This list of links that I have vetted could cause others to accuse me of Confirmation Bias. Well... Maybe.

I am challenging my possible Confirmation Bias by running my own analysis with a sample size of N = 1. In other words, I, (a single human) is the sample. Did the human use a process (a diet) that improved their health? Did my diet change improve my health?

In my case, Yes. Eating carbs spikes my blood glucose. Not eating carbs does not and did not spike my blood glucose.

I will be presenting my Blood Glucose, Blood Pressures, and Pulse Rates.

This is a Work-In-Progress. I will be updating it as I review the different links to different sources of information.

✅ Feed Your Heart: The Secrets to Staying Off the Operating Table | Dr. Philip Ovadia | TEDxJeffersonU
Have you ever wondered why, despite medical advancements, heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States? With a staggering statistic revealing that 88% of Americans are not in optimal metabolic health, this talk by Dr. Philip Ovadia, a cardiac surgeon and the founder of  Ovadia Heart Health shows a transformative journey triggered by the preventable crisis of a patient. Highlighting often ignored indicators like obesity and diabetes, he advocates for a fundamental shift—from treating to preventing heart disease. Drawing from personal experiences, including shedding 100 pounds, the talk challenges listeners to envision a world where proactive measures and seeking root-cause-focused healthcare keep individuals off the operating table. It's an invitation to rewrite the narrative and aspire to a future where heart disease is an avoidable exception rather than an unfortunate norm.

✅  Body Science is the book that apprised me of the carnivore diet written by Dave Champion.
I can vouch for this author since also I own his other book: INCOME TAX:SHATTERING THE MYTHS.
I purchased that book, already knowing most of what was in it. I researched Dave's claims and found them accurate.

These are links to videos where Dave discusses parts of the book Body Science and more.

✅  Dr. Champion discusses the recent release, comparison, and analysis of the Lean Mass Hyper-Responder Study and the Miami Heart Study, along with the profound implications they have for your health and the future of Big Med and Big Pharma.
The 'High Cholesterol Will Kill You' Narrative Is Collapsing, New Studies Show

✅  This one thing is an existential threat to Big Pharma, Big Med, and Big Food

✅  Amazing Health Results After 5 Years In Ketosis!

✅  Why I LOVE My Sky-High LDL Cholesterol! What You Need To Know.

✅  The 'High Cholesterol Will Kill You' Narrative Is Collapsing, New Studies Show
Dr. Champion discusses the recent release, comparison, and analysis of the Lean Mass Hyper-Responder Study and the Miami Heart Study, along with the profound implications they have for your health and the future of Big Med and Big Pharma.

✅ A Look Inside The US Govt's Nutritional Guideline SCAM! How They Pull It Off.
Dr. Champion takes you behind the scenes so you can see how the US Government's Nutritional Guidelines scam works. Want to be healthy? Do the exact opposite as the government recommends.

✅ Dr. Champion tackles the topic of medical doctors who intentionally promote falsehoods, or knowingly make misleading statements, to push an agenda, using their status as MDs to convince the public falsehoods are true. Dave gives specific examples; naming well-known physicians. Dr. Champion gives the science revealing the MDs' lies, and discusses some of the ways they manipulate a discussion.

✅ Fat Fiction reveals how the United States government relied on questionable evidence to support one of the most damaging public health recommendations in the history of our country: the “low fat diet.”
Featuring world leaders in low-carb nutrition:

✅ Saturated Fat with Dr. Ben Bikman
In this episode of The Metabolic Classroom, Professor Ben Bikman, an expert in metabolic research, discusses the debate surrounding saturated fat and its impact on insulin resistance.

 ✅ Dr. Champion discusses the latest data concerning the health benefits of eating Carnivore-style. Dave shares the healthful changes that occur in your body when eating Carnivore. (Originally recorded Feb 2022.)

Not vetted.
“Raise your insulin IQ for improved metabolic health.”
~  DR. BEN BIKMAN  Professor, Author, Researcher & Metabolic Scientist
Website for more info.

To be tested.
The unexpected science of VINEGAR: you won’t believe it!

✅ N of 1
Dr. Sten Ekberg
I Ate Bacon, Eggs & Butter and Here Is What Happened To My Blood
Discover the fascinating results of my blood work and how this high-fat, low-carb diet impacted my body. Uncover the truth about the popular keto diet and its effects on your health as I review my before-and-after blood levels from cholesterol, glucose to triglycerides and more.

✅ Anecdotal N of 1 Jill talks about her experience on the carnivore diet. DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and nothing in my videos should be taken as medical advice. Everything I talk about is my opinion and my experience only.

