This web page is the entire collection of a poster using the 'nym' of
He has been posting on the commentary section of the Trial logs Web
After crossing words with perspective, I went back into the archives
and extracted every post that was signed by perspective.
I also pulled out any other poster's posts that I thought appropriate
for showing how perspective posts and how he interacts with other
Something just doesn't ring true in his postings, and because he has
been such a PITA, I am turning my attention and intellect to analyzing
his posts.
My comments are in black, perspective's
are in green.
As this is an ongoing project, I am going to provide jump links to
index where each addition to this file is added.
Append 1 Append 2 Append 3 Append 4 Next page
Dear Fellow Patriots,
He identifies himself as being part of a group that I no longer believe
he is part of... Even though he does a good job of talking the
It is those times when he doesn't talk the talk that I am going to
highlight with my commentary. It is those times when he doesn't
the talk that lead me to believe.... Well, just read on and see
if you
can determine what I believe about him.
One of us- #1.
The Internal Revenue
has NEVER been
the issue before these types of trials. Why? Because there’s no
jurisdictional issue of right involved.
The context of the above statement is the Irwin Schiff trial.
"Jurisdictional issue of right."
I have no idea what he is
about, And I'm not sure he ever does clarify the statement.
I will address the Code and "these
type of trials" as we
go on
through his alphabet soup of words.
circumstances of the trial, was doing his duty (See U.S. cite below).
Belief that nothing is wrong- #1.
If his duty was to make sure the jury never understood what law Irwin
was alleged to have violated... And if his duty was to shield the
government from having to actually prove that there was a law that
applied.... I'll get into why this statement is so bogus in
regard to
the written law a little later.
Irwin, after all these
years, has been fundamentally missing the
point—love him for his fire and economics— but he consistently and
completely fails to understand Constitutional principles of law.
How's this for a Constitutional
principle of
law-- Void for Vagueness Doctrine (footnote)
-- If men of common intelligence can not agree on what the law
requires; If men of common intelligence must guess at what the law
means; Then that law violates the Constitutional right to due process.
They're stupid- #1, inferring I'm smart- #1.
Do I
think he or Cindy should be in jail? No!
Interesting that he thinks Irwin or Cindy should not be in
jail.... Remember: Jail is a penalty.
Do I think there are
Constitutional repugnancies that should be addressed regarding the
present taxing system? Yes!
We shall see if he ever posts what he thinks those repunancies are.
But the forum for
Constitutional challenges
was not before Judge Dawson’s court.
The issue was not challenging the Constitutionality of the tax
The issue was the manner in which the IRS VIOLATES proceedure.
issue is what the words of law plainly command. The issue is
those words command Irwin, or anyone else to do anything. Those
do command, but the issue is who do they command, and when do those
commands become active, and what do those commands say to do. As
read through perspective's words, pay attention to how he wants the
focus OFF of the words of law.
Therefore, I’d start
to Judge Dawson and plea for mercy---asking for leniency for Irwin
& Cindy; it shouldn’t be a crime to be delusional, and Irwin is
clearly delusional, but it’s in good faith.
Resistance is futile- #1.
They're stupid- #2.
Remember: Jail is a penalty; jail is a punishment. Perspective
Irwin and Cindy should be saying, "I sorry massa, please don't whip me
no more, please massa, don't punish me harshly".
The court should not
Irwin or Cindy responsible for other people’s misdirected actions in a
system of government, which is supposed to be based on individual
responsibility and self-government.
"The court should not hold
Irwin or Cindy responsible for other people’s misdirected actions"
-- So Irwin and Cindy should beg the massa to not give them as many
lashes per a previous sentence.
And then the incongruity in the second half of the sentence: "a
system of government, which is supposed to be based on individual
responsibility and self-government"
Hopefully, the judge
take into
consideration Irwin’s and Cindy’s age, health and mental state.
Yes. Hopefully.
They're stupid- #3.
The simple fact of the matter is
patriots just don’t want to realize
that the courts are NOT corrupt—that’s been an excuse the patriot
community (gurus) has adopted because after all these years they simply
haven’t identified the real Constitutional issues.
Notice that he claims the courts are not corrupt. Everything is
hunky-dory in his mind. He thinks it's okay that the government
have to prove that the words of law created a duty for Irwin to
Don't look at the law Mr. and Ms. juror. Just take our word for
And again with the Constitutional issue whitewash. Watch how
often he
spews about "Constitutional issues"
yet NEVER clarifies just what the
"issues" are.
They're stupid- #4, inferring I'm smart- #2.
Nothing is wrong- #2.
Irwin had no issues
of law as a defense before Judge Dawson’s court.
In a word: BULLSHIT.
The FIRST issue of law, is whether the law actually created a duty to
The only issue before
the court was facts in relationship to the charge of obstruction and
collection of (excise privilege) taxes within the IRC, which are
conditional and self-imposed penalties—of omissions or commissions.
"The only issue before
the court"-- Okay, he claims a single issue. I'll magnanimously
allow the issue to be a "class" of issues as "The only issue before
the court"
"facts in relationship to the charge
of obstruction"-- There can NOT be
"obstruction" if the written
words of law do not clearly and concisely
create a duty. In other words, how can there be "obstruction" if what
is being "obstructed" is the
illegal actions of the IRS agents and
employees involved? And the collusion of the courts?
"facts in relationship to
...collection of (excise privilege)
Actually, he erroneously got this one right... Because whether
written words of the law allowing and/or commanding an IRS agent or
employee to collect a tax from Irwin et al, IS a fact that should have
been determined by the jury... But we all know that the judges
themselves usurping the rights and power of the people to pass judgment
on the law itself... Or in this case, whether the law commands what the
IRS and government claims it does. (By the way, the judical
branch is
"government" also.)
Please note also that perspective says "collection of (excise
privilege) taxes". This entire web page is motivated by
the fact
perspective refuses to give name to that "privilege" that creates the
"nexus" (connection).
Nexus / priviledge- #1.
As to the remainder of the sentence.... WTF is he talking
about. Maybe it will become clear in subsequent words.
These penalties are
by Congress in their political capacity
under the U.S. Constitution to enforce tax collection.
I must be confused. Must be that publik skool ejukation.
Since the
"penalties" are a matter of
written law, wouldn't that be penalties
created under there legislative capacity?
Constitution is alive and well—its real limits on government usurpation
have only been temporarily put to sleep.
Again with the Constitution, while attempting to lull the reader into
ignoring the words of law. (You'll see the truth of this as you
continue to read his postings.)
This is not totally a "nothing is wrong" statement. Count remains at 2.
So, instead of getting
suggest getting perspective.
Meaningless tripe- #1. A waste of perfectly good electrons.
You must understand:
Founding Fathers
provide us with solutions; it’s our duty to activate them.
Ah, yes, a passing nod to the ever-elusive "solutions". Keep your
open, you might get to see some more references to the ethereal
"solutions". Just don't
get your hopes up that you'll actually
anything more indepth about the "solution"
than you just have in that
Ethereal solutions- #1.
v. United States, 92 U.S. 85, 88 (1875), it was said by this Court,
speaking by Mr. Justice Miller: “All governments, in all times, have
found it necessary to adopt stringent measures for the collection of
taxes and to be rigid in the enforcement of them. These measures are
not judicial; nor does the government resort, except in extraordinary
cases, to the courts for that purpose.”
| 10.31.05 - 3:25 pm | #
Well at least he cited the case so that I could look it up on Findlaw. In later posts he
cites things and omits the cites.
On to what he cited, and more
specifically what he did not cite:
All governments, in all times, have
found it necessary to adopt
stringent measures for the collection of taxes, and to be rigid in the
enforcement of them.
These measures
not judicial; nor does the government
resort, except in extraordinary cases, to the courts for that purpose.
The revenue measures of every civilized government constitute a system
which provides for its enforcement by officers commissioned for that
purpose. In this country, this system
for each State, or for the
Federal government, provides
safeguards of its own against mistake,
injustice, or oppression, in the administration of its revenue laws.
Such appeals are allowed to specified tribunals as the law-makers deem
expedient. Such remedies, also, for recovering back taxes illegally
exacted, as may seem wise, are provided. In these respects, the United
States have, as was said by this court in Nichols v. United States, 7
Wall. 122, enacted a system of corrective justice, as well as a system
of taxation, in both its customs and internal-revenue branches. That
system is intended to be complete. In the customs department it permits
appeals from appraisers to other appraisers, and in proper cases to the
Secretary of the Treasury; and, if
dissatisfied with this highest
decision of the executive department of the government, the law permits
the party, on paying the money required, with a protest embodying the
grounds of his objection to the tax, to sue the government through its
collector, and test in the courts the validity of the tax. |
Bold emphasis mine. "In this
country, this system ... provides safeguards of its own against
mistake, injustice, or oppression, in the administration of its revenue
laws." And when those safeguards are NO LONGER OPERATIVE,
because somebody has been compartmentalizing the knowledge of the IRS
employees. How many times have there been statements by IRS
employees that they don't need to read the law?
For those of you who have read Larken Rose's web site, think about how
he was stonewalled at every turn of the administrative
appeals process. And don't forget, instead of answering
questions, the IRS, in a very heavy handed approach, tried to use
section 6700 to shut Larken Rose up.
So also, in the
internal-revenue department, the statute which
we have copied allows appeals from the assessor to the commissioner of
internal revenue; and, if dissatisfied with his decision, on paying the
tax the party can sue the collector; and, if the money was wrongfully
exacted, the courts will give him relief by a judgment, which the
United States pledges herself to pay. |
So pay the money first, then sue the collector...
Ken Evans did just that. I'll summerize the case: Ken
asked the very questions the government to this day refuses to
answer. The judge told the DOJ lawyer three different times to
answer Ken's interrogatories. The DOJ never did
answer the interrogatories. If you or I failed to answer the
DOJ's interrogatories after being told three times by the judge to do
so, you know we'd be sitting in jail until we complied. Nothing
wrong with the system there. Continuing with the cited Supreme
Court case:
It will be readily
conceded, from what we have here stated, that the government has
the right to prescribe the conditions
on which it will subject itself to the judgment of the courts in the
collection of its revenues.
If there existed in the courts, State or National, any general
power of impeding or controlling the collection of taxes, or relieving
the hardship incident to taxation, the very existence of the government
might be placed in the power of a hostile judiciary. Dows v. The City
of Chicago, 11 Wall. 108. While a
free course of remonstrance and
appeal is allowed within the departments before the money is finally
exacted, the general government has wisely made the payment of the tax
claimed, whether of customs or of internal revenue, a condition
precedent to a resort to the courts by the party against whom the tax
is assessed. In the internal-
revenue branch it has further prescribed
that no such suit shall be brought until the remedy by appeal has been
tried; and, if brought after this, it must be within six months after
the decision on the appeal. |
Bold emphasis mine. "While a
free course of remonstrance and appeal is allowed within the
departments before the money is finally exacted ... " That
statement if applied to the system of today would be a flat out
lie. The
IRS has STONEWALLED the process of appeal. The IRS has
illegally attempted to keep the appeals meetings from being
recorded. In the table cell below is a concise observation on the
recording issue by Larken Rose:
Dear List Subscriber,
Yes, I really did write "hooray for the Tax Court," and I wasn't even
kidding. I just heard from a reliable source that today (7/8/03)
the Tax Court ruled that it is IMPROPER for the IRS Appeals division to
disallow audio-recording of meetings held before Appeals, including
Collections Due Process Hearings. (That was the new "policy" of
IRS Appeals, as of many months ago.)
It's sort of sad that this is even worth celebrating, since 26 USC
§ 7521 makes it glaringly obvious that Appeals is REQUIRED BY LAW
to allow such recordings. Why the heck we needed a "ruling" to
state the bleeding obvious is beyond me. Oh well.
The next question is, how will the IRS respond? The IRS does NOT
consider Tax Court rulings binding on them, except for the particular
case before the court (or pseudo-court). So I see two options for
the IRS:
1) ABIDE by what the Tax Court said, and make it so that all the
thuggery that has happened behind closed doors at IRS Appeals can now
be on the record, and can be made available to the public by the person
recording it.
2) IGNORE what the Tax Court said, and forever have a clear example of
how the IRS does NOT consider Tax Court rulings to be binding.
See the predicament?
"So Mr. Appeals Guy, let me get this straight. You say that it's
'frivolous' for me to even mention Section 861, because of a ruling by
the Tax Court--the same court that told you to allow me to record this
meeting... but you didn't. So what the Tax Court says matters,
except when it's in my favor? Is that about right?"
If they ever get to Appeals with me, that should be fun.
Larken Rose
Void for Vagueness Doctrine
adj. referring
to a statute defining a crime which is so vague that a reasonable
person of at least average intelligence could not determine what
elements constitute the crime. Such a vague statute is unconstitutional
on the basis that a defendant could not defend against a charge of a
crime which he/she could not understand, and thus would be denied "due
process" mandated by the 5th Amendment, applied to the states by the
14th Amendment.
Google "Void for Vagueness Doctrine" - opens in new
AltaVista "Void for Vagueness Doctrine" - opens in new
Jump back up. |
To Fellow Patriots and "The Peon"
blogged Sunday @10:40 pm
you’re trying to find solutions, but I’m sorry to say that your letter
writing is no solution. Even if the whole taxing system were changed
tomorrow, not one real constitutional problem would have been
Again with the Constitution. Note that the "problem" is not stated.
One of us- #2.
