Amoebidae Homo Sapiens
Amoebas react to stimuli. They do so without thinking, planning, or even considering if what they are reacting to is real. Amoebas don't have brains - People do. So amoebas have a reason for going through their lives simply reacting - Homo Sapiens do not.
Amoebidae Homo Sapiens are stupid; Amoebidae Homo Sapiens are cowards; Each and every one of them. They are too stupid to realize they have been brainwashed to believe a crock of shit; They are too afraid to examine that crock of shit and find out they have been brainwashed.
Decorum prevents me from presenting my full rage at the Amoebidae Homo Sapiens that infest the planet Earth. Amoebidae Homo Sapiens is (what I think) a polite way of showing my contempt of a species of sub-humans. Non-scientifically of course, because there is no such actual genus, but it suits the purpose of my hyperbole.
If you think I am writing about you, I probably am. Which means you will react to what I am writing about you... Just like the Amoebidae Homo Sapiens that you are... reacting without thinking.
You may even be so full of bad feelz, your reaction to the stimuli of my writing, that you discontinue reading what I've written. Thus proving my point of Amoebas being cowards.
Discontinue is another way of writing stop.
You do not own me
I do not own you
Amoebas are too stupid to think about what those ten words mean. I am not referring to our lack of ownership of each other, I am sure you can wrap your limited intellect around that point. I am referring to your stupidity when you fail to apply the two facts just stated to your miserable reactionary existence.
Somehow humanity has figured out that owning slaves is wrong. Somehow people have figured out that people owning other people is wrong. Yet somehow humanity human Amoebas continue to fail to recognize that slavery still exists.
Slave owners had an alleged right to all of a slave's life, all of the compensation of the slave's labor, and a complete cancellation of a slave's free will. You are too blind to see that what has just been described is still happening today. The only difference being that today it is less then 100% of the compensation for labor. If 49% of the results of your compensation for labor get taken from you, then you are still a slave.
If I claim I own 49% of your earnings, I have no doubt that your first thought will be, "No you don't." Yet that is not your response when certain specific others make the exact same claim. Why is that?
If your response to my rhetorical question is a denial that you allow others to own and take your earnings thus making you a slave, you are an unreasoning Amoeba. If 49% of the your compensation for labor is taken from you, then you are a tax slave.
I am aware of the delusional thinking used by tax slaves to make themselves believe they are not truly tax slaves... If they actually think about the compensation extorted from themselves taken.
Paying your fair share for government services means paying for services you do not want, do not need, and did not order. Doing your civic duty means paying the extortion year round without complaint and doing the paperwork every April. Paying the price for civilization means paying the extortion demanded from the ruling class to finance their grandiose ideas and opinions about how you should live your life.
Rulers rule
Leaders lead
Amoebas are too stupid to think about what those four words mean.
Rulers will have you caged or killed if you refuse to obey their edicts. Leaders will not.
A legislator is One who drafts or enacts laws, especially a member of a legislative body.
You did not vote for a leader when you voted for a politician to become a legislator. You did not vote for a leader when you voted for a legislator who makes rules you must obey under penalty of death. You did not vote for a leader when you voted for a politician to become an executive whose purpose is to enforce the rules made by legislators.
This rule enforcement is done by people with guns. People who use violence and escalating force, until you comply or you are dead. Do you deserve to die because you refused to obey some politicians? Do you deserve to die because you refused to obey some rulers, tyrants or slave owners?
Do leaders need men with guns to force you to follow them? Or is it rulers, tyrants and slave owners who need men with guns to force you to obey their demands?
Q. Who would vote to choose a
master to have life or death control over themselves?
A. Cowardly Amoebas.
Q. Who would vote to choose a
master to have life or death control over others?
A. Cowardly Amoebas.
Because of what some (bad) person might do.
News Flash: You have been indoctrinated; brainwashed; programmed to believe you voted to choose a leader you unthinking cowardly Amoeba.
Whether you voted for or against some candidate, you have chosen to validate a system you have never fully examined. A system examined by Lysander Spooner in 1870. By choosing to vote, you have chosen to validate a corrupt and dishonest system.
I fully expect you to have a cognitive dissonance reaction (bad feelz) to my pointing out that by voting, you are choosing somebody to own you; You are choosing to be a slave.
Of course you will argue with me. Of course you will believe I am wrong. And of course you've been indoctrinated taught in a government school.
Why do I call the voting system corrupt and dishonest? Because it is and was used to hide the fact that it is rulers, not leaders, being chosen. And because the fact that rulers and not leaders are being chosen is hidden from your knowledge because of your indoctrination.
To choose a leader, one simply starts following
those they choose to follow. No voting required.
If I do not own you, I do not have a right to choose rulers with life or death control over you. And likewise, you do not have a right to choose a ruler for anybody else.
If I do not own you, then I do not have authority over you. I do NOT have a right to any portion of your life. I do NOT have a right to any portion of your earnings. I do NOT have a right to any portion of your property.
Neither do any politicians regardless of how many Amoebas vote for them. Voting does not delegate authority to politicians that the voters do not have. You do not own me, remember? You also do not own anybody else.
Government Indoctrination
I can only partially blame you for your apathetic stupidity, because I used to be just as brainwashed and indoctrinated as you still are. I was incarcerated in a government indoctrination center for 12 years. You've heard this called public school.