✅ KenDBerryMD 11 LIES about Red Meat They Want You to Believe - 2024
Humans have been eating red meat for just as long as they have been breathing air, drinking water, and playing in the Sun. So, when an "expert" says red meat is unhealthy, they better bring some strong research to prove it. What happens in reality is the experts bring very weak research and use it to mislead you into thinking that too much red meat might cause something bad to happen to your health..

Not vetted.
Here at the Nutritional Healing Center, we have committed ourselves to learning and sharing every aspect of this field to best help our patients.
Website for more info.

To be tested.
KenDBerryMD ARTHRITIS: Is Your Diet Causing It? [Or Making It Worse?]
If you use your joints too much, you'll wear them out, right? This is a very common belief, even amongst doctors, and others who should know better. There is no evidence showing that using your joints causes them to wear out quicker.

✅ Michelle Hurn, RD 3 Things to Know about Registered Dietitians!
Did you know that the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics accepts donations from Junk-Food companies and has even bought stock in these same Junk-Food companies??? We cover this and much more including eating disorders, nutrient availability, and Dumb Things Dietitians Say!

✅ What Does Dr. Benjamin Bikman Eat in a Day?

✅ How the Body Uses Fuel By Dr. Benjamin Bikman Ph.D.
You might not care about 'insulin resistance' right now, but that's because you don't know it like Dr. Bikman does.

✅ Dr. Sten Ekberg Top 10 Secrets To Reverse Insulin Resistance Naturally

✅ I Ate ONLY Meat For 300 Days...Here's What Happened
Steak and Butter Gal
Discover the groundbreaking journey of a man who turned his life around by adopting a carnivore diet, leading to an unprecedented cure for his blindness, bronchitis, and morbid obesity.

✅ KenDBerryMD Many experts say red meat is inflammatory, but what does the research about red meat say? Many people are improving their diet with a carnivore diet but they keep seeing articles about red meat causing inflammation, what is the truth about red meat?

✅ Why Did My Glucose Level Rise on a Carnivore Diet? - Dr. Ben Bikman

✅ KenDBerryMD
You've heard that the carnivore diet can help people lose weight and improve chronic health conditions, but you might be wondering how a diet could do all these things.

✅ CARNIVORE Diet Mistakes (15 Carnivore Diet Tips) 2024
A Carnivore Diet is very powerful, and you don't want to make any of these common mistakes.
This video will help you understand the 15 most common carnivore diet mistakes, and avoid them.

✅ The Metabolic Classroom, Ep. 12: Salt and Insulin Sensitivity
Insulin IQ
Are you eating enough salt to stay insulin-sensitive? Dietary salt is too often viewed as something to avoid, but could eating too little salt actually make your metabolic problems worse? Dr. Ben Bikman and the Insulin IQ team discuss what you need to know.

✅ Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome with Dr. Ben Bikman
Insulin IQ

✅ Carnivore Medicine - Dr Shawn Baker & Dr Ken Berry - CARNIVORE DIET REVOLUTION
The Carnivore Diet is becoming very popular and for many good reasons. [...]
If you've been considering the Carnivore Diet, please try it for 90 days.
If you currently think the Carnivore Diet is dangerous & crazy then please listen carefully to this interview, it might change your mind.

✅ 10,000 Years Ago We Stopped Eating This And It Was a Huge Mistake
Thoughty2 (Arran) is a British YouTuber and gatekeeper of useless facts. Thoughty2 creates mind-blowing factual videos about science, tech, history, opinion and just about everything else.

✅ Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines | Sarah Hallberg | TEDxPurdueU
Dr. Sarah Hallberg is the Medical Director of the Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program at IU Health Arnett, a program she created. She is board certified in both obesity medicine and internal medicine and has a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology. She has recently created what is only the second non-surgical weight loss rotation in the country for medical students. Her program has consistently exceeded national benchmarks for weight loss, and has been highly successful in reversing diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

✅ Does the American Heart Association work for the people, or for Big-food companies? Does the American Diabetes Association work for Big-pharma or for you?  The answers will shock and disgust you; watch and learn.
Nina Teicholz, science journalist, thought leader, and author of "Big Fat Surprise" joins me today to discuss the shady dealings of the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, and the U.S.D.A.  You won't believe the facts she's uncovered and is now bringing to the light.

✅ Nina Teicholz at TEDxEast: The Big Fat Surprise
Nina Teicholz is the author of the forthcoming book, The Big Fat Surprise (Simon & Schuster 2014), which makes the argument that modern nutrition science, over the past 60 years, has been wrong about dietary fat. She argues that eating fat is essential to good health, and that the saturated fats, as found in meat, cheese, cream and eggs, are the whole fats in whole foods that are essential for good heath. Teicholz has a background in food, science, and investigative reporting. She wrote on nutrition science for Men's Health Magazine and broke the trans-fat story in the US for Gourmet magazine. She studied biology at Yale and Stanford Universities and was a health analyst for Lewin/ICF, a consulting firm in Washington, D.C.