Making changes to the
system would be like attempting
to reshuffle the chairs on the Titanic.
Straw man- #1. Nobody wants to change the taxing system.
Those involved want the IRS to PROPERLY follow the "system".
As for everyone’s
Not true. I suggest you revisit "perspective" blogged Sunday at 3:25. I
do not make statements lightly after 28 years in the freedom movement.
thing the individual patriots must ask themselves is: What is the cause
of my frustration? Answer: Socialism. Socialism IS the CAUSE of most of
the problems we’re facing in America today.
Here he is definitely talking the talk. Talks it good too.
Even before 1929
factions within our government started finding ways of by-passing the
U.S. Constitution by promoting government sponsored benefits; these
programs are known in law as waivers to Constitutional protections of
rights for privileges. (See Wickard v. Filburn quote below)
If participation is mandatory, then it is NOT a privilege but a
For those who have not read this case, the short synopsis is that a
farmer grew wheat on his own farm for his own purpose and was penalized
for doing so. More below.
The present
taxing system is just one of the harsh (progressive) collective effects
of these programs we’ve all been sucked into.
Voluntarily or mandatorily "sucked
This is a passing reference to the taxing "NEXUS" (n. A means of connection; a link or
tie) which he refuses to state.
Nexus / priviledge- #2.
That is the reason WHY
government keeps saying: “Everyone must pay his or her fair share.”
What is the nexus that is the reason "Everyone
must pay his or her fair share"?
there Constitutional solutions to reverse these usurpations? YES!!
Ethereal solutions- #2.
There are people like
who are creating a new
direction—researching and planning—so be HOPEFUL AND PATIENT as we’re
in the beginning phases.
I'm smart- #3.
The patriot community
sadly missed
critical elements regarding the constitution and will have to leave
their prejudices at the door.
They're stupid- #5, inferring I'm smart- #4.
The first thing the patriot
community must realize (after all these years) is that they have been
up against what the courts call the “Political Question Doctrine”.
Unsubstantiated assertion- #1.
criteria below)
failing to
understand WHY Judge Dawson
appeared to be going so hard on Irwin by sanctions or stopping him from
bringing in the Code sections— you fail to understand the “Separation
Of Power Doctrine.”
I'm smart- #5.
They're stupid- #6.
The judge ACTED within
confines of the CASE
before him and had NO choice but to proceed as he did.
Unsubstantiated assertion- #2.
arguments were simply out of context; his relationship with Congress’
taxing power was already established before Judge Dawson’s court.
There's that "nexus" (n. A
means of connection; a link or
tie) which he refuses to state.
Nexus / priviledge- #3.
Unsubstantiated assertion- #3.
Constitutional issues of law were in question,
Correct. Because the issue was willful failure to file, and one of the
elements of a "willful" crime is that there must actually be a law
creating the duty, and it must apply to the person in question.
regardless of what you spew, the issue is what the words of law
themselves say. And Irwin said if they show him the law that
makes him
liable, he would plead guilty.
and certainly the Code
itself doesn’t reach that level of judicial review.
The comparison of
attempting to argue the IR Code within that court’s rules is likened to
a private in the Army arguing the military Code with his commanding
officer that he doesn’t have to peel potatoes.
Where is the argument. Schiff said show him the law that makes him
liable and he would plead guilty. I was in the military. Quote:
"It is
not only your right, but your duty, to question an illegal order.
the military code says a certain class of soldiers are not required to
peel potatoes, any such order is an illegal order. By the way,
booklet "Turning the Regs Around" was most informative in my
impressionable years of my (military) youth.
In both cases, the
and the Commanding Officer may lose their patience with
insubordination, and resort to sanctions.
Like a guy named Vinny resorting to sanctions when a
shopkeeper doesn't pay his "insurance" bill.
The “Political
Question Doctrine” (see criteria below) is a bar against courts from
interfering with the legislative branch’s constitutional enumerated
powers -- In Irwin’s case the congress’ taxing power.
In United States
law, a
ruling that a matter in controversy is a political question is a
statement by a federal court, declining
to rule in a case because:
1) the U.S. Constitution has committed decision-making on this subject
to another branch of the federal government; 2) there are inadequate
standards for the court to apply; or 3) the court feels it is prudent
not to interfere.
cite. |
Bold emphais mine.
Political questions
judicially manageable standards
The topic of judicially manageable standards has its home in the
political question doctrine, under which the Supreme Court from time to time will say
that it has to dismiss a case because there’s
something about the case that makes it unsuitable for courts to deal
with. One prong of the political question doctrine says that
courts will dismiss—refuse to deal
with on the merits—cases that don’t lend themselves to
resolution under judicially manageable standards. cite.
Bold emphais mine.
The case (Irwin's) was already being
heard by Dawson's court.
Your continual pointing to the "Political
Question Doctrine" is starting to look off point.
The issue, which the courts are refusing to address, is NOT interfering
in "the legislative branch’s
constitutional enumerated powers". The issue is that the
EXECUTIVE branch is NOT abiding by the law as written.
branch of government stands
independent of the legislature and enforces
law as written by Congress
unless it can be shown a conflict exists
between the Constitution and an ordinary act of Congress.
Bold emphasis mine.
"The judicial
branch ... enforces
law as written by Congress..." No, they do NOT.
All one needs to understand this, is to actually read the written words
of law. The "law as written by Congress" and the regulations,
written by the Secretary of Treasury by Congress' decree and
permission, which have the same force and effect as law.
who’s promoting threats to Judge Dawson, or the jury, or anybody else
is off base and fails to understand the context of Irwin’s trial. (See
Perspective—blogged Sunday at 3:25PM citing U.S. Supreme Court). There
is NO room in the Freedom movement for fatalism or fanatics preaching
hate, or hopelessness. PLEASE STOP IT—ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Instead of
getting mad—get smart— get perspective.
So far, the off point focus with no substantiation of intent and
meaning by perspective make this entire post thus far, Meaningless
tripe- #2.
"It is hardly lack
of due process for the Government to regulate that which it
subsidizes." Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111, 131.
Addressed previously.
Political Question Criteria:
1. A textually
constitutional commitment of the issue to a
coordinate political department
2. A lack of
discoverable and manageable standards for
resolving the case
3. The impossibility
deciding without an initial policy
determination of a kind clearly for non-judicial discretion
The impossibility of a court’s undertaking independent resolution
without expressing lack of the respect due coordinate branches
5. An unusual need for
unquestioning adherence to a political decision
already made
6. The potentiality of
embarrassment from multifarious pronouncements
by various departments of the government
And this has what to do with the fact that the IRS is violating due
process by failing to follow the procedures prescribed by the Secretary
of Treasury in the regulations?
On the whole, this post subtley says 'Don't read the code for yourself.'
Don't read the law- #1.
| 11.02.05 - 2:20 pm | #
Duplicate post.
Deleted to
spare your eyes.
| 11.02.05 - 2:30 pm | #
Another poster takes perspective to task for the post(s) above.
So there's nothing
with the IRS
misinterpreting the IR Code on purpose and going beyond their authority
to perform illegal actions through intimidation and fear?
this isn't the right thing for Irwin to argue in court, but what other
defense did he have to proove that his actions didn't violate laws and
that he didn't act willfully. What, his only chance was through
character witnesses?
The law judges
Irwin was right or
wrong. And if it is seen by a jury as "Everyone has to pay taxes," then
character witnesses wouldn't hold up a defense for Irwin at all!!!
best bet was to show the jury that the government witnesses' actions
were illegal to begin with because the jury is seeing, by default, that
the IRS's actions were legal by having the government witness say that
it was legal.
If that was
their testimonies would not be credible and
Irwin should have won the case.
government didn't prove anything! The government didn't meet it's
burden of proof. The government brought up the law, and tricked the
jury to what it means.
If the government
bring up law and falsify it in open court, then
why couldn't Irwin bring up law?
government brought up three statutes that, when put together, make the
defendants liable for the tax. The dumb judge made it known to the
jury! Why can't Irwin show that the statutes in question doesn't make
him liable?
What you're saying
perspective, will provide
Irwin with no defense, but to plead guilty knowing that he didn't do
anything wrong!
car | 11.02.05 - 4:47 pm | #
Duplicate post.
Deleted to
spare your eyes.
| 11.02.05 - 2:54 pm | #
After almost 30 years
in the
Freedom Movement, it
pains me to see the same old disinformation still being promoted.
Emotionalism and ignorance make for a never-ending martyrdom.
One of us- #3.
is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof
against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in
everlasting ignorance ---- that principle is contempt prior to
investigation." -- Herbert Spencer
They're stupid- #7.
The rest is duplicative of what you have already read. Deleted to
spare your eyes.
| 11.04.05 - 2:18 pm | #
Another poster takes perspective to task.
Bob says
Its not often I use
words in
my response's but in this case I cannnot resist. In a simple word
BULLSHIT. I am not a lawyer or for that matter a college graduate but I
can read and I think you might start by reading the Declaration of
Independance and then move on to the constitution. I believe that the
founders who wrote it established three branches of government not to
support each other but to protect the people from what is going on
today. The only guidelines for the federal Judicary is the Constitution
not the will of Congress or the Executive branch. In Irwins case since
the question of law was not allowed to be discussed and the Government
never produced the law that Irwin allegedly broke how could you
possibly convict him. What crime did he commit? Now I expect you
lawyers can convolute simple language to say something that is clear
language means something else unless of course the Judge dosen't want
you to say it then you cower and go back to your corner like a good
slave. The reality is dawson had the responsibility to review the
Supreme court rulings that were arrived at back when the 16th
ammendment was allegedly ratified and refered to in Irwins documents.
He also was obligated again by the constitution to allow Irwin to
question his witness's in front of the jury without the court reading
them their rights, the jury also had the right to see the IRC in their
deliberations. The truth is the combination of the sheeple in this
country and as Alan Keys refers to them, the MIGS (money is God)people
who have made a living by sucking off the backs of hard working
Americans wouldn't know freedom if it jumped up and bit them in the
butt. If dawson did this back in the days of Thomas Jefferson he would
have been draged out to a one way trip to the Liberty Tree.
| Homepage |
11.04.05 - 7:52 pm | #
To Bob & All from Perspective:
Thanks for your
suggestions—please carefully re-read my comments.
I have. And the more I read, the more it looks like toro mierda.
I’m not a lawyer but
I do a great deal of research in Constitutional law.
We'll keep that in mind if we have Constitutional questions, Like
what is the definition of "INCOME" in
its Constitutional sense.
I’d like to assure
you, Bob, I’m on your side—you just don’t know it yet.
One of us- #4.
Hopefully, by
creating an open dialogue we can convert your fears and anger into
something positive.
Whose fears?
And what is the "something positive"
when all he posts is ethereal insinuations that have no substance.
Instead of undermining
productive value by
allowing the government to destroy you, you can use it to support the
return of limited government.
Ethereal "solutions"- #3.
In the “Freedom Movement” for 28
years, I once stood in your shoes: angry, frustrated, and very alone,
and with little to no legal knowledge.
One of us- #5.
I'm smart-
They're stupid- #8.
Yeah, I know, the
going to hell in a hand basket; something had to be done, and Irwin
seemed to be right on economics.
Talks the talk.
But after the “Biggest
crossed the line with “How Anyone Can Stop Paying Income Tax”.
Unsubstantiated assertion-
where the misinformation really invaded the so-called Freedom Movement.
They're stupid- #9, inferring I'm smart- #7.
Before jumping out of
airplane without a parachute, patriots should
have looked to the Constitution with a closer eye to find the issues.
Again with the Constitution, but still no facts to hang a hat on.
No, Irwin’s directions
to “just stop filing” – cut the government
bastards off – that will stop them from taking our rights away. Wrong!
Misrepresentation of position- #1.
And since Irwin was very involved with reading the words of the written
law, by inference I should increase the "Don't read the law" count.
That only put the
in a better position to take ALL our
rights away.
Resistance is futile- #2.
As everyone has just witnessed, Irwin
knows very
little about court procedures, and completely fails to understand
Constitutional issues of rights as distinguished from privileges that
are taxable and that are enforced by civil or criminal penalties.
They're stupid- #10, inferring I'm smart-
Again with the Constitution and the subsequent nothing of substance in
the post regarding the same.
"as distinguished from privileges
are taxable".
Privilege(s) that perspective refuses to name, thus the creation of
this web page.
Nexus / priviledge-
there some hope for Irwin? Maybe there are a few issues he can appeal,
a few minor technicalities, like the failure of him or his assistance
of council to subpoena the government’s psychologist to present his
“good faith belief” via Cheek, but none of those issues has any
possibility of reaching Constitutional issues of law.
Again with the misdirection of the Constitution.
Irwin is
fanatically convinced of his beliefs—his lack of tolerance and
perspective could well cost him the rest of his life in prison –
hopefully not.
More like his narrow minded focus on the written words of law.
When you are charged with ANY tax
violation, the
NEXUS with that particular Congressional power has usually been
established beforehand within administrative levels.
Yes. "When charged". Now
answer why there are charges pending when the government will not
answer serious questions about the written words of the law.
Nexus / priviledge-
#5. Have you seen anything as to WHAT that nexus is yet?
And there are two issues of nexus... With Congress itself in the
authority to make tax laws subject to the restraints in the
Constitution... And the nexus the law itself has with any
infers "Don't read the law". The inference is not solid enough to
increase the "Don't read the law" count because it never addresses the
written words of law which describe the nexus to the tax imposed.
