Author Topic: Even the Liberty Minded are Dumb Shits  (Read 233 times)

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Offline Dale Eastman

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Even the Liberty Minded are Dumb Shits
« on: September 29, 2024, 06:52:30 AM »
Quote from: 28 Sept @ 15:12
"The IRS aren't omniscient... they are morons" QOTD.
Quote from: 28 Sept @ 16:23
Please state the law that makes an American liable for the tax allegedly imposed on their domestic compensation for labor.
Quote from: 28 Sept @ 22:04
Why are you asking an anarchist to quote laws?
Quote from: 29 Sept @ 07:56
Do you think the IRS will NOT interact with those it labels Tax-Law-Violators?
Will you ignore its summons to court?
Will you ignore the men with guns sent to drag your ass to court?
(As a side note, are you aware of the raid on Larken's home?)
Are you aware that any Gov-Turd MUST allege a violation of a law?
Can a law that doesn't exist be violated?
IF you don't know the law you are charged with violating, How do you defend against the charge?
Quote from: 29 Sept @ 08:18
I'm  happy with my setup. Thank you for your concern though.
Quote from: 29 Sept @ 12:00
What is Larken Rose's PURPOSE with this particular Discord Server?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2024, 11:01:04 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: Even the Liberty Minded are Dumb Shits
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2024, 01:31:52 PM »
Quote from: 28 September 2024 @ 13:36
Good example of the word "you" being used as a taunt.

The form of presented questions matters if a meaningful discussion that seeks the truth is being requested.

Trying to force it by manipulation through a taunt just isn't going to work. People who are interested in fighting with someone else will be the only ones who tend to engage with someone who taunts like this.

    What is Larken Rose's PURPOSE with this particular Discord Server?

Is also a taunt.

A non-taunting version of these questions would be,

    "Larken Rose has unfortunately had to deal with unjust tax issues before. Is anyone interested in discussing any ways they've found to deal with the tax code & IRS, so that effective defenses can be created and understood? You know stuff that anyone can follow to succeed against the theft of taxation?

    Can even offer some insight and suggestions that might be interesting and overlooked because of so much studying that was done related to the laws they have on the books."

Does it make sense that the people who will engage with this request will likely have a productive discussion, whereas taunts are just inviting arguments?

Also, if someone is quite confident in the notion that people can successfully defend themselves by knowing the law, then a reasonable case should be assembled, and supporting evidence should be presented bountifully and concisely. This will serve discussion to be as meaningful as possible.

From those claims, questions and criticisms will naturally arise in the minds of those who are interested in having that discussion, and these thoughts will strive in pursuit of the truth. The more non-antagonistic things are the better for meaningful discussion to reach the truth.

The first part of socratic questioning/learning is for a topic & claim to be presented that people actually want to discuss. Can't skip the first step, and just ask implying questions with no direct and meaningful claim. People usually won't engage with the topic.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2024, 07:43:55 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: Even the Liberty Minded are Dumb Shits
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2024, 08:08:40 PM »
Reply to green text:
Quote from: quote=30 September 2024 @ 09:35
The purpose of a question is to request clarification. You were very specific in asking me to clarify my post. I responded to the question asked of me: Why are you asking an anarchist to quote laws?
I complied; I wrote:
Do you think the IRS will NOT interact with those it labels Tax-Law-Violators?
Will you ignore its summons to court?
Will you ignore the men with guns sent to drag your ass to court?
Are you aware that any Gov-Turd MUST allege a violation of a law?
Can a law that doesn't exist be violated?
IF you don't know the law you are charged with violating, How do you defend against the charge?

In order to understand your thinking and what you know, I asked FOUR questions... Which YOU ignored oh so respectfully. YOU answered a question I DID NOT ASK. Your smarmy reply presented a suggestion to me that you are not aligned with Larken's purpose on Discord hence my question:
What is Larken Rose's PURPOSE with this particular Discord Server?
Because of what that other poster posted polite didn't work.
What is YOUR purpose in posting on Larken's channel?
What do you hope to accomplish with your words?
What is your intent?
Reply to brown text:
Quote from: 30 September 2024 @ 09:38
Good example of the word "you" being used as a taunt.

Your MERE opinion is noted and acknowledged. Your MERE opinion absent supporting facts can now be ignored as the blathering spew that it is.
You claimed that "What is Larken Rose's PURPOSE with this particular Discord Server?" Is also a taunt. I reject your opinion.

In view of your 276 words of doublespeak legerdemain: Free to use:SCROLLBAR ⇉ ⇉ ⇉

You chose to NOT use the scrollbar because you wanted to reply and ignore the point while pretending to not ignore the point.

You lecture me about my choice of words with this written drivel:
The first part of socratic questioning/learning is for a topic & claim to be presented that people actually want to discuss. Can't skip the first step, and just ask implying questions with no direct and meaningful claim. People usually won't engage with the topic.

What is YOUR purpose in posting on Larken's channel?
What do you hope to accomplish with your words?
What is your intent?

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS or use the scrollbar.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2024, 07:41:09 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: Even the Liberty Minded are Dumb Shits
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2024, 10:53:21 AM »
Quote from: 30 September 2024 @ 10:08
I posted a quote from Larken's event yesterday that I found funny and helpful.

You responded asking me to quote some written language from some moron.

I refused politely by pointing out the absurdity of asking an anarchist to quote laws.

I have no desire to look up the statute of these magic spells and copy and paste them here from any government institution in my free time.

If every time someone said to post a reference to laws applicable to a given situation I jumped I would do nothing but be a law copying robot. As even in the US. the specific laws you are searching for aren't just Internal Revenue Code (IRC)

They are US Codes (USC)
State Tax Codes
Counties with taxes assessed on income
Municipalities with the same claim to own a portion of another's product.
Smaller units like Special Economic Zones or Tax Increment Financing districts... and more that I'm probably unaware of...

