March
You’re my favorite rebel Dale, keep up the good work
Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: March 26, 2022, 06:36:04 PM »

Quote from: 1926 26 March
Dale Eastman www. oh shit I can't type what I want , this has been fun Dale, you're a true rebel and nobody owns you, except if you have a social security number sweetheart , U R OWNED !!!
Quote from: 1932 26 March
Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: March 26, 2022, 06:22:54 PM »

Quote from: 1907 26 March
Dale Eastman , I said you’re a real rebel, you need a Pat on the back for thinking you’re not ruled ? There , there Dale, you’re not ruled , you’re way too cool for that , how’s that?
Quote from: 1915 26 March
Lol, decode link thanks to Zucker , he even owns you , that’s hilarious
Quote from: 1922 26 March
Lol, decode link thanks to Zucker , he even owns you , that’s hilarious

And the link to your website is?

Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: March 26, 2022, 06:01:08 PM »

Quote from: 1858 26 March
Lol, exactly the answer I thought I’d get , you transparent worthless POS , you’re ruled, you’re just too ignorant to realize it
Quote from: 1905 26 March
I asked you a question. Please answer it.

 Was it your intent to claim that my stopping at red lights (if I actually do or did) proves I consented to being ruled by a ruling class?
Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: March 26, 2022, 04:55:45 PM »

Quote from: 1836 26 March
You are put on notice that I am publicly archiving this discussion on my website, anonymizing you to just your initials.

Copy ➵ paste ➵ remove underscore "_" to decode link thanks to Zuckfuckery.
Quote from: 1838 26 March
it was an easy question, obviously you're not the rebel you claim to be, we both knew that 😆

I suppose it's only fair for you to pigeon hole me by your prejudiced idea as to what I'm about. I do the same with you, You spend lotsa time posting in All Politics because of your belief that voting does anything good. Set that aside... I'll eventually come back to that topic.

I'll not be writing a dissertation on the error of that statement. Suffice to say "Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur." You are wrong. Maybe later I'll post the link to where I've actually been walking the walk (more like driving the drive.)

do you stop at red lights?

Learn some patience.
As I wrote, " I'll answer your bullshit later."
Now is later.

I call that specific question "bullshit" because it is in deed and fact a non-sequitur. It does not follow what preceded it.

What preceded it it was my attached comment card wherein I stated: "I do not consent to being ruled. I refuse to vote for members of the ruling caste."

You *hope* to disprove my non-consent to being ruled by your stop-light question. Your speed limit question that you edited out was just as valid a question, just a little tougher to make reach your intended target.

Regardless of whether I stop at red lights or not, This neither proves nor disproves if I consent to being ruled. Was it your intent to claim that my stopping at red lights (if I actually do or did) prove I consented to being ruled by a ruling class?

The first meme that I posted clearly shows that one votes for evil A or votes for evil B. Voting for evil will NOT end until voting for evil ends.

To which you asked:
What’s the plan Dale ?

To not vote for evil. Why is that so hard to understand?

Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: March 26, 2022, 04:37:31 PM »

Quote from: 1350 26 March
Quote from: 1403 26 March
Never mind. Votards voted for her. And against her.

Quote from: 1521 26 March
What’s the plan Dale ?
Quote from: 1534 26 March
I'm already following my plan.

Quote from: 1538 26 March
do you stop at red lights?
Quote from: 1557 26 March
I'm watching Dr. Robert Malone Live at Hagerstown. I'll answer your bullshit later.
Quote from: 1559 26 March
it was an easy question, obviously you're not the rebel you claim to be, we both knew that 😆