The Internal
Revenue Code, in such a case, is an ADMINISTRATIVE taxing enforcement
tool for Article I Section 8 Clause I U.S. Constitution.
The "enforcement tool" provisions would be sections like section 7203, which is predicated upon some other
sections. In fact, the written words of law in section 7203 state:
Any person required under this title
to pay any estimated tax or tax, or required
by this title or by regulations made under authority thereof to make a
return, keep any
records, or supply any information, who willfully fails to pay such
estimated tax or tax, make such return, keep such records, or supply
such information, at the time or times required by law or regulations,
shall, in addition to other penalties provided by law, be guilty of a
misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than
$25,000 ($100,000 in the case of a corporation), or imprisoned not more
than 1 year, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.
Very, very, very
clearly, if
one is not a "person required
under this title" or a
person "required by this title or by
regulations made under authority thereof" then this "ADMINISTRATIVE taxing enforcement tool"
Stark v. Wickard, 321 U.S. 288, 64 S.Ct. 559, 1944, the Court stated:
"When Congress passes an Act empowering administrative agencies to
carry on governmental activities, the power of those agencies is
circumscribed by the authority granted...," 321 U.S., at 309.
The issue is not whether those agencies have any authority, The
is WHAT is the circumscribed authority ? And that is to be found
Reading the written words of law.
Now perspective posts a single sentence excerpt from the case,
attempting to make a point only he knows. No matter. I will
several more sentences from the very same court case.
First, what is the issue of the case:
The petitioners are
producers of milk, who assert that by 904.7(b)( 5) and 904.9 of his
Order, the Secretary is unlawfully diverting funds that belong to them.
The courts below dismissed the action on the ground that the Act vests
no legal cause of action in milk producers, and since the decision
below and the argument here were limited to that point, we shall
confine our consideration to it.
The petitioner / milk producers assert the Secretary (of Agriculture)
was taking their money unlawfully. The entire case hinges upon
whether the milk producers have a legal cause of action.
The district court
for the
District of Columbia has a general equity jurisdiction authorizing it
to hear the suit; but in order to recover, the petitioners must go
further and show that the act of the Secretary amounts to an
interference with some legal right of theirs.
The court has jurisdiction. To win the case the petitioner / milk
producer must prove violation of a legal right.
Although this Court
previously reviewed the provisions of that
statute at length and upheld its constitutionality, some further
reference to it is necessary to an understanding of the producer's
interest in the funds dealt with by the Order.
The Statute itself IS Constitutional... Just as the THM states the
taxing statutes are Constitutional.
Upon accepting that
delivery the handler was required by the Order to
pay to these producers their minimum prices in the manner set forth in
904.8. Simply stated, this section required the handler to pay directly
to the producer the blended price as determined by the administrator
and to pay to the producers through the administrator for use in
meeting the deductions authorized by the order of the Secretary and
approved by two-thirds of the producers, 8c(9)(B), the difference
between the blended price and the minimum price. The Order directed the
administrator to deduct from the funds coming into his hands from the
producers' sale price the payments to cooperatives. 904.9. |
The petitioner / producer does NOT belong to any cooperative, thus
extracting from their due, funds that go to a cooperative is the
problem in the producer's mind.
It is this deduction
the producers challenge as beyond the
Secretary's statutory power. The respondents answer that the
petitioners have not such a legal interest in this expenditure or in
the administrator's settlement fund as entitles them to challenge the
action of the Secretary in directing the disbursement. The Government
says that as the producers pay nothing into the settlement fund and
receive nothing from it, they have no legally protected right which
gives them standing to sue. There is,
of course, no question but that
the challenged deduction reduces pro tanto the amount actually received
by the producers for their milk. |
Bold emphasis mine. Pro tanto: Latin for only to that extent. Example:
a judge gives an order for payments for one year, pro tanto. In
other words, this court has acknowledged that the deduction takes some
of the producer's money.
The challenged
is a burden on every area sale. ... In substance petitioners'
allegation is that in effect the
Order directed without statutory authority a deduction of a sum to pay
the United States a sales tax on milk sold. |
The petitioner / producer claims the action of the Secretary of
Agriculture (and delegates on equal footing) is BEYOND statutory
authority. The producer claims that the deduction IS WITHOUT
AUTHORITY. Much like the complaint of Tax Honesty proponents
regarding the IRS.
The statute and
create a right in the producer to avail himself
of the protection of a minimum price afforded by Governmental
action. Such a right created by statute is mandatory in character
and obviously capable of judicial enforcement.
Like the instances just cited ... the petitioners here voluntarily
bring themselves within the coverage of the Act.
Oh, look... A nexus. Too bad the court misspoke and called a
privilege a right. That really confuses issues when we actually
get to discussing true unalienable rights.
The mere fact that
Governmental action under legislation creates an
opportunity to receive a minimum price does not settle the problem of
whether or not the particular claim made here is enforceable by the
District Court.
It is only when a complainant possesses something more than a general
interest in the proper execution of the laws that he is in a position
to secure judicial intervention. His interest must rise to the dignity
of an interest personal to him and not possessed by the people
generally. Such a claim is of that character which
constitutionally permits adjudication by courts under their general
powers. We deem it clear
that on the allegations of the complaint these producers have such a
personal claim as justifies judicial consideration.
Bold emphasis mine. Consider the words in bold with the words of
complaint from above: "The petitioner
/ milk producers assert the Secretary (of Agriculture) was taking their
money unlawfully. The entire case hinges upon whether the milk
producers have a legal cause of action."
It hardly need be
that we have not considered the soundness of
the allegations made by the petitioners in their complaint. The trial
court is free to consider whether the statutory authority given the
Secretary is a valid answer to the petitioners' contention. We merely
determine the petitioners have shown a right to a judicial examination
of their complaint. |
Here's the link to the case on FindLaw.
This court case really contrasts with the case of Ken Evans. See
the Court echoed these principles in Soriano v. United States, 494 F.2d
681, 9th Cir., 1974: "[A]n administrative agency is a creature of
statute, having only those powers expressly granted to it by Congress
or included by necessary implication from the Congressional grant," 494
F.2d, at 683.
I don't look at lower cases because I haven't figured out how to get
them from FindLaw, and I'm not sure that all these cases are even
available there, so I have no commentary to make on this cite.
the nature of the previous cite and my comments on that...
Note: The above principles foreclose
so-called arguments with the tax code because jurisdiction has already
been established.
The "jurisdiction" question is whether one falls under the requirements
of the statute. And one can not know that unless one... Reads the
written words of law.
Any further arguments
the court in this regard
would be frivolous in the eyes of the court.
IRS: You are supposed to file a return and pay a tax.
Accused: Glad to. Just as
as you show me the law that proves what you just said to me.
IRS: FRIVOLOUS, the courts have ruled blah, blah.
Judge Dawson knows and
bound by these principles.
Of not allowing the law in the courtroom... He said as much.
“Only the facts,
Please show me the facts in the written words of law.
Irwin disregarded
the court’s warnings and was sanctioned.
The court warned Irwin to not educate the jurors on what the written
words of law actually say.
This, in the eyes of
uninformed patriot, appears as if the court was acting corruptly which
is simply not the case – like it or not.
They're stupid- #11.
Nothing is wrong- #3.
The court has NO
abide by Congress’ constitutional authority (LAW) in these types of
But the court will not address what the written words of that "LAW" are in an honest manner.
To do otherwise would
be to
breach judicial duties.
The court is
NOT there to advocate your rights for you. See Below:
III of the Constitution limits federal "judicial Power," that is,
federal court jurisdiction, to "Cases" and "Controversies." This case
or controversy limitation serves" two complementary" purposes. It
limits the business of federal courts to "questions presented in an
adversary context and in a form historically viewed as capable of
resolution through the judicial process,"
Like this?
and it defines the
assigned to the judiciary in a tripartite allocation of power to assure
that the federal courts will not intrude into areas committed to the
other branches of government.
Meaningless tripe- #3.
Has no bearing on what the written words of law (statutes and
regulations) say.
The courts have the power to
determine whether the acts of the legislative or executive branches are
authorized by the Constitution whenever they are brought before the
court in a judicial proceeding. Hence, the judicial department of the
government exercises a certain controlling, or rather restraining,
power over both the other departments. Notwithstanding, each department
within its proper constitutional sphere acts independently of both the
others, and restraint is only placed on it when that sphere is actually
transcended. But it is only when called on, in some form known to the
law, to give effect to such acts of the other departments that the
courts can determine whether such acts were done in the exercise of a
constitutional power.
Very good... Or it would be if it had any bearing on the actual issues.
| 11.05.05 - 1:35 pm | #
"We are not afraid to follow truth
wherever it may lead, nor to
tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it."
- Thomas Jefferson
almost 30 years in the Freedom Movement, it pains me to see the same
old disinformation still being promoted. Emotionalism and ignorance
make for a never-ending martyrdom.
One of us- #6.
Redundant post deleted to save your eyes.
| 11.05.05 - 2:44 pm | #
Perspective: use it or lose it.
Meaningless tripe- #4.
When I started in the freedom
movement I believed it was about individuals regaining their liberties,
and dignity; now it has been reduced to a cult with NO direction.
One of us- #7.
Ad hominem- #1.
Wouldn’t you think
after 35
years someone would start questioning the
assumptions that are not working?
Misrepresentation of position- #3.
Resistance is futile- #3.
Anyway, for what it’s worth:
For those that can formulate any logical and reasonable question
concerning the Constitution, I’ll do my best to respond.
I'm smart-
They're stupid- #12.
And for those
who think freedom can only be gained by following some guru, carefully
read and think about the quote below.
Ad hominem- #2.
A very, very wise soul
these words that changed my perspective on the freedom movement.
you want to change the world for the better, then you are an idealist.
If you want to change the world for the better, but you believe it
cannot be changed one whit, then you are a pessimist, and your idealism
will only haunt you. If you want to change the world for the better,
but you believe that it will grow worse, despite anyone’s efforts, then
you are a truly despondent, perhaps misguided idealist. If you want to
change the world for the better, and if you are determined to do so, no
matter at what cost to yourself or others, no matter what the risk, and
if you believe that those ends justify any means at your disposal, then
you are a fanatic.
Ad hominem- #3.
“Fanatics are inverted idealists.
they are vague grandiose dreamers, whose plans almost completely ignore
the full dimensions of normal living. They are unfulfilled idealists
who are not content to express idealism in steps, one at a time, or
indeed to wait for the practical workings of active expression. They
demand immediate action. They want to make the world over in their own
images. They cannot bear the expression of tolerance or opposing
ideas. They are the most self-righteous of the self-righteous, and they
will sacrifice almost anything-their own lives or the lives of others.
They will justify almost any crime for the pursuit of those ends. “
Ad hominem- #4.
| 11.06.05 - 11:43 am | #
You are a very
individual and I think you have
good intentions. These Internet postings are not really the best format
for stating your case. So, before you get totally frustrated, I’d
suggest you write a BRIEF clarification paper.
Suggestion: You
may want to start the paper by identifying the problem you’re trying to
resolve, short and to the point. Next: State your THEORY of the case
followed by your conclusion, and last state your solution. After doing
all the above, if your arguments hold some promise, people will have a
better opportunity to formulate questions. Complex issues need the most
care of all to overcome misunderstandings; by laying out a bigger
picture, reasonable agreement or disagreements can be found. In this
way you get the added advantage of finding out if your theory is flawed
or is useable.
Notwithstanding my agreements or
with Irwin, those that can support him should do so, for I know the
isolation he now faces.
| 11.07.05 - 12:12 pm | #
No comments on this post.
Sorry your
explanations are
disjointed and out of
context. Because you fail to address any issue of right, within any
legal context, you are therefore wasting your time. I suggest you start
with the Federalist Papers—for foundational purposes. Mary Webster puts
out a very good updated version of the Federalist with modern
language—do a web search.
They're stupid- #13.
Read my previous
Anybody reading this far into this page already has.
The Constitutional ignorance in the so-called freedom
movement is deplorable.
They're stupid- #14.
Lynch law—straight
from the
MOB?!? Irwin was
out of context—his limp attempt to do a Writ of Prohibition—Mandamus
was a Joke. Judge Dawson had NO CHOICE but to confine Irwin to
disproving the FACTS only. Why???? Because the IR CODE was NOT on
trial… Irwin was. If Irwin had any law question that had merit, he
should have brought it up ahead of time to a higher court. But he
They're stupid- #15.
Let me make myself really clear—the
independence of
the judiciary is still our best hope to return us to the Constitution.
Ethereal "solutions"- #4.
Just because the
freedom movement cannot formulate a judicial
question in a Constitutional sense is no reason for fanatical threats.
They're stupid- #16.
They're stupid- #17.
I suggest you start by
American Jurisprudence regarding ADMINISTRATIVE LAW.
Or you could have posted things of substance with links to said
administrative law.
Maybe then you’ll
realize the courts are prevented in these types of trials from
interfering with Congress’ powers to enforce taxes through their
Misrepresentation of position- #4.
Don't read the law- #2.
Nothing is wrong- #4.
They're stupid- #18.
Of course, there’s lots of corruption
in our present
system of government, because Americans have been put to sleep.
Talks the talk.
But the
only proper way to correct it is within the Constitution otherwise we
Again with the Constitution, and Ethereal "solutions"- #5.
Judge Dawson is NOT the problem; the
problem is
the patriot’s ignorance of constitutional principles.
Nothing is wrong- #5.
They're stupid- #19.