It's a very large convo to start via low throughput text comms.
Quote from: 30 September 2024 @ 12:48
Ooof, yeah TIF is so aids. Small town out here was doing that to give special tax breaks to a multimillion dollar 9 story tall building, when all the other buildings in the area were 4 stories max.

Its just a special tax break they hand out to their criminal buddies. Spoke out against it at a city council meeting and made the tv news and paper. The local news when playing video of my complaint at the meeting, muted what I was saying and spoke over me, telling the viewer something else entirely. The newspaper referred to what was said as "there was a complaint" or something like that, but otherwise said only positive things about the special financing plan.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2024, 07:41:58 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: Even the Liberty Minded are Dumb Shits
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2024, 06:16:11 AM »
Reply to green text:
Quote from: 1 October 2024 @ 08:55
Yes... You posted a quote: "The IRS aren't omniscient... they are morons" labelled QOTD. You claim you found the quote "funny." Maybe it was funny, Maybe it wasn't funny.
You also claim you found the quote "helpful."
What exactly did you find helpful, and who did it help?

I responded to your post because I have personal first hand knowledge that the IRS are not omniscient. (Omniscient meaning all knowing). They DO NOT know the laws they are charged with enforcing. Those at the top of the IRS know that the IRS agency lies.

I posed the same question to you that I ask any IRS Officer, Agent, or Employee. Or any Former IRS Officer, Agent, or Employee. (NOTE TO SELF: Share convo link.) That inquiry being:

Please state the law that makes an American liable for the tax allegedly imposed on their domestic compensation for labor.

I refused politely by pointing out the absurdity of asking an anarchist to quote laws.

I will not accuse you of lying with those words. Instead I will chalk it up to you misremembering what you actually wrote. Here is what you actually wrote:
Why are you asking an anarchist to quote laws?

With those nine words you asked for me to explain my question. Which I did. Which you IGNORED when you posted these words:
I'm  happy with my setup. Thank you for your concern though.

Your non sequitur dismissal of my questions made me wonder and ask you:
"What is Larken Rose's PURPOSE with this particular Discord Server?"

I have no desire to look up... blah blah blah
If every time someone said to post a reference to laws applicable to a given situation I jumped I would do nothing but be a law copying robot.
That errant assumption of yours is not,and was not, the purpose of the question. Its purpose was to get you to think, Maybe you don't know as much as you believe you know.

As even in the US. the specific laws you are searching for aren't just Internal Revenue Code (IRC)
Are you implying you know more about US Income Tax than I do?
Reply to brown text:
Quote from: 1 October 2024 @ 08:56
Here's the questions again in case you missed them:
What is YOUR purpose in posting on Larken's channel?
What do you hope to accomplish with your words?
What is your intent?

« Last Edit: October 01, 2024, 03:42:40 PM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: Even the Liberty Minded are Dumb Shits
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2024, 01:19:45 PM »
Quote from: 1 October 2024 @ 12:22
Sadly, will be politely declining any further conversation, and will just use the scroll bar as was suggested.

Have been trying my best, but it has just been an awful experience so far.
Not saying this to be mean to you in any way either, just sharing what's being felt on this side of things.

None of the conversations you've had here ever gets anywhere or feels like it was worth the time. The responses being given to others seem overly tinged with frustration, unfair argumentative nastiness, and the sheer combativeness never seems to materialize into anything meaningful.

Unfortunately, don't really want to engage in discussing things with you anymore; So I'd like to kindly ask you to not @ me in the future if its not too much of a bother.

And please, I do request you to have the last word about this if you wish, if any part here doesn't seem right or fair.
Quote from: 2 October 2024 @ 10:51
Sadly, will be politely declining any further conversation

Before continuing a conversation can be declined there must be actual conversation. Your interactions with me were NOT "conversation".  Conversation is usually about sharing and discussing information.You chose to ignore points I presented to the other poster when you attempted to Distract, Deflect, Divert, Disrupt, and/or Derail focus away from my presented topics with your bullshit about "taunting". You claimed that my questions were "manipulation through a taunt"<Shrug.>

You must of missed where I wrote and posted: "The purpose of a question is to request clarification."
In view of your comments about questions I posed to another poster, I chose to plop those questions on the table right in front of you. YOU chose to not see those three questions and attempted to hijack the thread with your next post.

<Sarcastic Rhetoric> Tell me all about what a good conversationalist you are.</Sarc-Rhet> By the way, that was a very specific "taunt" aimed at you.

This is now the THIRD time I'm putting these questions in front of you:
What is YOUR purpose in posting on Larken's channel?
What do you hope to accomplish with your words?
What is your intent?

In other words, I am attempting to discern YOUR motivation for even posting on Larken's channel
Quote from: 2 October 2024 @ 10:51

Have been trying my best, but it has just been an awful experience so far.
Not saying this to be mean to you in any way either, just sharing what's being felt on this side of things.

None of the conversations you've had here ever gets anywhere or feels like it was worth the time. The responses being given to others seem overly tinged with frustration, unfair argumentative nastiness, and the sheer combativeness never seems to materialize into anything meaningful.

𝟙. I'm about information, facts, and which are and are not true.
𝟚. I don't give a shit about your feelz if they are not grounded in information, facts, and truth.
𝟛. Your attempt to psycho-analyze me opens the door for me to also psycho-analyze you.

Unfortunately, don't really want to engage in discussing things with you anymore;

You are not the first coward I've ever had ghost me because I question their written and posted emotional spew.
33 minutes
« Last Edit: October 03, 2024, 10:40:02 AM by Dale Eastman »
Natural Law Matters