Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: September 19, 2022, 11:43:22 AM »
Dale Eastman Dale Eastman State paid agent. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You're not special enough for any Government to send agents your way. Especially when you're repeating the same CIA Disinformation about Taxation that they started in the 1950s that took off in the 1970s.
I will honor (something you're incapable of) your request because I have decency, respect, and a duty to the facts of existence that Pretend Sovereigns like you ignore:
Governments cannot enforce laws that don't exist; the only ones claiming that (income taxation) laws don't exist are the rabble that ignore the plethora of case law precedent that goes against their pitiful attempts at being a constitutional law scholar.
Fraudulent charlatan "natural law" philosophers are so utterly dependent on their master's acts, adjudications, and their master's system as a whole, they're completely incapable of creating their own lawful status in this world while purporting to have the ability to do so.
When you want to discuss practical solutions to perceived tyranny instead of protesting the contract you've put yourself into by your nescience, ignorance, and incompetence, I'll be more than willing to provide my perspective, perception, and EXPERIENCE with living a new paradigm of existence outside of the slave mentality everyone was born into.
Have a great day.
That was an excellent example of what I meant by shit you fling at the wall to see what sticks.
Of those 203 words, only these 7 are of interest:
➽ Governments cannot enforce laws that don't exist;
❷ What statute in the Internal Revenue Code, using clear and unequivocal language as required by the Supreme Court, makes a private Citizen liable for subtitle A - income taxes on his or her domestically earned compensation for labor?