You can play
procedural games all you want, but if you don’t have an issue of right,
you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.
Ethereal "solutions"- #6.
| 11.07.05 - 4:10 pm | #
there are real solutions in our Court system, but first you have to
know how to identify the right question of law.
Ethereal "solutions"- #7.
They're stupid- #20.
I’ll give you a
hint—it’s NOT arguing the Codes.
Don't read the law- #3.
In Federalist 33, Hamilton:
"[T]he national government, like every other, must judge, in the first
instance, of the proper exercise of its powers, and its constituents in
the last. If the federal government should overpass the just bounds of
its authority and make a tyrannical use of its powers, the people,
whose creature it is, must appeal to the standard they have formed, and
take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as
the exigency may suggest and prudence justify."
And your point was...?
| 11.08.05 - 4:57 pm | #
And yet another poster takes perspective to task on his posts.
give you a hint—it’s NOT arguing the Codes.
like the code, it shows me no liability but it seems that "the thing"
to argue about is going to be sort of a secret for a long time. Actualy
there is no point in looking at the codes at all because they are
subject to interpretation (as if in a foreign language) by people more
learned than myself. So lets not concern ourselves with what congress
voted on.
Some of us claim to
how to address the present
situation and are more than willing to give hints about what the right
question of law would be. Or maybe it is suggested that the whole
approach is fataly flawed.
I have not read the
federalist papers
I can only guess what Hamilton meant when he wrote about"the people"
appealing to the standard they have formed. Can I get a perspective on
that. Is it necessary to know what he meant to get the hint. Or should
I find out what federal judges think he meant by those writings.
| 11.08.05 - 11:32 pm | #
The code doesn’t have
show liability — in tax law
and in the eyes of the courts a waiver may be all that is necessary to
establish a relationship with the taxing agencies.
"A waiver"... Nexus / priviledge-
Don't read the law- #4.
Nothing is wrong- #6.
If there is no liability, there can be no tax due.
If you don’t know
how to rebut that relationship you’ll be compelled to acquiesce to the
Resistance is futile- #4.
This is what has
happened to
Irwin and all the rest of
the patriots over a 35-year period.
Resistance is futile- #5.
Quoting: “The
constitutional right against unjust taxation is given for the
protection of private property, and may be waived by those affected who
consent to such action to their property as would otherwise be
invalid…” (Cite omitted)
Quoting from where? Why is THIS particular "cite omitted"? Without a cite
the reader can not look up the context of the quote.
Key point above: “ would
otherwise be invalid…”
Okay, in all his postings so far, he has said that the people by their
actions acquiesce to having their property taken. In otherwords,
ever elusive "nexus".
Nexus / priviledge-
What does that mean to
and the rest of
America — is there a Constitutional solution? Yes!
Ethereal "solutions"- #8.
That issue should be
ripe for the Supreme Court within the next 1 -5 years depending on
Ethereal "solutions"- #9.
There’s still a great
of research and preparation
needed, along with support.
The why are you posting abnoxious posts to this blog instead of working
on the "great deal of research and
So, Grumpy, don’t give
hope; the
founding fathers provided us with the means to correct government
Ethereal "solutions"- #10.
You may wish to review my previous
postings within the last week.
That is exactly what I am doing. And I am reviewing all your
following postings from the next week(s)
| 11.09.05 - 2:05 am | #
I have read
of your post 'Per' and still do not have a clue.
Do you want us to
continue guessing, or are you going to tell us?
| 11.09.05 - 11:54 am | #
Whew! It's not just me.
It is not a question
giving you instant pudding but a
chance to find hope with the fact that there’s a positive direction
being developed — outside of the so-called patriot community.
Ethereal "solutions"- #11.
They're stupid- #21.
after 35 years, the patriot community has learned little from its
mistakes and continues headstrong using gimmicks and producing the same
old bad results.
They're stupid- #22.
And since he claims to be one of us, his failure to post information
that is useful or teaches... Well, just continue to read on.
Oh, but they have the
the courts must be
corrupt, one excuse after another; with the fanatical attitude: We’re
right and they’re wrong.
Denigrating attitude- #1.
That’s called a
Denigrating attitude- #2.
What makes
you think any of these patriot groups wants to find solutions to the
abuses of government?
Denigrating attitude- #3.
If you haven’t felt
pain, Jim, you will
because of your failure to get perspective.
Resistance is futile- #6.
The approach to
correcting any constitutional violation is a long and hard thought out
process – not to be confused with wishful thinking, “silver bullets,”
and off point frivolous arguments.
Ethereal "solutions"- #12.
Resistance is futile- #7.
| 11.09.05 - 2:37 pm | #
You have hit the nail
on the head. But there is
NO contract involved with the SS umbrella because there’s NO mutuality
between the parties. In other words, it’s a one-way street with no
equitable recourse; Congress can dissolve these programs at any time it
chooses and never pay the benefits.
He is actually correct regarding the fact that Congress can dissolve SS
at any time.
This socialistic
system is
the entire citizenry has been compelled to “volunteer,” which is an
impossibility of terms.
He seems to talk the talk in the above sentence.
These privileges come
attached with a GENERAL
INCOME TAX (excise tax) filing requirements at the end of each year.
If they are "privileges" then
not engaging the "privilege"
removes the nexus to the excise (privilege) tax. Again, the
purpose of
this web page is because perspective refuses to address what the "privilege" is.
Nexus / priviledge-
This is the reason the
government can call the filing requirement a
known legal duty. Why? Because of the relationship (accepted privilege)
you have created within the plenary taxing power of Congress, Article I
Section 8, Cl., 1 U.S. Constitution.
Nexus / priviledge-
Nothing is wrong- #7.
The Courts know this
little patience for those who, AFTER THE FACT, attempt to argue the
(“administrative law”) Codes.
Nothing is wrong- #8.
Resistance is futile- #8.
The complexity of this
socialistic relationship goes much deeper than you can imagine. You
have only identified a small part of the problem. Can it be shown that
these socialistic (New Deal) programs were repugnant to the United
States Constitution? YES!! To resolve this problem and many other
issues of RIGHT will take a new perspective—trusting in and supporting
the Constitution like you’ve never trusted in it before.
Ethereal "solutions"- #13.
And I just love this one: "trusting
in and supporting
the Constitution like you’ve never trusted in it before".
request of the patriot community is to go lightly on the judiciary,
because we won’t be able to change this by voting—WE’LL NEED THE
COURTS’ JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE. I suggest you read Federalist 78, which
will give you a better understanding of how the founding fathers gave
us an avenue to correct political usurpation.
Ethereal "solutions"- #14.
Nothing is wrong- #9. (with the courts.)
| 11.11.05 - 10:57 am | #
Duplicate post deleted to
your eyes.
| 11.10.05 - 11:10 am | #
Perspective guy,
You are right on!
Maybe that is why
all get mad at me when I ask them for a plan.
one has even thought far out enough to propose a workable solution to
the Federal Budget issues that would arise if the income tax and the
43% of Federal revenues went away. Most of them come back with a
"solution" of simply raising a different tax to make up the shortfall.
No one said the
needed critical thinking skills, an understanding
of economics, or basic reasoning skills.
Guy | 11.11.05 - 11:04 am | #
Reasonable guy,
Once you remove ALL
socialist government
programs, along with the un-constitutional use of our military for
imperialistic purposes, we can return to a limited Constitutional
government. The economic hardships would last for only a few years as
President Jackson found out when he refuse to endorse the National Bank
act of circa.1832. This country would then be free to go back producing
our own products again—once again becoming self-sufficient.
would be a crime to burden our future generations with this monster of
a debt. We’ll just have to go back to being families again instead of
villages. Don’t ya think?
| 11.11.05 - 11:28 am | #
Talks the talk.
Agreed, Perspective guy.
You have my vote as
most knowledgeable and reasonable (other than
yours truly) poster on the board.

Guy | 11.11.05 - 11:42 am | # |
Reasonable Guy,
I have four purposes
for my
1. To promote HOPE
The count of "Resistance is futile" stands at 8.
2. To give direction
The count of "ethereal solutions" stands at 14.
3. To protect the
So you claim.
4. To stop the
that has infiltrated the freedom movement.
In other words, you know that eventially the government's tyrannical
actions are going to lead to refreshing the Tree of Liberty and you
don't wan't to be tarred and feathered.
have been many great men and women involved in causes, to which they
gave their energies, resources, and support. Those people, however,
recognized the importance of their own beings, and added that vitality
to causes in which they believed. They did not submerge their
individuality to causes. Instead, they asserted their individuality,
and became more themselves. They extended their horizons, pushed beyond
the conventional mental landscapes-driven by zest and vitality, by
curiosity and love, and not by fear."
In view of the posting history, this is just so much bafflegab coming
from you.
| 11.11.05 - 12:01 pm | # |
Reasonable guy,
All citizenship
within the present
taxing system are frivolous and out of context.
They're stupid- #23.
Nothing is wrong- #10.
Resistance is futile- #9.
We are not a
Confederation but a REPUBLIC.
“In this country, every man
sustains a two-fold political capacity; one in relation to the state,
and another in relation to the United States. In relation to the state,
he is subject to various municipal regulations, founded upon the state
constitution and policy, which do not affect him in his relation to the
United States.” United States v. Worrall, 2 Dall. 384, 393, 1 L. Ed.
426; Houston v. Moore, 5 Wheat. 1, 31, 5 L. Ed. 19.
And your point was?
| 11.11.05 - 2:04 pm | # |
There have been many
men and women involved in
causes, to which they gave their energies, resources, and support.
Those people, however, recognized the importance of their own beings,
and added that vitality to causes in which they believed. They did not
submerge their individuality to causes. Instead, they asserted their
individuality, and became more themselves. They extended their
horizons, pushed beyond the conventional mental landscapesdriven by
zest and vitality, by curiosity and love, and not by fear.
Patronizing, Meaningless tripe- #5.
| 11.11.05 - 11:46 am | # |
perspective said, "Mary: Does anybody know how
we can fight and win?"
a matter of fact I do. If you spent your time wetting, calling and
emailing every person in congress, every newspaper and tried to help
everybody who is trying to expose what Judge Dawson did to Mr. Schiff
instead of writing your crap you could be instrumental in helping us
win. But, that would not feed your ego, would it?
Mary |
11.12.05 - 12:04 pm | #
is PERSPECTIVE: Mary, before you drag me into your arguments with CJ or
Jim, I suggest you re-read ALL of my posts for the last 2 weeks.
Which you have done by reading this far down on this page.
after careful consideration of my prior statements, you can formulate a
coherent question, I’ll do my best to answer you.
Denigrating attitude- #4.
Does he mean a coherent question like the one of mine that he refuses
to answer?
Obviously this one is not coherent.
"you’re under taxable privilege like
it or not"
What privilege?
You haven't read this yet, because it is further below when I engage
with perspective.
Up to this point I
haven’t found anyone on this “blog” except Jim who shows any interest
in finding a positive DIRECTION.
They're stupid- #24.
Ethereal "solutions"- #15.
Mr. Schiff, bless his soul,
is an economist, NOT a LEGAL mind.
They're stupid- #25.
The so-called freedom
pretty much started from (“his”) false premises of law.
They're stupid- #26.
He wasn’t the
first, however, with a false premise; A. J. Porth was the first that I
know of over 35 years ago with an equally bad attempt by using the 5th
Amendment against taxes.
They're stupid- #27.
The 5th Amendment does
conflict with the
taxing powers because it does not interfere with an issue of right;
otherwise, it would have been in conflict with the Constitution from
day one.
Nothing is wrong- #11.
Misrepresentation of position- #5.
As for Irwin’s
appeal: I earlier
suggested he might
have a possibility of succeeding in the fact that his attorney FAILED
TO SUBPOENA the government’s own witness – the psychologist.
"I suggested" "he might"
Ethereal "solutions"- #16.
appealable issue would be incompetent council. If the psychologist was
presented to the jury, Irwin most likely would have been able to
convince the jury of his good faith beliefs bring to his aid the Cheek
defense – notwithstanding his actual legal beliefs hold NO value in
They're stupid- #28. |
You seem to be trying
find some
answers. If you can formulate a reasonable and brief question, I’d be
happy, within my capacity, to do my best to respond.
So long as it's an answer he can obfuscate and dance with to make it
look like he has something of value to say, but when it's a questions
that exposes him, He'll ignore it until I create this web page.
As for me it’s all
about finding answers and freedom, and not just paying lip service to
the words, along with keeping an open mind.
Meaningless tripe- #6.
Now for a quote: "A
popular government without popular information, or the means of
acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps
both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to
be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which
knowledge gives." -- James Madison to W. T. Barry, August 4, 1822
Everybody else is stupid. They're stupid- #29.
| 11.12.05 - 2:19 pm | # |
CJ said:
you sound much like a former attorney in Dallas, I know
of, who is still searching.”
am not a lawyer, but in my research of many years, I have identified
many issues of rights to be addressed; I’ve already given you hints of
the NEXUS with the tax issue.
I'm smart-
Nexus / priviledge-
Did you miss it?
This nexus seems to be as ethereal as your "solutions".
Quite frankly,
the patriot community has a very bad track record dealing with legal
They're stupid- #30.
Is there a better way
regain our freedoms? Yes! That’s where
our research team, along with the attorneys, will come into play.
I'm not sure how to classify this statement. "Research
team". That
might be why the solutions are ethereal.... He doesn't have any.
we’re in a position to support a concerted effort, our doors will be
open to ALL freedom lovers. We expect that to be within 1-2 years,
Ethereal "solutions"- #17.
