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Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: May 20, 2024, 06:23:55 AM »

Quote from: 20 May @ 07:18
Sorry for getting back to you so late. I just had a Quadruple bypass surgery on my heart.

➽ hey Dale, you know me,

Yes. I do know you. As I wrote, You are a good guy. That has been my experience while interacting with you and your family. What these folks don't understand is that you and I have been acquaintances for over five years.

Because Fecalbook is such a bad platform for serious discussion I have posted this message in its entirety on my Private Social Media Platform. (PSMP) This post continues at
Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: May 19, 2024, 11:45:53 AM »

Quote from: 23 April @ 15:10
It’s an American flag. Tactical color scheme with the thin blue line. The thin blue line represents law enforcement line they stand between good and evil. No matter what happens. Law enforcement is Al way first on the scene. They are there to protect you or help you. I could go on and on but unfortunately most folks pay to much attention of the media painting they’re own picture for their own agenda. Don’t get me wrong, like any job, they have a few bad apples which are hated by the good apples. Your politicians tie law enforcements hands more and more, pass laws that make things harder for law abiding citizens, which criminals don’t care about the law, but they keep making it easier for criminals to continue being criminals.

Quote from: 23 April @ 15:56
Stated in 745 Illinois Compiled Statute 10/4-102:
Neither a local public entity nor a public employee is liable for failure to establish a police department or otherwise provide police protection service or, if police protection service is provided, for failure to provide adequate police protection or service, failure to prevent the commission of crimes, failure to detect or solve crimes, and failure to identify or apprehend criminals.

Kitty also got a begrudging admission from one of the deputies here in Wisconsin, they only had 3 legal duties. Protecting the citizens is not one of those duties.

Supreme Court said the same in South v. Maryland, 59 U.S. 396 (1855)

There are also subsequent SCOTUS cases as well.

Quote from: 23 April @ 16:00
Dale Eastman yeah. We’ve had guys fired for failure to act.

Quote from: 23 April @ 16:47
Maybe I'll have to find where you're patrolling, so I can get a citation for violating a traffic law.
⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖
You may want to have the prosecutor explain these two Supreme Court decisions to you:

“The requirement of standing, however, has a core component derived directly from the Constitution. A plaintiff must allege personal injury fairly traceable to the defendant's allegedly unlawful conduct and likely to be redressed by the requested relief.” Allen v. Wright, 468 U.S. 737, 751

“If a plaintiff's allegations of jurisdictional facts are challenged by the defendant, the plaintiff must support them by competent proof, or the bill must be dismissed.” Thomson v. Gaskill, 315 U.S. 442, 446

These are the questions I will be asking you in court.

1. Are you a law enforcement officer?
2. Is your office of law enforcer a government office?
3. Is the purpose of government according to the Declaration of Independence to secure the rights of Life, Liberty, the pursuit of Happiness of “the People”?
4. When you lit me up and pulled me over, had you observed me injure, damage, or harm any other person's life, liberty, or property?
5. When you lit me up and pulled me over, had you observed me about to injure, damage, or harm any other person's life, liberty, or property?
6. What, precisely, was the harm you were protecting others from when you lit me up?
7. Do you understand that if there is no harm, there is no injured party?
8. Do you understand that if there is no injured party, the plaintiff, (you), has no standing to invoke the court's authority?
9. When you lit me up, were you exercising your lawful authority that came with you being a government office holder?
10. When you lit me up, were you exercising your lawful right to rule me to tell me to pull over?
11. If I refused to pull over and just kept driving, would you have done a PIT maneuver or other increase in force to cause me to stop?
12. Do any of these increases in force have the potential to cause me harm or injury?
13. Are the offices of Judge, Prosecutor, and your office of Law Enforcement all government offices?
14. Does this mean my opponents in court, the Judge, Prosecutor, and you, are all members of government and thus are all on the same team?
15. Is it true that government's right to rule the People came from the Declaration of Independence?
16. Is it true that the Declaration of Independence claims this right to rule came from consent of the governed?
17. Can you produce my consent to be governed form with my notarized signature affixed to it?
18. Can you produce the rules I specifically consented to?
19. Can you prove early American slaves consented to be enslaved?
20. Will you admit that I did not consent to being stopped by any government official for any reason?
21. Will you admit that I did not consent to being fined, caged, injured, or killed by any government official?

Failure or refusal to answer these questions honestly, or interference keeping you from answering these questions honestly will be deemed an act of attempted enslavement of me.

Quote from: 23 April @ 17:55
Dale Eastman now why would you do that. Look I’m old fashioned. What’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong. I don’t get into the politics of it all. Keep it simple.

Quote from: 24 April @ 12:36
Dale Eastman now why would you do that.

Because I read and understand the Natural Law laid out in the U.S. Declaration of Independence. I also have read and understand the Natural Law laid out in the Magna Carta. My questions are intended to get to the truth the ruling class doesn't want the ruled class to think about.

I'm now 67 and my best guess is I "MIGHT" have 10 more years. I suspect half that with my health being what it is.

I notice you did not address my questions in this moot court of public opinion.

I cause Cognitive Dissonance because I ask questions about the public school (Government Indoctrination Center) brainwashing.

DG Polite and respectful if you actually intend to get your point across.