✅ Dr. Ken Berry presentation: Principles of a Proper Human Diet

✅ What Causes HIGH TRIGLYCERIDES? (5 EASY Steps to Fix It) 2024
High triglycerides are dangerous. What causes high triglycerides, and what can you do to fix it? This video will explain what causes high triglycerides and what you can do to lower your triglycerides and keep them normal for life.

✅ The Worst thing for Blood Pressure (It isn't salt)
Dr. Boz

✅ How to Lower HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Naturally (Easy Tips)
Many claim that herbs, extracts & supplements will lower your High Blood Pressure naturally, but these do very little for your blood pressure and don't address the root cause of the problem. There is a natural way to lower High Blood Pressure and I will teach you in this video.

✅ Hidden High Blood Pressure Causes [Secondary Hypertension causes] - 2024
Up to 20% of people diagnosed with high blood pressure actually have Secondary Hypertension. This means there is another cause of their hypertension, it's not just essential hypertension. It's very important to know if you have secondary hypertension and there are tests that can be done, if your doctor knows how.
If you'd like to know what is causing your high blood pressure then this video will help you because there are causes of high blood pressure your doctor has forgotten.

✅ Leg Cramps: 7 Causes and 7 Cures
Leg cramps can be caused by several things, from the common and easily fixed at home, to the rare and dangerous, that you need your doctors help with. This video explains the most common causes of muscle cramps, especially in the legs, what causes them, and what you can do to address them.

✅ This heart test made me question EVERYTHING.

Dr. Eric Westman
Is the entire cholesterol & heart disease paradigm WRONG?! 🤯 The statin and cholesterol wars rage on! Find out why “blockbuster” statin drugs really aren’t that impressive and what really drives cardiovascular disease.

✅ Carnivore Bloodwork After 1 YEAR... Cholesterol?!
Carnivore Couple

✅ #1 Absolute Best Way To Lower Blood Sugar
Dr. Sten Ekberg

Carnivore Squad
In this video, we expose the truth behind top 15 alleged nutritional deficiencies associated with the Carnivore eating method.In this video, we expose the truth behind top 15 alleged nutritional deficiencies associated with the Carnivore eating method, strongly advocated by Shawn Baker.

✅ Anecdotal N of 1
Shawnee talks about her journey on the carnivore diet.

I Ate Bacon and Eggs ONLY And Changed My Life
No Carb Life

✅ 90% Of Carnivores Make These 3 Mistakes
we dive deep into the carnivore diet, a lifestyle choice that's gaining popularity but is often misunderstood.

Anecdotal N of 1

✅ What If You Ate Only Meat For 30 Days?
Dr. Sten Ekberg
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you ate nothing but meat for 30 days? A lot of people are try the carnivore diet where you eat only animal meats, eggs, etc. On the carnivore diet weight loss and auto immune issues are reported to resolve.

✅ KenDBerryMD
What Causes Gout? Does meat cause gout? Does seafood cause gout?
A gout attack is one of the most painful things you can ever face. What if the majority of gout attacks were caused by what you eat and drink? Food and drink are the cause, but not the food and drink you might imagine.

✅ I Was WRONG About Veggies (Plant Problems) 2024
I used to think vegetables contained magical nutrients that couldn't be found in meat. I used to think that you had to eat plants daily or you'd develop deficiencies. I used to think veggies were mandatory.
I was wrong. Here's a list of reasons why you should consider removing veg (at least temporarily) from your diet and how you might benefit.

PROOF THAT PLANTS AND VEGANISM IS NOT A HUMAN DIET. Dr Cywes explains the origin of the plants we currently eat, where they originated in support of the fact that humans were not meant to eat plants as our primary food supply. THIS WILL GIVE YOU GREAT FACTUAL AMMUNITION AGAINST THE PLANT-EVANGELISTS INCLUDING YOUR DOCTORS THAT ARE MISINFORMED AND TRYING TO PERSUADE YOU THAT PLANTS ARE HEALTH AND MEAT IS NOT. If you are going to use evidence to talk about diet, the data has to be accurate – THIS TALK WILL PROVIDE SOME OF THAT DATA. Dr Cywes calls out PLANT BASED misinformation based upon scare tactics and outright FALSE FACTS. This video has value for everyone from rookies to carnivore veterans. These insights are not beliefs or conjecture. They reflect real data THAT IS OBVIOUS ONE YOU HEAR IT AND WILL HELP YOU with your metabolic health transition. Know the scientific truth about how your body works.