With all due respect, CJ, I deal in
issues — your comments have been constitutionally off point.
They're stupid- #31.
I'm smart-
As I’ve
said before, my main purpose for being on this “posting” is to stop the
bashing of the courts.
Nothing is wrong- #12.
Those that do are
constitutionally ignorant –
unless they want anarchy?
They're stupid- #32.
Love that connection constitutionally ignorant – anarchy
| 11.12.05 - 4:39 pm | #
There was in this country what was
known as inalienable rights—with
equally corresponding duty to respect the equal rights of others. We
must remind ourselves of those principles every once in a while; it
might help us regain dignity in our lives along with our self-respect.
America and the Constitution have been waiting to be rediscovered; we
must not let ignorance and blind pride deter us.
They're stupid- #33.
Ethereal "solutions"- #18.
| 11.12.05 - 6:24 pm | #
Reasonable Guy,
Thank you. When we're
up and
running you'll know
us by the quality of our work. We'll be creating a primer on
"Americaism." Remember to trust in the Constitution. It's our real hope
and direction.
I can't quite increase the count on the ethereal solutions, though I
want to.... So:
Meaningless tripe- #7.
| 11.12.05 - 7:02 pm | # |
Dear CJ,
To overcome what has
place in America, we must be
able to reach the level of Constitutional issues.
Again with the constitution.
That is my most
important point to you. If your research can go in that direction, more
power to you. Again, to overcome a statute, the burden of proof is on
Misrepresentation of position- #6. The taxing statutes are
perfectly constitutional. They are being misapplied by the IRS.
You are correct in that history will
help find us our answers.
Ethereal "solutions"- #19.
I wish you well--peace.
| 11.12.05 - 7:24 pm |#
CJ said: “Dear
Perspective, There is mounting evidence that the
Constitution weighs heavy in the favor of the people and the organic
state constitutions prior to the "revised statutes.””
response: The Constitutions Fed/State always weighs in favor of its
creators—We The People. As for “revised statutes,” this is a vague
statement—you must be specific, something to be aware of for staying on
point; it’s like writing an essay.
The ethreal solutions count presently stands at 19.
CJ said: “Also
merchant shows merit in the commercial arena and that is why I tried to
open discussion about the phony money (constitutionally) and what it
really is and means to the people.”
Response: The “Law
Merchant?” What’s your point? In other words, what application would
that argument have, for example, with the issue of taxes? None. Another
example: A lady once told me that this whole IRS thing is all Admiralty
Law. I looked directly in her eyes and I said, “Madam, are you telling
me we’re in a boat?” She gave me a dumbfounded look. Do you see the
absurdity of the statement or the claim? It’s completely out of context
regarding the IRS.
The money issue is a whole separate
argument, which has gotten enough
bad press. No comment.
It's not an argument, and it's not defensibly arguable anyway.
And it should get bad press. It's a bad system. Note to
self: Get that money page written.
for court bashing, they were NOT directed at you at all, CJ. Please
re-read my comments. They were directed only to those doing it.
Insulting or threatening any judge is just plain wrong!
And what country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not
warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to
the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a
century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to
time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."
Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334 (C.J. Boyd, Ed., 1950)
If you have
righteous issues, the higher courts will see them.
Perspective believes that gods inhabit the higher courts, immune from
the pressures of blackmail, political or otherwise; immune from greed
for power; immune from scratching a pol's back for some other
recompense and reciprocal back scratching.
| 11.12.05 - 9:07 pm | #
As for Irwin’s appeal: I earlier
suggested he might have a
of succeeding in the fact that his attorney FAILED TO SUBPOENA the
government’s own witness – the psychologist. The appealable issue would
be incompetent council. If the psychologist was presented to the jury,
Irwin most likely would have been able to convince the jury of his good
faith beliefs bringing to his aid the Cheek defense – notwithstanding
his actual legal beliefs hold NO value in law.
The above is a duplicate.
I won't increment the counters.
This same argument
be applied directly to Cindy—because her council should have dummied up
to the “Cheek” defense.
"dummied up"? dummy up. Slang. To keep silence; clam up.
Anyone else, I wouldn't make an issue of this, and would just ask for
clarification when a poster's fingers don't keep up with the poster's
He fail to subpoena Irwin’s psychologist, the
WHOLE court and jury knew she was totally influence by Irwin’s beliefs.
Underline emphasis mine.
Implied, he's smarter than Cindy's lawyer:
They're stupid- #34.
I'm smart-
only problem with this argument is I’m not sure if his stand-by council
was for questioning Irwin only? In other words the question becomes in
what capacity the lawyer was appointed to assist Irwin. It’s still
worth a try—on due process failure to allow “evidence,” which would
have shown “good faith belief.” It doesn’t matter with Cindy because it
is clear her council put up little to no defense regarding her “good
faith beliefs.”
Armchair Quarterback.
| 11.13.05 - 10:26 am | #
I'm hoping the transcripts will be
avialable soon. They should
overflow with appealable issues.
to the trials ahead, it seems to me that folks need to spend more time
on voir dire. The make up of the jury is critical to the outcome.
point I would like to see researched is the "peers" issue. The
constitution guarantees us a jury of our peers. Does that mean twelve
folks picked at random from the streets. I'd like to see the case law
on jury make up.
Jahn | 11.13.05 - 10:45 am | # |
Researching juries can
found at 47 Am. Jur. 2nd.
I prefer the older law books myself because they contain much more
foundational background.
§ 1 Definitions
[47 Am
Jur 2d JURY]
term jury connotes a deliberative body of persons. 1 A jury is a body
of laypersons selected by lot, or by some other fair and impartial
means, 2 to ascertain, under the guidance of a judge, the truth in
questions of fact arising either in a civil or criminal proceeding. 3 A
common-law jury is a jury of 12 persons, no more and no less, 4
summoned from the vicinity, 5 duly examined 6 and sworn 7 to try the
cause 8 on the facts presented by the evidence introduced at the trial.
9 As used in a constitutional or statutory provision, the term "jury"
is ordinarily understood to mean a common-law jury if no other jury was
known in law at the time of the adoption of the constitution. 10 A
petit jury is a trial jury, sometimes called a "traverse jury" 11 or a
"common jury." 12
"Talesmen" are jurors
returned from
bystanders or the body of the county to complete a panel after the list
of regular jurors is exhausted because of challenge or other cause. 13
Sometimes the word "talesmen" is used synonymously with "jurors." 14
Footnote 1. People ex
Hunter v District Court of Twentieth
Judicial Dist. (Colo) 634 P2d 44.
Footnote 2.
§§ 100
et seq.
Footnote 3. State v
Moon, 20
Idaho 202, 117 P 757; State v Stentz, 30
Wash 134, 70 P 241.
Footnote 4. Generally
as to
the number of jurors, see § 211.
Footnote 5.
§§ 27,
Footnote 6.
§§ 189
et seq.
Footnote 7.
§§ 217
et seq.
8. People v Howard, 211 Cal 322, 295 P 333, 71 ALR 1385 (disapproved on
other grounds by People v Thomas, 25 Cal 2d 880, 156 P2d 7).
9. People ex rel. Hunter v District Court of Twentieth Judicial Dist.
(Colo) 634 P2d 44; State v James, 96 NJL 132, 114 A 553, 16 ALR 1141.
Footnote 10. Pitznogle
Western M. R. Co., 119 Md 673, 87 A 917.
Footnote 11.
Commonwealth v
Wright, 79 Ky 22, 1 Ky LR 258.
Footnote 12.
Law Dict.
13. Lovejoy v United States, 128 US 171, 32 L Ed 389, 9 S Ct 57; Usner
v Strobach (La App 1st Cir) 591 So 2d 713, cert den (La) 592 So 2d
1289; Taylor v State, 87 Tex Crim 330, 221 SW 611; State v Mayo, 42
Wash 540, 85 P 251.
Generally as to the
selection of talesmen, see § 129.
Footnote 14. Clark v
States, 289 US 1, 77 L Ed 993, 53 S Ct 465.
| 11.13.05 - 11:09 am | #
A reasonable post. I don't have any biting comments to make.
Quoting “. . . Trial Logs
currently covering the
government's prosecution of those who question the application of the
income tax laws. It is our hope that this coverage will help us
understand the failings of our justice system and help those struggling
to comprehend this nation's income tax laws.”
Your Trial Logs
focus is on the wrong department of government.
Unsubstantiated assertion-
It has been Congress
that has put us in this sad position not the judiciary.
Half correct. Unsubstantiated assertion- count stays at 5.
You may want to
review my comments for the last few weeks?
Anybody that has stomached your nonsubstantive comments on this web
page HAS reviewed your comments.
In the present state
affairs the only sane thing that can stop the government from
destroying this Country is a concerted effort to bringing legitimate
Constitutional challenges before the United States Supreme Court.
There's that Constitutional thing again. What part of the tax law
perfectly constitutional, though convoluted, do you not understand?
tax issue is ONLY one of many issues that need resolve.
Talks the talk.
Or the patriot
community can continue to victimize itself with no end in sight?
They're stupid- #35.
| 11.13.05 - 9:08 pm | #
Your Trial Logs focus is
the wrong
department of government. It has been Congress that has put us in this
sad position not the judiciary. You may want to review my comments for
the last few weeks? In the present state of affairs the only sane thing
that can stop the government from destroying this Country is a
concerted effort to bringing legitimate Constitutional challenges
before the United States Supreme Court. The tax issue is ONLY one of
many issues that need resolve. Or the patriot community can continue to
victimize itself with no end in sight?
My goal is to
the injustice the pervades our justice system in a manner that makes it
obvious to anyone that cares to look. And, I believe we have witnessed
numerous judicial abuses over the past few trials. I hope to highlight
those using transcripts and legal opinions on a companion web site in
the near future.
Once we have that,
we can
draw the publics attention to the problem and
demand action from congress.
Article III,
section 1 of
our constitution states that judges "...shall
hold their Offices during good Behavior,..."
Using that
doctrine, it
is clearly time for Kent Dawson and others to
leave the bench.
nonsense goes on in our courts because citizens have allowed it to go
on. We all know congress won't act until the people demand action.
hope is that we can work together to bring attention to the problem and
work to clean it up. It seems like a pretty simple goal, at least it
should be.
Jahn | 11.15.05 - 7:14 am | # |
David said: “My goal is to
expose the injustice the pervades our
justice system in a manner that makes it obvious to anyone that cares
to look. And, I believe we have witnessed numerous judicial abuses over
the past few trials . . .”
Dear David,
Carefully re-read my postings, setting
aside your pre-conceived
This entire web page is dedicated, so to speak, to re-reading your
postings. You haven't said much yet, for all your words.
And disregard
using my handle. These pretenders
are easy to spot because of their obvious off point statements and
incoherent gibberish.
Not by what I have seen so far.
Let me now assure you I understand your
frustrations regarding the courts.
One of us- #8
15 years ago I would
been just
as adamant with your position as you are right now.
One of us- #9.
So, in the fifteen years since you were (according to your unproven
assertions) one of us, What have you learned. I submit NOTHING
that is what you have posted of ongoing substance... NOTHING.
But the fact of the
LEGAL matter is . . . your anger is misplaced.
I'm smart-
Denigrating attitude- #5.
This is what’s
fundamentally missing from the patriot’s awareness — a lacking of
Constitutional knowledge.
They're stupid- #36.
I'm smart-
Ask yourself a very
question: Does
Congress have the Constitutional power to tax? YES!
Misrepresentation of position- #7. Though convoluted, the tax is
perfectly constitutional.
Now ask yourself what a DIRECT tax is.
Then look and see if the Code,
the written words of law, actually tax those items that can only be
taxed by a DIRECT tax.
Then look at the weasel clauses used to trap the ignorant into signing
under penalties of perjury that they have "income in it's
constitutional sense" when in fact, very few of us do.
Does the United
States Courts have the power to legislate from the bench? NO!
Since legislating from the bench is not the issue, and since there has
been no substance ADDED to the point of legislating from the bench:
increment tripe counter.
Meaningless tripe- #8.
Unknowingly, by
your anger to the courts, the patriot’s
position is in actuality asking the Courts to overthrow Congress’
taxing power by allowing frivolous legal arguments into the courts and
before the juries.
Unsubstantiated assertion-
You sure don't seem to know very damn much about my position---
the written words of law say what they mean, and mean what they say.
Misrepresentation of position- #8.
The only issues before
tax trials are matter
of facts already established WITHIN the jurisdiction of an
Administrative Agency.
You actually get one brownie point for being correct. But I have
to take it away because the "Administrative Agency" (IRS) has LIED to the
the IRS has manipulated IMF's to show liability that does not lawfully
exist, and the IRS has coercing bankers by the "notice of levy" fraud
to illegally convert personal property.
to second source about IRS lies.
The trial courts are
not in
the position to
overturn the administrative jurisdiction; that’s up to the defendant.
Misrepresentation of position- #9.
The comparison would
be like
attempting to argue before a divorce court
that the marriage license has NO application. Too late!!
If the marrige licensce has no application, why was that individual
railroaded into the divorce court?
the point: UNTIL the patriots come to the understanding that only by a
legitimate Constitutional challenge properly brought before the U.S.
Supreme Court can we regain our freedoms; otherwise these tax trials
They're stupid- #37.
Ethereal "solutions"- #20.
