Author Topic: Admit or deny? V1.  (Read 3395 times)

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Offline Dale Eastman

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Admit or deny? V1.
« on: August 25, 2023, 11:53:14 AM »
Admit or deny?

How I will communicate with folks whose pedigree I question.

F'rinstance, when your grandfather is also your father and your great grandfather because your grandmother is also your aunt. In other words, grandpa had sex with his daughter who then gave birth to your mother, whom grandpa also impregnated to create you.


You don't own me.
Admit or deny?

A slave is a human whose owner's free will overrides the slave's free will.
Admit or deny?

You don't own me applies to every other human on the planet.
Admit or deny?

If you don't own me, you don't have a right to over-ride my free will when I have not initiated any harm against you or your rights.
Admit or deny?

If you don't own me, you do not have a right-to-rule me.
Admit or deny?

If you are a politician (human), these facts still apply to you.
Admit or deny?

Any human that does not have a right-to-rule me can not give (delegate) that non-existent right-to-rule me to any other human.
Admit or deny?

Your vote does not delegate your non-existent right-to-rule me to any elected politician.
Admit or deny?

« Last Edit: September 03, 2023, 07:23:28 AM by Dale Eastman »
Natural Law Matters

Offline Dale Eastman

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Admit or deny? V2.
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2023, 08:33:44 AM »
Admit or deny? V2.

"Admit or deny?"

I have been forced into using this style because my "facts" trigger cognitive dissonance in the minds of the brain-damaged. My facts include attempts to get agreements on working definitions. For instance, I ask for admission or denial of this definition: "A slave is a human whose owner's free will overrides the slave's free will." The brain-damaged cowards can't deny the logic presented, yet refuse to admit to the "fact" presented. I've had this happen even when I copy-paste-quote their own words. The brain-damaged I interact with are never my target audience. They end up, of their own accord, being object lessons for anyone else reading the interaction.

I have almost always intended to make interactions with other humans into actual discussions for the purpose of exchanging thoughts on our differing ideologies... To include what can be proven about what we think are the truths of the differing cognitions we hold in our brains.

I present a sequence of facts building on the previously presented facts. One might say the first fact is the basement foundation supporting what I am building and presenting. Since the Public School brain-damaged folk refuse to admit the fact(s) presented and because they are unable to logically or rationally deny the fact(s) presented... SIGH...

Now you know my motivation for this written exposé of facts.


You don't own me.
1. Admit or deny?

I don't own you.
2. Admit or deny?

You don't own me and I don't own you applies to every other human on the planet.
3. Admit or deny?

If you don't own me, you do not have a right-to-govern me.
4. Admit or deny?

If you don't own me, you do not have a right-to-control me.
5. Admit or deny?

If you don't own me, you do not have a right-to-rule me.
6. Admit or deny?

You don't own me and I don't own you also applies to every politician on the planet.
7. Admit or deny?

Any human that does not have a right-to-rule me can not give (delegate) that non-existent right-to-rule me to any other human.
8. Admit or deny?

Your vote does not delegate your non-existent right-to-rule me to any politician.
9. Admit or deny?

You don't own me and I don't own you applies to every government office holder on the planet.
10. Admit or deny?

A slave is a human who is owned by another human.
11. Admit or deny?

A slave is a human whose owner's free will overrides the slave's free will.
12. Admit or deny?

The labor output of a slave belongs to the slave's owner.
13. Admit or deny?

Taking 100% of someone's labor output is slavery.
14. Admit or deny?

Over-riding 100% of a slave's free will is slavery.
15. Admit or deny?

Taking more than 0% is slavery
16. Admit or deny?

You are paid for your labor output.
17. Admit or deny?

You own what are paid for your labor output.
18. Admit or deny?

Taxation is when some of your labor output is taken against your will.
19. Admit or deny?

If you claim taxation is not done against your will then you are admitting the portion of your labor output taken is not your property.
20. Admit or deny?

If the portion of your labor output taken is not your property then it MUST be your owner's property.
21. Admit or deny?

The words of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution are:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
22. Admit or deny?

The Constitution alleges its authority came from "We the People."
23. Admit or deny?

The identified group called "We the People" never owned you or me.
24. Admit or deny?

The words of Article 1 Section 8 are:
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,
25. Admit or deny?

The identified group called "We the People" never had a right-to-rule you or me.
26. Admit or deny?

The identified group called "We the People" can not, could not, and never can delegate a right-to-rule you or me to anybody else.
27. Admit or deny?

If you don't own me, you don't have a right to over-ride my free will when I have not initiated any harm against you or your rights.
28. Admit or deny?

« Last Edit: September 03, 2023, 04:22:27 PM by Dale Eastman »
Natural Law Matters