Why Keto and Carnivore Diets fail 98% of the Time - by Dr. Rob Cywes

In today's lecture, Dr. Bikman guides his audience through a comprehensive exploration of anti-diabetic drugs, shedding light on their mechanisms, implications, and the broader context of diabetes management. Kicking off the discussion, Dr. Bikman elucidated the prevalent glucose-centric paradigm in understanding diabetes, emphasizing its limitations, particularly in discerning the nuanced differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. He underscored the pivotal role of insulin deficiency in type 1 and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes, setting the stage for a deeper dive into the intricacies of anti-diabetic medications.

The lecture commenced with an in-depth analysis of metformin, a cornerstone in diabetes treatment known for its efficacy in improving insulin sensitivity. Despite its widespread use, Dr. Bikman elucidated the persistent ambiguity surrounding metformin's cellular mechanisms, particularly concerning its impact on mitochondrial function. While acknowledging its beneficial effects, such as reducing hepatic glucose production, Dr. Bikman also highlighted the drug's gastrointestinal side effects and its potential to blunt mitochondrial adaptations to exercise.

Transitioning to insulin therapy, Dr. Bikman delineated its indispensable role in type 1 diabetes management but cautioned against its potential risks in type 2 diabetes, including weight gain and heightened cardiovascular, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease risks. He delved into the nuances of insulin secretagogues and thiazolidinediones, discussing their mechanisms and associated complications, such as increased cardiovascular risk and adverse effects on adipogenesis.

Further, Dr. Bikman explored GLP-1 agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors, elucidating their mechanisms of action and potential side effects, including an elevated risk of urinary tract infections with SGLT2 inhibitors and heightened ketogenesis. Before concluding, he briefly touched on amylin analogs, adding another dimension to the multifaceted landscape of anti-diabetic medications.

Dr. Bikman's lecture provided a comprehensive understanding of anti-diabetic drugs, transcending the traditional glucose-centric perspective and highlighting the complexities inherent in diabetes management. By navigating through the intricate mechanisms and implications of these medications, he empowered his audience with invaluable insights to navigate the complexities of diabetes treatment effectively.

How to Measure and Fix Insulin Resistance with Dr. Ben Bikman
Before delving into strategies for combating insulin resistance, Dr. Bikman takes a moment to outline methods for assessing one's own insulin resistance status, recognizing limitations in traditional approaches that solely focus on glucose levels. He stresses the importance of understanding insulin's broader role beyond glucose regulation, highlighting the significance of elevated insulin levels as an early indicator of resistance. The discussion moves to practical considerations, such as interpreting fasting insulin levels, with values below six suggesting insulin sensitivity, while higher readings may indicate varying degrees of resistance, requiring further evaluation.

How Long Does It Take To Reverse Insulin Resistance?
Dr. Sten Ekberg
In this video we will help you understand the different stages of insulin resistance and the underlying mechanisms that you are actually trying to reverse for lasting improvement. Learn how to reverse insulin resistance  and diabetes naturally and to keep learning and continuing the journey to not only be free of symptoms and disease, but to achieve optimal health and have wellness for life.

Most Important Test Your Doctor Doesn't Know & More
Prof. Ben Bikman, a biomedical scientist at BYU. Dr Bikman is known for his research into the contrasting roles of insulin, glucose, glucagon and ketones.
In “Why We Get Sick,”
Dr Bikman has spent his entire career researching insulin, glucagon, and other hormones related to appetite, weight loss, chronic disease.

New Research on Stevia Safety + Fasting Tips with Cynthia
New research on Stevia & other sweeteners often considered safe for Keto, and tips for Intermittent Fasting.  @CynthiaThurlow  is a nurse practitioner, intermittent fasting and nutrition expert, two-time TEDx speaker, author and podcaster. She leads numerous specialty fasting programs, has been featured on many well-known podcasts and her book, Intermittent Fasting Transformation, is helping people all over the world.

GLUCOSE METABOLISM: Dr Cywes discusses how your body and cells manage ENERGY. CRITICAL NEW INSIGHTS. MOST DOCTORS DO NOT KNOW OR UNDERSTAND THIS. Science is knowledge – empower yourself.

Breakfast not required. Carbs not required.

 The cholesterol lie: key studies hidden from the public
Dr Philip Bosanquet
Will lowering LDL "bad" cholesterol or total cholesterol levels improve your health? Or are they just ways to sell statins that generate huge profits for drug companies and Big Pharma? Could it be that lower levels actually are more risky for your general and cardiovascular health than higher levels?

As much as I enjoy the taste of cup-a-soups, The carbs are one reason I avoid then. The tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) is another.

Quote from:

    To preserve ramen in its storage condition, it is preserved with tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ). It is a petroleum-based product that is hard to digest and is also found in pesticides and lacquers. It makes the noodles hard to digest, therefore allowing the body to be exposed to this chemical for a longer period of time than normal. It will also impede your body from taking in other nutrients.

Researching less expensive protein sources

Researching: I can order my own blood labs

Anecdotal Short