If the govenment ignores due process leading up to these tax
Why the hell do you think they are going to honor process leading up to
what ever your ethereal solutions are?
| 11.15.05 - 10:55 am | #
Dear Mary,
CJ Said: “. . . But I
be lead around
blindly for that would be an unconscionable act against myself. IF
there are true reasons why things are the way they are, those reasons
should be explored.”
I agree with CJ’s
Good points—one
should always question, especially when dealing with law, if they are
on solid ground or quicksand.
But never question the written words of law itself... That is the tone
of perspective's posts to come.
Short-to-the-point comments, are
a good policy for everyone.
So when are you going to get to your point?
CJ—Anonymous was out
line. Intolerance
is a sure sign of fanaticism so let’s ALL find a way to be reasonable—I
believe everyone on these postings down deep is sincerely looking for
I don't have a category for false humility. Since the post itself
effect calls the anonymous in question a fanatic, I'm chalking one up
Ad hominem- #5.
1. Where would you
exploring for “true reasons” why things are
the way they are?
2. Would you suggest
in history books or law books, and do you
have any suggestions as to which ones would be good?
3. Have you found
resources to discern for solutions to this
tax impasse?
4. Are you limited to
Internet, as it seems many of the patriots
5. What would you
for patriots who don’t even use computers,
and only have in house materials shared by groups?
Thank you.
Talking the talk.
| 11.15.05 - 4:17 pm | #
I would like to make a book
suggestion-- a good starting point
every patriot. Get a copy of the Federalist and the CD from Mary
Webster. She worked very hard to produce this wonderful book. It is the
definitive source of what the Constitution really means. If we're going
to restore limited government we'll first have to know the fundamental
principles of the country. The cost is reasonable.
| 11.15.05 - 5:45 pm | #
He's sort of talking the talk.
I appreciate you
answers —
you have discerned there is
a conflict that isn’t being addressed within the patriot community.
Since perspective doesn't explain or address the "conflict", tally one
for They're stupid- #38.
Your dissection of the
“Economy” case is correct in my opinion; that
case has misled many people in the patriot community.
They're stupid- #39.
From Dave Champion's web page:
In this section we do not address the broad category of all taxes that
bring in revenue, but only subtitle A "income tax".
Despite all
the controversy concerning income tax, subtitle "A" is really rather
simple once it is placed in its proper context. Subtitle "A" contains
the various sections that impose an income tax on individuals,
corporations, partnerships, etc., as well as the formulas for the rate
of the taxes imposed.
Americans today feel that the IRC applies to everyone. No matter how
many Americans believe it to be true it is still factually and legally
inaccurate. The IRC only applies to "taxpayers". This
is a pivotal point. Let's see what the federal courts have said on this
"The revenue laws are a code or system in
regulation of tax assessment and collection. They relate to
taxpayers, and not to nontaxpayers. The latter are without their scope.
No procedure is prescribed for nontaxpayers, and no attempt is made to
annul any of their rights and remedies in due course of law. With
them [nontaxpayers] Congress does not assume to deal, and they
are neither of the subject nor of the object of the revenue laws".
[emphasis added]
Economy Plumbing and Heating Co. v. United States,
470 F. 2d 585 (1972)
As you can see, the IRC does not
apply to everyone. Of course we really haven't resolved anything
because most Americans also believe themselves to be "taxpayers". Why
do they believe that? Because they've been told that
they are. And not just told by this person or that, but told by everyone!
Geez…everyone can't be wrong - can they? To the chagrin of Americans
who have taken the time to actually read the law, they find out that,
"yes", everyone who said he or she is a taxpayer was wrong. |
Between the
“non-taxpayer” arguments
If one is NOT a taxpayer, the IRC Does not apply. It's actually
pretty simple. Any attempt to "argue" is yours.
along with “Sec. 6331
is a page that I just slapped together. The paper version I
was working on is more detailed. I need to dress this one up and
add the citing links.
Can you say "Due Process Violation"? They violated my right to
due process.
those two
misdirected claims have seen many miles of hard road; they were added
to the “voluntary” and “what makes me liable” arguments around 1983.
Denigrating attitude- #6.
the United States the courts act on a “case” by “case” bases. So be
careful from a historical point of view; it can be misleading to cite
excerpts from cases, which are off point or out of context. In other
words we’re NOT a “Roman Civil Law Country” so one case doesn’t fit
Boy oh boy, He sure makes it look like he knows something, but
since he never connects statements such as this to anything,
Meaningless tripe- #9.
Forgive me for asking but do you
believe “citizenship” is
somehow a part of your issue? Or is it something else along “status”
lines? AS you’ve said you may not feel comfortable addressing those
question on this site. Which is perfectly ok with me if you do not
I think this is enough for now.
Yes it is, as I look at the scrollbar on my HTML editor I see that I'm
only 1/4 through his spew and he has since posted more.
P.S. I
posted some appealable issues a while back for Irwin and Cindy — I
wouldn’t have a clue if Irwin is considering them. This is for JIM.
Everybody join me in some sarcastic applause.
| 11.15.05 - 7:37 pm | #
Perspective wrote:
Carefully re-read my
postings, setting aside your pre-conceived
I'm lucky if I can
time to read them the first time. 
me now assure you I understand your frustrations regarding the courts.
15 years ago I would have been just as adamant with your position as
you are right now. But the fact of the LEGAL matter is . . . your anger
is misplaced.
I'm not angry.
This is what’s
fundamentally missing from the patriot’s awareness — a lacking of
Constitutional knowledge. Ask yourself a very simple question: Does
Congress have the Constitutional power to tax? YES! Does the United
States Courts have the power to legislate from the bench? NO!
Unknowingly, by directing your anger to the courts, the patriot’s
position is in actuality asking the Courts to overthrow Congress’
taxing power by allowing frivolous legal arguments into the courts and
before the juries.
This is where we
disagree. The jury can
judge the law and the person. Judges are now doing everything they can
to prevent defendants from presenting there case involving egregious,
misinterpreted or misapplied laws.
The only issues before
these tax trials are matter of facts already established WITHIN the
jurisdiction of an Administrative Agency. The trial courts are not in
the position to overturn the administrative jurisdiction; that’s up to
the defendant.
It would also be up
the jury in a fair trial!
The comparison would be
attempting to argue before a divorce
court that the marriage license has NO application. Too late!!
the point: UNTIL the patriots come to the understanding that only by a
legitimate Constitutional challenge properly brought before the U.S.
Supreme Court can we regain our freedoms;
You actually have
in the supreme court? I lost hope in that body
years ago.
And the Kelo decision where the current Supreme Court
gutted the unalienable Right to Property just re-inforces the lack of
otherwise these tax
may be the case, but my purpose here is to assure people get a decent
trial. I'll say it again, we have just witnessed three trials and I
believe each of these defendants was subjected to judicial abuse.
That is not
Right or wrong, people deserve their day in
court before an impartial judge.
don't believe that is an unreasonable excpectation, and I believe we
have every right to demand proper conduct in these courts.
It is time for the
in this country to take notice and demand
action before it is to late.
The process is
1. Identify the
2. Build support by
informing the public of the problem.
3. Demand action
from our
legislators to resolve the problem.
I'm hoping there
enough people out there that care enough to help
bring attention to the problem.
Jahn | 11.15.05 - 9:51 pm | # |
The following are few
of my
postings. I'll be happy to support any
questions you may have.
A Freudian slip to the thuth. To "support" questions, one posts
things that raise questions.
A totally different thing from answering questions.
1158 duplicate words deleted to save your eyes.
| 11.15.05 - 10:41 pm | #
Your lack of faith in
Supreme Court is also a lack of
faith in the power of the U.S. Constitution.
Nothing is wrong- #13.
Directly contradicted by the Kelo decision where the current Supreme Court
gutted the unalienable Right to Property.
When the patriot
seemingly had no answers 20 years ago, it turned its back on the
Constitution and opted for administrative issues.
They're stupid- #40.
Why? Simply because
the so-called patriot leaders were not fundamentally grounded in the
Constitution to reach the Supreme Court with any judicial questions.
They're stupid- #41.
Misrepresentation of position- #10. The issues DO NOT NEED TO GO
THE SUPREME COURT. The issues need to go to an honest lower court.
Court, by an unbroken line of decisions from Chief Justice Marshall to
the present day, has steadily adhered to the rule that every possible
presumption is in favor of the validity of an act of Congress until
overcome beyond rational doubt.” (cite omitted)
Nobody is claiming Congress made taxing statutes outside the bounds of
the Constitution.
Misrepresentation of position- #11.
And again with the missing cite.
| 11.15.05 - 11:27 pm | #
11:27Pm should read Perspective
| 11.15.05 - 11:34 pm | #
| 11.15.05 - 11:27 pm said
Your lack of faith in the Supreme Court is also a lack of faith in the
power of the U.S. Constitution.
constitution is still there, but I don't believe it means a whole lot
to the Supreme Court. They have perverted its meaning over the years
and are getting worse. This is the land of presidentially declared
wars, fiat currency, restrictions on second amendment rights, check
points on our highways, no knock search warrants, secret searches of
our homes, and eminent domain abuses. The list goes on. What do you see
being left of the consitution?
When the patriot
seemingly had no answers 20 years ago, it turned its back on the
Constitution and opted for administrative issues. Why? Simply because
the so-called patriot leaders were not fundamentally grounded in the
Constitution to reach the Supreme Court with any judicial questions.
The patriot
movement has
nothing to do with the last three trials and
is therefore irelevant to this conversation.
| 11.16.05 - 6:49 am | # |
It was Perspective Anonymous Not
Anonymous @| 11.15.05 - 11:27
Anonymous Said: |
11.16.05 - 6:49 am | #
constitution is still there, but I don't believe it means a whole lot
to the Supreme Court. They have perverted its meaning over the years
and are getting worse. This is the land of presidentially declared
wars, fiat currency, restrictions on second amendment rights, check
points on our highways, no knock search warrants, secret searches of
our homes, and eminent domain abuses. The list goes on. What do you see
being left of the constitution?”
You’ve made my point
Nothing is wrong- #14.
Re-read ALL my
postings for
the last two weeks.
Meaningless tripe- #10.
is NO excuse for failing your American duty in coming to the aid of the
Denigrating attitude- #7.
Quote: "Unless the people, through
action, arise and take charge of their government, they will find that
their government has taken charge of them. Independence and liberty
will be gone, and the general public will find itself in a condition of
servitude to an aggregation of organized and selfish interest." Calvin
Coolidge circa 1927
Sometimes quotes words that talk the talk. |
Anonymous Said: | 11.16.05 - 6:49 am
“The patriot
movement has nothing to do with the last three trials and
is therefore irelevant to this conversation.”
just watch three trials based on BAD PATRIOT arguments and they’re
Unsubstantiated assertion-
They're stupid- #42.
Don't read the law- #5.
Let’s see Irwin Schiff
“I’m NOT liable”—Roses—“I believe
in 861.”
I doubt you even understand what the 861 EVIDENCE is.
If it's so wrong, you should be able to answer to what the written
words of the law say and show the error of my reading.
Private invite. I'll set up a page just for you and I to argue the
written words of the law.
These issues are ALL
myths, notwithstanding the
mindset of their promoters and true believers.
Don't read the law- #6.
Denigrating attitude- #8.
Unsubstantiated assertion-
They're stupid- #43.
These bad arguments
you jailed, lose jobs, lose businesses, and lose of property, etc.
is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.
| 11.16.05 - 9:17 am | # |
| | 11.16.05 - 9:17 am
You’ve made my point
with your pessimisms. Re-read ALL my postings for the last two weeks.
Ignorance is NO excuse for failing your American duty in coming to the
aid of the Constitution.
Believe me, I'm
on all
fronts. However, the focus of this site is the perversion of our
courts. If you want to restore a constitutional government, I would
suggest supporting the Libertarian Party. I would also wish you good
luck with that effort as the people of this nation have embrassed
You’ve just watch three
based on BAD
PATRIOT arguments and they’re irrelevant? Let’s see Irwin Schiff — “I’m
NOT liable”—Roses—“I believe in 861.” These issues are ALL patriot
myths, notwithstanding the mindset of their promoters and true
believers. These bad arguments get you jailed, lose jobs, lose
businesses, and lose of property, etc.
WRONG! Patriot
are [not] based soley on unsubstantiated beliefs that do not hold up
legal research. Right or wrong, the last three trials were all deeply
rooted in well researched interpretation of written law.
our government has been evading the questions raised in these trials
for years. It should come as no surprise that even after convicting
each of these people, the government continued to avoid the questions.
Jahn | 11.16.05 - 9:36 am | # |
David said: “Obviously, Gerry
Spence holds a low opinion of
judges, and
obviously if judges treat Gerry Spence in this manner, you can imagine
how they treat a pro se citizen trying to defend themselve.”
Spence is a criminal defense lawyer—mostly capital cases. I agree with
you there are lots of political hacks on the bench. I’ve been saying
this for many years there’s too much incompetence and politics in the
law profession.
Which would INCLUDE the Suprem Court.
After debating with myself, I decide to NOT decrease the nothing is
wrong count. It remains at 14.
I believe most of the
Schools stopped teaching
substantial Constitutional law approximately 90 years ago. The attorney
system is too specialized for most of them to waste their time on a
non-money maker like Constitutional law.
"I Believe"...
Your opinion is noted.
Notwithstanding what
you or I or even Gerry Spence feels about judges—that doesn’t change
the fact that Irwin and the Roses were not in a position to put the
“law” on trial. These tax trials are SELF-IMPOSED omission or
commissions under Administrative Law.