Quote from: 25 April @ 17:22
Dale Eastman hey Dale, you know me, I’m not going to participate in this conversation to be belittled by people that don’t know me. I’ve been shot, blown up, and left for dead by my country. I’ve saved countless number of life’s. Ran into burning buildings, helped more people even personally, kept some sovereign citizens out of trouble and jail because I respect their beliefs. But to be called a political thug from the same people that would call the police for help, is ridiculous. I don’t agree with everything in the way the criminal justice system works, but common sense can come into play. I don’t have time to monitor people’s responses and banter back and forth. So sorry I don’t want to play, but not worth my time.
Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: April 26, 2024, 05:27:43 AM »

Quote from: Time to be determined
Sorry for getting back to you so late. I just had a Quadruple bypass surgery on my heart.

I have placed the earlier discussion below. Clicking the string of down arrows will bring them into view.

hey Dale, you know me,

Yes. I do know you. As I wrote, You are a good guy. That has been my experience while interacting with you and your family. What these folks don't understand is that you and I have been acquaintances for over five years.

I’ve been shot, blown up, and left for dead [...] [I've] Ran into burning buildings [...]

Those are NOT the actions of a coward.

I’m not going to participate in this conversation to be belittled by people that don’t know me.

How does that saying go? "Sticks and stones [...]"

Facing words that irrefutably prove that what one believes is wrong requires a mindset of bravery. It requires the willingness to release wrong information and replace it with correct information.

Presenting irrefutable, correct information has been my motivation for creating my website. That motivation has not changed. Truth is what I am about.

In 2005 I had traffic on the website originating from DOJ & IRS servers. At that time the DOJ & IRS were using 26 USC 6700 & 6701 to shut down websites. No injunctions, no shut it down court orders, I presented no lies to give them an excuse to order my site shut down down. I presented the truth about tax law.

You did stumble into group a of liberty minded humans. They, like me, are about TRUTH. They, like me, have figured out, or found out, that they have been lied to by "government". These folk are provably, righteously, angry... I know this because I can prove my anger is righteous.

It is my desire for you and I to continue our discussion on my website. The belittling folk can be attenuated to lower the noise level.  It is my hope to convince you to change your employment.

I myself was once a brainwashed, indoctrinated, good little submitizen (sic). I managed to shed the wool over my eyes. I managed to reject the BS I was supposed to blindly accept as truth. The programming didn't stick. I dared to think for myself. This means I am one such liberty minded human.

I was provably lied to while incarcerated in Day Jail (public school).
Even that label "public school" is an attempt to mislead. A "public school" is actually a "government school". To govern is to control. What is government attempting to control by controlling what you are taught? Or by controlling what you are not taught?

I can not imagine any government school ever putting Lysander Spooner's NO TREASON on any required reading list. Nor can I imagine any government school ever putting Frederic Bastiat's THE LAW on any required reading list. Those two writings can cause people to not think in a "government" approved manner.

Stifle the curiosity; Stifle the will to learn; Fail to teach critical thinking skills; Create a population unable to process and understand complexities. What better method of making reactive human Amoebas? What better method of creating a population that can be controlled by their emotions? What better method of creating a population that can be controlled by sound bites? What better method to blind the population to this reality?

So now you know a little about why I take the stance I take.

I previously asked you 21 questions. Consider these questions as my cross examination after the prosecutor has you testify to the alleged naughty things I did while operating a motor vehicle. Please answer my questions honestly, as if you are on the stand.

My questions are designed to highlight irrefutable truths about how government actually operates. My other goal is to cause cognitive dissonance in the  minds of believers of the lies by causing them to think about these numbered points.

These are the questions I will be asking you in court:

1. Are you a law enforcement officer?
2. Is your office of law enforcer a government office?
3. Is the purpose of government according to the Declaration of Independence to secure the rights of Life, Liberty, the pursuit of Happiness of “the People”?
4. When you lit me up and pulled me over, had you observed me injure, damage, or harm any other person's life, liberty, or property?
5. When you lit me up and pulled me over, had you observed me about to injure, damage, or harm any other person's life, liberty, or property?
6. What, precisely, was the harm you were protecting others from when you lit me up?
7. Do you understand that if there is no harm, there is no injured party?
8. Do you understand that if there is no injured party, the plaintiff, (you), has no standing to invoke the court's authority?
9. When you lit me up, were you exercising your lawful authority that came with you being a government office holder?
10. When you lit me up, were you exercising your lawful right to rule me to tell me to pull over?
11. If I refused to pull over and just kept driving, would you have done a PIT maneuver or other increase in force to cause me to stop?
12. Do any of these increases in force have the potential to cause me harm or injury?
13. Are the offices of Judge, Prosecutor, and your office of Law Enforcement all government offices?
14. Does this mean my opponents in court, the Judge, Prosecutor, and you, are all members of government and thus are all on the same team?
15. Is it true that government's right to rule the People came from the Declaration of Independence?
16. Is it true that the Declaration of Independence claims this right to rule came from consent of the governed?
17. Can you produce my consent to be governed form with my notarized signature affixed to it?
18. Can you produce the rules I specifically consented to?
19. Can you prove early American slaves consented to be enslaved?
20. Will you admit that I did not consent to being stopped by any government official for any reason?
21. Will you admit that I did not consent to being fined, caged, injured, or killed by any government official?

I make this last statement because I have actually had a judge interfere with my cross-exam of the officer. At that time I had not honed it down to the 371 words - 21 questions you have just read.

Failure or refusal to answer these questions honestly, or interference keeping you from answering these questions honestly will be deemed an act of attempted enslavement of me.

Now on the topic of enslavement, Frederick Douglass, an articulate black man, an elegant thinker, and an actual former slave has presented these words:

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.

Words, blows, or both. Stand against slavers; stand against bullies; or continue to be preyed upon because of cowardice.