The programming didn't stick. I dared to think for myself.
Even that label "public school" is an attempt to mislead you. A "public school" is actually a "government school". To govern is to control. What is government attempting to control by controlling what you are taught? Or by controlling what you are not taught?
I can not imagine any government school ever putting Lysander Spooner's NO TREASON on any required reading list. Nor can I imagine any government school ever putting Frederic Bastiat's THE LAW on any required reading list. Those two writings can cause people to not think in a "government" approved manner.
I've supplied the links in case you decide to un-amoeba yourself and learn why I can not imagine such a thing happening.
Stifle the curiosity; Stifle the will to learn; Fail to teach critical thinking skills; Create a population unable to process and understand complexities. What better method of making reactive human Amoebas? What better method of creating a population that can be controlled by their emotions? What better method of creating a population that can be controlled by sound bites? What better method to blind the population to this reality?
In the United States there is a commonly known joke that politicians are professional liars, yet the amoebas keep voting for them.
The consent of the governed
Five more words Amoebas have never contemplated. Did you really ever consent to rulers, tyrants and slave owners having life and death control over you?
I know you didn't, because I didn't either. I never connected voting to giving somebody the authority to kill me if I don't obey them until I inspected, rejected, and then shed their attempts at my indoctrination.
What happens when you withdraw your consent? Men with guns make you comply?
If you can not withdraw your consent, how can you claim that you actually gave your consent in the first place? You can't.
You can try though. I would love to read your self-delusional reasoning as you attempt explain such foolish un-thinking. My contact info is on the home page of my website.
Swallowing State Swill
You Amoebas with the deep indoctrination think government exists to protect you from other people. Shamelessly appropriating the following words from Wikipedia:
"Drinking the Kool-Aid" is an expression used to refer to a person who believes in a possibly doomed or dangerous idea because of perceived potential high rewards. The phrase often carries a negative connotation. It can also be used ironically or humorously to refer to accepting an idea or changing a preference due to popularity, peer pressure, or persuasion. In recent years it has evolved further to mean extreme dedication to a cause or purpose, so extreme that one would "drink the Kool-Aid" and die for the cause.
You Amoebas believe in the dangerous idea of "government" because you perceive the reward of the "government" protecting you from other people attempting to cause you harm.
What if the other people attempting to cause you harm are members of "government"?
Some of you Amoebas believe in the alleged right of "government" to hold a monopoly on the use of force.
The sole purpose of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was to prevent "government" from having a monopoly on the use of force.
Those who disagree don't understand the history. How could they? The history learned was the history taught in a government school.
Do you think it is by accident that politicians, rulers, tyrants, and slave owners want gun control? Have you considered why they want you dis-armed? It's much easier to load victims onto rail cars to Auschwitz when the victims don't have guns to protect themselves from "government".

Rejecting State Swill
There are two basic ways in which people can interact: by mutual agreement, or by one person using threats or violence to force his will upon another. The first can be labeled “consent”– both sides willingly and voluntarily agreeing to what is to be done. The second can be labeled “governing” – one person controlling another. Since these two – consent and governing – are opposites, the concept of “consent of the governed” is a contradiction.
-- Larken Rose --
Do you know who Larken Rose is? If you don't, I strenuously recommend that you find out. Then you would know about TMDS.
Mr. Rose has provided me with what I view as litmus paper to test if somebody understands Liberty. You either agree with Mr. Rose or you don't; That's how I measure your claimed belief in Liberty.
Amoebas that vote don't realize that when they attempt to sway "government" to their side's ideas of what needs to be controlled, other Amoebas are doing the exact same thing according to their side's other ideas. Both sides only see what the other side is doing wrong, while ignoring their side doing the exact same thing...
Voting Amoebas are asking "government" to initiate force against innocent people to control them.
By What Authority?
Or in the words of a five year old child, Who made you the boss of me?
I don't own you. I am not the boss of you. A politician does not own you. A politician is not the boss of you. Try and keep up Amoeba, I can not make a politician the boss of you. I can not make a politician the boss of anybody. And neither can anybody else.
Therefore, I know that the belief of a politician being the boss of anybody is a bogus belief, not a fact, errantly believed by all the indoctrinated, voting Amoebas.
Examining the chain of alleged authority to its source always comes back to "We The (long dead) People. You do not have authority over me, I do not have authority over you, and those long dead people never had authority over anybody.
Compare when two persons point a gun at a motorist and yell, "GET OUT OF THE CAR!". What's the difference if the first is a car-jacker and the second is a cop?
Whether a cop or a car-jacker, neither owns you. Whether a cop or a car-jacker, the same question applies, Who made them the boss of you or anyone? If nobody owns you; If nobody has authority over you; Then nobody can make either the cop or the car-jacker the boss of you. It's that simple.
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
-- Mao Zedong --
Both the cop and the car-jacker are growing political power out of the barrels of their guns. Both the cop and the car-jacker are extorting your compliance with their demands.
Political power is not authority, because extortion is not authority.
Do what I tell you to do or I will hurt you is extortion. No amount of indoctrination will ever change threat, duress, and coercion into authority... Unless you're an unthinking Amoeba.