Does Babelfish have a gobbledegook interpreter?
If you have a
the law you have to challenge it before trial; it becomes almost
impossible to challenge any law once subjected to the trial courts
jurisdictions, even on appeal.
The law is NOT what is being challenged. The incorrect
APPLICATION of the law is the problem.
Misrepresentation of position- #12.
This is why, as Irwin found out, he was
continually putting himself in contempt—this is just the way court
rules work it has nothing to do with if the judge is a nice guy or not.
Nothing is wrong- #15.
Here's a link to the transcripts to the Vernice Kuglin
trial so you can see how an honest court deals with the issue.
Your reliance on juries is also
misplaced—even with Jury
Nullification it still doesn’t address the issues of law in tax trials.
Jury Nullification is the only true FINAL check on governmental abuse
of power. Rumor has it, it was jury nullification that forced the
government to drop the prohibition, since they couldn't convict anyone
for violating a known legal duty (not to imbibe, transport, etc.).
Prohibitions (booze) utilized jury nullification, fugitive slave laws
applied jury nullification; but attempting to use jury nullification
regarding a challenge to Congress’ taxing power is far fetched.
Jury nullification on the issues of prohibition and fugitive slave laws
was about nullifying the actual words of law.
The tax issue is NOT about challenging Congress' power to tax...
Though if the people speaking through the juries nullified every tax
case, you would be just as wrong as if you had said: 'Your reliance on juries is also
misplaced—even with Jury
Nullification it still doesn’t address the issues of law in prohibition
trials." Or if you had said; 'Your
reliance on juries is also misplaced—even with Jury
Nullification it still doesn’t address the issues of law in fugitive
slave trials.'
The issue is about the IRS failing to follow due process rules; failing
to follow the law; failing to follow the regulations; failing to answer
questions for the purpose of, and I quote from the IRS mission
statement, "Provide
America’s taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and
meet their tax responsibilities and by applying the tax law with
integrity and fairness to all."
Misrepresentation of position- #13.
taxing power was one of the main reasons the Constitution was created
to support a Union and therefore those powers are PLENARY.
Correct. And Congress could tax a natural person's revenue
(property exchanged for property) by laying an apportioned tax.
It’s true
the jury could prevent criminal convictions one case at a time, but the
odds using the so-called good faith cheeks defense isn’t worth it.
Resistance is futile- #10.
Besides our freedom
will NOT
come about arguing taxes issues,
Resistance is futile- #11.
the real
issues are about liberty , and issues of property rights.
Correct, however in the case of property rights, you want to put your
faith in the Supreme Court who have already gutted unalienable property
rights with the the Kelo decision.
Taxes are off
point issues, and only reflect the effect not the causes of our
problems, which is, for the most part, federalized socialism.
As Dave Champion has pointed out, it is in the arena of taxation where
the tyranny is most noticable.
| 11.16.05 - 10:50 am | #
David said:
me, I'm working on all fronts. However, the
focus of this site is the perversion of our courts. If you want to
restore a constitutional government, I would suggest supporting the
Libertarian Party. I would also wish you good luck with that effort as
the people of this nation have embrassed communism.”
You have
the part about communism right—but trying to defend the Constitution is
not likely to take place in the political arena.
Nor is it going to take place in the Supreme Court. Kelo decision.
The political approach
with the current state of affairs is a weak version of formal redress.
What redress? See my next response.
Our best chance of
is by taking Constitutional issues before
the courts.
Nothing is wrong- #16.
Something is VERY wrong:
Kelo decision.
“The Constitution is a written
instrument. As
such, its meaning does not alter. That which it meant when adopted, it
means now.” (Cite omitted)
I actually agree whole heartedly with this statement. He's
talking the talk.
David said:
Patriot myths
are [not] based soley on unsubstantiated beliefs that do not hold up
legal research. Right or wrong, the last three trials were all deeply
rooted in well researched interpretation of written law.”
almost 30 years, and in the trenches, first hand knowledge goes beyond
wishful thinking.
One of us- #10.
I'm smart-
ALL—and I said ALL—
tax arguments are
Constitutional myths — Irwin’s arguments and all the rest.
They're stupid- #44.
Misrepresentation of position- #14.
Don't read the law- #7.
Does it take
every patriot to go through hell to prove it?
What is your definition of the word "it"?
My definition is that the IRS is NOT following the law.
The patriot community
NO direction and NO issues —
They're stupid- #45.
and with their present
arguments they will
only continue to frustrate those involved.
I haven't really seen you address what "their present arguments" are.
I don't think you know what mine are.
Many good people are
involved who are sincerely interested in regaining their freedoms but
who won’t realize it through mythical approaches.
Nor will they realize regaining their freedoms using your mythical
Supreme Court mythical approaches.
Kelo decision.
Ken Evans refund lawsuit.
was right when he said of the great ideas in history that "all truth
passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is
violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self evident."
Yep. And that includes realizing what the written words of law
actually say.
in the patriot rut — yell and scream all you want that “the courts are
corrupt” and all the rest — and all you will have accomplished is
changing the date on the Calendar.
They're stupid- #46.
Denigrating attitude- #9.
| 11.16.05 - 11:59 am | #
CJ said: “Legislative
writes the tax law but does not force
to fall under all that law. Most people do not pay the booze distill
tax. Why not? It doesn't apply to them and they made that decission,
not the congress.”
you — you’ve just given the definition of VOLUNTARY tax. Exactly —
that’s right out of American Jurisprudence. In proper circumstances the
acceptance of any government privilege (excise) would end the argument.
Nexus / priviledge-
Nexus / priviledge: the whole point of this web page.
Once the “privilege”
been accepted, the excise tax liability
becomes mandatory, along with all the Administrative code enforcements.
Nexus / priviledge-
Its enforcement now
“as law,” as stated by the courts. In other
words, the meaning becomes: ALL those who come within these privileges
are “in like and similar circumstances, ” and will be treated as such.
Nexus / priviledge-
the subject matter to another level, we may find the door has become
legally jarred. Through research it can be shown there is a point where
instead of a voluntary tax it becomes a question of extortion.
Voluntary = Electing of free will to do the privileged (excise taxable)
activity = Nexus / priviledge-
It's not extortion. It's outright fraud on the part of the
To show people that the fraud exists, the people must be shown what the
written words of law actually say... AND MEAN. Not what the
people are
tricked into thinking they mean.
Even though he was just talking the talk, he follows up with:
That is
as much as I care to say for now, because the issues are only at the
outline stages.
Since nobody can be trusted with the outline of the issues:
They're stupid- #47.
One added thought: The question comes
within the patriot community (I’m paraphrasing): “The government
refuses to answer our questions of law.” Why? Congress and government
agencies are not in the position to give legal advice — the Congress
writes the laws (and the courts assume Congress has stayed within their
Constitutional powers until shown differently); the agencies enforce
them; that leaves the courts as the only branch left to interpret them.
Void for Vagueness Doctrine - google
Void for Vagueness Doctrine - AltaVista
My opinion is that the government refuses to answer the questions,
because if they do, they will be forced to admit that the written words
of law doesn't say what the government wants to pretend, and keep the
general population believing, the written words of law say. See
Accidental Confession" in the table following this one.
And here’s the hard
the courts do not give advisory opinions –
it’s up to the citizenry to bring the right issues. What about Tax
Court? It’s legislative in nature and its only purposes is in
determining “AMOUNTS” of tax in dispute.
Therefore, nontaxpayers should NEVER go to tax court.
Perspective | 11.16.05
1:24 pm | # |
Accidental Confession
Dear Subscriber,
Rather than "importance," I should probably say that the "Amazingness"
factor on this message is 7, if not 10.
Before going on, be sure you're at least somewhat familiar with the
"six deadly questions" found here:
For convenience, I'll summarize the questions:
Questions 1 & 2
ask who
should use 861 and its regs to determine their taxable income (and ask
where the law says who should use them).
Question 3 asks if 861 and its regs show the income of the average
American to be taxable.
Question 4 asks about how to determine if the "items" of income one
receives are taxable or not.
Question 5 asks the purpose of the list of non-exempt income in
1.861-8T(d)(2)(iii), and asks why the income of the average American is
not on the list.
Question 6 asks which income is exempted by the Constitution itself
(though not by any statute).
Again, if you can't answer those question, it is IMPOSSIBLE to
determine your "taxable income," and therefore impossible to determine
what you owe.
As you probably know, thousands have sent out those questions, and by
now most of those who sent them out have received a copy of that ridiculous IRS
form letter, Letter 3175, which says nothing at all about taxable
income, gross income, Section 861, etc.
Well, one of the question-askers was not content with evasions and
insults, and wrote to his Congressmen, complaining about the IRS'
failure to answer.
The Congressman sent the letter to the IRS, who eventually responded
with another letter. While that letter only confirms what many of
us knew already,
the fact that they ADMITTED it (in writing, no less) is stunning.
Here is what the IRS had to say about their previous failure to answer
the questions mentioned above:
"The questions are constructed in such a way that any answer could be
construed to support arguments that the tax laws of this country do not
apply to the questioner or his/her income."
Read that a few times, and let the significance sink in. The IRS
just admitted that they CANNOT answer the specific questions, without
the conclusion that the one who asked the questions DOESN'T OWE THE
TAX. (And yes, they WERE constructed in a way so the IRS couldn't
answer them
without the truth being told.)
If this was one of those "when did you stop beating your wife"
questions, they might have reason to complain. But simple logic
dictates that in the
case of the person writing the letter, there can only be ONE right
answer to each question. Either he should, or he shouldn't, use
the rules under 861
to determine his taxable income. Either those sections show his
income to be taxable, or they don't. And so on. And of
course, we WELCOME
any elaboration they want to give, in case just "yes" or "no" isn't
In short, the IRS just admitted that they CANNOT specifically tell you
how to determine your taxable income, because if they did, it would
the idea that your income IS NOT TAXABLE. The letter then says
"Clearly, the IRS cannot provide fodder for those who promote or accept
these frivolous and self-serving arguments. Therefore, the
response of the
IRS group manager properly does not attempt to answer Mr. [redacted]'s
Got that? It is PROPER for them NOT to tell you how to determine
what you owe, because if they did, it would SUPPORT the conclusion that
owe nothing. Of course, they have to make the accusation that
such a conclusion is "frivolous" and "self-serving." (I'm sure
nothing politicians
and bureaucrats ever do is self-serving.)
Instead of actual ANSWERS, the IRS sent the person the ever-popular,
and ever-irrelevant "Why Do I Have to Pay Taxes" pamphlet, which
(according to the IRS) "make[s] clear the legitimacy of our nation's
tax laws [who was questioning that?] and the tax responsibilities of
Americans." By giving the person a copy of that pamphlet, the IRS
employee claims to have "attempted to discharge our obligation to help
Mr. [redacted] understand and meet his tax responsibilities."
Then they say this: "Until he is willing to accept the facts in these
documents, and recognize that the law does in fact require him to file
a return showing all
his income, from whatever source derived, I am not sure we can help him
Read that one a couple times too, until the true meaning of it sinks
in. Until you are willing to accept that you owe, based on
assertions, insults and
threats, instead of asking those darn questions about what THE LAW
ITSELF SAYS... well, the IRS just won't be able to help you. (As
usual, the IRS letter
ends with a thinly veiled threat of prosecution.)
I hope you feel well served. Now stop asking those darn
questions! Sit down, shut up, and pay whatever some bureaucrat
SAYS you owe.
Have a nice day.
Larken Rose
Second Look
Dear Subscriber,
First of all, in response to my "Accidental Confession" note, a bunch
of you wanted to see the letter. It is now posted, and the two
pages can be seen here:
But after snickering about it for a while, I looked at it again, and
something else occurred to me:
The poor IRS employees, while whining about why they can't answer the
questions, said that the questions are such that "any answer could be
construed to support arguments that the tax laws of this country do not
apply to the questioner or his/her income."
This isn't true.
Only CERTAIN answers would support such a conclusion.
I whole-heartedly concur that they can't give the CORRECT answers,
without those answers supporting the conclusion that the person doesn't
owe the tax. But in saying that, they are making another rather
significant admission (which didn't occur to me the first time
The comments from the IRS rule out several possible combinations of
answers, and in doing so GIVE us the CORRECT answers.
For example, suppose the IRS were to answer this way:
"Yes, you SHOULD use 861 and its rules, and...
Yes, they show your income to be taxable."
Why didn't they give THOSE as answers?
Would those answers support the idea that most of us don't owe the
tax? Obviously not. They would directly contradict the law,
so the IRS didn't want to give those as the answers, but those are NOT
the answers that they hesitated to give for fear of SUPPORTING the
conclusion that the questioner doesn't owe the tax.
If those were the correct answers (they aren't), the IRS would be
shouting them from the rooftops.
How about these possible answers?:
"No, you should NOT use the rules under 861...
(so it doesn't matter if they show your income to be taxable)."
If those statement were true, why would they hesitate to say
them? Would THOSE answers tend to support the conclusion that
most of us don't have taxable income?
Obviously NOT.
They don't want to give those answers because the LAW directly
contradicts them, but NOT because they could be "construed" to show
that the questioner's income isn't taxable.
Just taking the two issues of: 1) who should use the rules under 861,
and; 2) what do those rules show to be taxable; there is only ONE set
of answers which could possibly be "construed to support arguments that
the tax laws of this country do not apply to the questioner or his/her
And here are those answers:
"YES, you should use the rules under 861, and;
NO, they don't show your income to be taxable."
Those are the CORRECT answers, and the ONLY answers that they could
possibly fear might support the conclusion that the questioner doesn't
owe the tax. Those are the answers they were AFRAID to
It's like a murderer being questioned on the stand, complaining that if
he answers certain questions, it will make him look guilty.
Prosecutor: "Is this knife covered with blood your knife?"
Murderer: "Well gosh, if I answer that, the answer could be construed
to make me look guilty."
In other words, YES, it's his knife.
Prosecutor: "Where were you when the murder occurred?"
Murderer: "Well gosh, if I answer that, the answer could be construed
to make me look guilty."
In other words, he was at the scene of the crime.
Prosecutor: "Did you threaten the victim the day before the murder?"
Murderer: "Well gosh, if I answer that, the answer could be construed
to make me look guilty."
In other words, YES, he did threaten him.
Us: "Hey IRS, how do we determine what we owe."
IRS: "Well gosh, if we answer that, the answer could be construed to
show that you don't owe anything."
The answers that the IRS KNOWS to be the truth point to the conclusion
that most of us DON'T OWE the tax. Otherwise, they would have
answered the questions several YEARS ago.
Why hesitate to answer unless the correct answers make you look
They just accidentally admitted what the CORRECT answers are, by saying
that they're afraid to give them.
Larken Rose
CJ said: “I never like to
use the term "voluntary tax" for it
has confused/mislead many.”
right on that count there has been a great deal of misunderstanding of
the use of the term voluntary. Maybe it’s time to take out the mystery
of the terms “VOLUNTARY TAX”? The principle is very old and well
established as explained by the renowned Justice Cooley, circa 1860’s.
distinction between a property tax and an excise tax is set forth in
Cooley on Taxation (4th Ed.) Vol. I, page 131 “ . . . Another thing to
be noted, it has been said, is that the obligation to pay an excise tax
is based upon voluntary action of the person taxed in performing the
act, enjoying the privilege, or engaging in the occupation which is the
subject of the excise, and the element of absolute and unavoidable
demand, as in the case of a property tax, is lacking.”
He talk's the talk, and is very on
point with this post. With such a solid post such as this
one, one has to wonder why he has posted so much tripe.
"voluntary action of the person taxed
in performing the act, enjoying the privilege, or engaging in the
Nexus / priviledge-
| 11.16.05 - 7:18 pm | #
Darren Dirt said: “So folks, any
thoughts about what --
factually -- a (legal) "duty" actually is?”
I don’t think you want
play Law Dictionaries, please clarify your
W h a t i s
a l e g a
l d u t y?
Perspective | 11.16.05
7:52 pm | #
The Law,
I’ve known Irwin
since 1978—used his stuff got
my ass kicked. So what’s your point in picking on CJ? It’s time you
drop the B,S. or would you like to pick on me?
Since you insist on leading with your chin...
| 11.16.05 - 8:01 pm | #
Perspective says, "It’s time you drop
the B,S. or would you
like to
pick on me?"
Oh no! Perspective
here to protect his Honey and main squeeze CJ.
know by reading your crap that none of you clowns has ever been in
trouble with the IRS because you are afraid to do anything but pound
your chest and threaten the helpless using uninspired words as your
So until you are
to meet me face to face stick your, “would you
like to pick on me?" childish banter up your butt.
I know poor little old me is up against at least two clowns which is
not fair. So, to even things out I will only use one finger on my
keyboard to destroy both of you.
But now I feel bad
because if I had known Perspective and CJ were an
item I would not have been so truthful. NOT!
Law | 11.16.05 - 9:44 pm | # |
The Law,
Thanks a bunch this
log really needed some laughs!!!!!
Oh and remember: To
piles of trials with smiles — they’ll think
you need a physiologist. You could get lucky. 
| 11.16.05 - 11:05 pm | #
Denigrating attitude- #10. |
Right on with The Moody Blues. But did
you catch the
Freudian slip if you were thinking psychologist. We have not yet
determined if Law is a living organism. Ha! Ha!
| 11.16.05 - 11:36 pm | #
Denigrating attitude- #11. |
Lighten up a
activate your Anti-Virus program—It
has yet to be determined if “The Law” is safe to view—be ready to
quarantine at any moment if needed.
If you must be
Take the term—“Individual” use it as an Adjective instead of a Noun
when reading statutes. The term individual (adj) has more relationships
to privileges than individual in the noun form. But without the proper
context—none of these exercises have any meaning. So if you do the
do—you get the lumps. Sorry, my wife and myself haven’t stopped
laughing from “the laws” humor.
| 11.17.05 - 12:06 am | #
Denigrating attitude- #12. |
To the Law,
If you’re going to be
respected—you must
gain perspective.
Denigrating attitude- #13.
Now to answer ALL your
questions as kindly as I can;
they are simply immaterial to the cause of freedom.
Anybody notice a pattern here? He answers questions NOT.
Once under
administrative control the agency can screw with you just about anyway
they want.
So long as they do it within the written words of
law. Keep in
mind that NOTHING is done legally by government agencies and personnel
unless the actions are Authorized, Prescribed, and Circumscribed BY THE
Nothing is wrong- #17.
It’s ALL about
filing out forms, standing in lines,
and civil--criminal enforcement of regulations.
As Authorized, Prescribed, and Circumscribed BY THE WRITTEN WORDS OF
Even within the
administrative agency (IRS) your questions have very little meaning,
let alone any serious questions of law to be resolved.
Here's a direct quote of the IRS Mission Statement: "Provide
America’s taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and
meet their tax responsibilities and by applying the tax law with
integrity and fairness to all."
If the IRS won't answer questions, that's not exactly providing top
quality service to help the taxpayer understand their tax
responsibilities is it?
Law tells you to exhaust your administrative remedies—after all that is
over, and if you still think you have an issue—spend more money getting
it reviewed—in the end it will be denied. End of story—next!
Nothing is wrong- #18.
One can not "exhaust administrative remedies" when the
IRS STONEWALLS the administrative remedies process.
I fully realize your frustrations:
One of us- #11.
It’s understandable to
finer points of what you’re up against —law is a hard subject —
especially when Patriots, in general, have such a difficult time
distinguishing between legislative privileges, which are taxable, from
actual identifiable and defendable rights.
They're stupid- #48.
Nexus / priviledge-
States v Administrative Enters. (CA7 Ill) 46 F3d 670, 95-1 USTC 50083,
75 AFTR 2d 95-843 (there is no better illustration of the enforcement
of a sovereign right than the government's use of compulsory process to
determine a taxpayer's liability for unpaid taxes).
Resistance is futile- #12.
Did you
note the use of the terms “sovereign right” the reference comes from
“We The People.”
In other words, a collective right. There can not be any
right unless there is first, an individual right. Taking property
against the owner's will is STEALING. No individual has the right
STEAL. If no single person has a right to STEAL, There can
NOT be a
collective right to steal.
That’s where we’ve
government OUR delegated
power to collect taxes.
Collecting taxes is taking property (money). Taking property
the owner's will is STEALING. Calling the taking of property
the owner's will, "collecting taxes" does not change the fact that it
is collective theft.
Go read: § 1 Generally [35 Am Jur
speaking, the liability of a taxpayer to the federal government is a
debt and is subject to collection in the same way that other debts are
7701(a)(14) Taxpayer The term "taxpayer" means any
person subject to any internal revenue tax.
If a tax does not apply, according to the WRITTEN words of law
(statutes & regulations) then a person is NOT subject to that
particular tax. If a person is not subject to a particular tax,
person can NOT have a "liability of a taxpayer". No liability: No
However, the
government is
under no obligation to resort
to a court to collect a tax, since Congress has established a means
whereby unpaid taxes may be collected solely through administrative
When administrative due process is not being STONEWALLED.
The right of the
States to collect its internal revenue
by summary administrative proceedings has long been settled.” (Cites
So, other than Resistance is futile- #13, what was
purpose of the
quote? Proving Nothing is wrong- #19.
So, maybe the question you should be
asking yourself
is—how’d you get within the summary powers of the government? DO YOU
Yes, as a matter of fact. Something to do with the nexus of privilege.
He did talk the talk in that sentence. |
I HOPE you now realize why I have
RE-DIRECTED everyone’s attention to the U. S. Constitution. It’s
because within that document lie our answers and real chance to regain
our freedoms from oppressive government.
Ethereal "solutions"- #21.
Sigh.... Kelo decision.
Thank you
| 11.17.05 - 9:42 am | #
The Law | 11.17.05 -
12:30 pm
I gave you law—I gave
you a
chance to get respectable and become informed.
Denigrating attitude- #14.
They're stupid- #49.
"I gave you a
chance to get respectable and become informed. Not!! " ?????
Freudian slip?
You still insist
on being a joke.
Denigrating attitude- #15.
You even go beyond
and hold tightly to just
plain stupid.
Denigrating attitude- #16.
They're stupid- #50.
Jokes and Viruses need
to be
quarantined as a waste of
Denigrating attitude- #17.
Think of these parting
when your ship goes done. God I was
dumb—Irwin save me, and you’ll find he won’t be there. You’ll be broke
and ALL ALONE going nowhere but jail.
They're stupid- #51.
Resistance is futile- #14.
P.S. This is secret
Smith over and out.
Obviously, You don't understand proper
(I just had to give him some denigrating attitude on something I know
he is stupid about.)
RTO or Radio Tranceiver Operation procedure is for keeping com
(communication) channels clear and info flowing. The radio's are
"duplex" operation, meaning they can transmit and receive. They
and listen on the same frequency, so only one transmitter can be
operating at a time.
Over = End this segment of my transmission, your reply can begin.
Out = End transmission totally. No reply expected.
See, perspective, that's how you educate people... You give them
information and you answer their questions. Something I only
you doing once for sure and two or three other maybe's so far.
Perspective | 11.17.05
2:11 pm | #
Darren Dirt | Homepage | 11.17.05 -
1:03 pm |
Dirt said: “ My
point? My goal was to get people thinking about what these words
*actually mean*, since they get tossed around so much by the IRS etc.,
and thus by most of the posters in forums and blogs and comment
sections such as this.”
It’s always good
people to think
— the hard part is staying within the CONTEXT of the subject matter by
making sure you’re not reading something into the issues which isn’t
Actually an opinion of substance, because it's based upon that uncommon
"common sense".
I see this with
lawyers; I
call it “Twisting”. Government does a
lot of twisting; I’ve even seen the patriot community “read-into” cases
or regulations with the same twisting.
They're stupid- #51.
Then you shouldn't have any problem "untwisting" my study of the
written words of law (Statutes and Regulations).
Staying neutral is
one has to make sure to leave his/her ego at the door when doing so.
Uh, the "They're stupid" count stands at 52; "I'm smart" count stands
at 16; "Denigrating attitude" count stands at 17; and "Unsubstantiated
assertion' count stands at 8.
is a loaded term, so is “fact.”
Especially when attempting to discuss the "facts" of
written words of law with IRS agents and IRS Collaborators (professed
or not).
It depends on the CONTEXT, which when
outside of a particular context could mean something completely
different. Example: In metaphysics we are considered ALL ONE, but
physically everything is individualized.
As a matter of logic E=MC2. Energy = Mass, and Mass is
everything physical.
In logic or reason it
appear there is a contradiction in terms where, in reality, none exist.
Another example: If it’s nighttime for everyone in your part of the
country but you’re seeing daylight—you may be having problems with your
sensory data. It’s good to check your sanity sometimes with your
Meaningless tripe- #12.
Darren, I’ll be checking your site out.
I hope
you go back and re-read my postings on trial-logs; you’ll see a pattern
based on research, not speculations.
Maybe I should count how many times he says go re-read his spew.
I see a pattern of Meaningless tripe- #13.
I consider the old
of the Country and the antiquated law foundational and just waiting to
be re-introduced.
Ethereal "solutions"- #22.
I know the founding
have left us with our
answers; we just have to get to their level of understanding to correct
the problems.
Ethereal "solutions"- #23.
Thank you.
| 11.17.05 - 4:09 pm | # |
The ignorance
hate spewing out of this Audio-blog (segment
between Mike Golden and Peymon is ridiculous and can be summed up by
the following quote.
Denigrating attitude- #18.
They're stupid- #53. |
“Basically, a fanatic believes that he
is powerless.
does not trust his own self-structure, or his ability to act
effectively. Joint action seems the only course, but a joint action in
which each individual must actually be forced to act, driven by frenzy,
or fear or hatred, incensed and provoked, for otherwise the fanatic
fears that no action at all will be taken toward “the ideal.”
Denigrating attitude- #19.
such methods, and through such group hysteria, the responsibility for
separate acts is divorced from the individual, and rests instead upon
the group, where it becomes generalized and dispersed. The cause,
whatever it is, can then cover any number of crimes, and no particular
individual need bear the blame alone. Fanatics have tunnel vision, so
that any beliefs not fitting their purposes are ignored. Those that
challenge their own purposes, however, become instant targets of scorn
and attack . . .”
Meaningless tripe- #14.
For God’s sake, STOP all this hate and
on Judge Dawson. He’s not to blame for your UNCONSTITUTIONAL use of
patriot frivolous off-point bad arguments.
Nothing is wrong- #20.
They're stupid- #54.
Anonymous | 11.18.05 - 10:28 am | #
Yet another poster takes perspective to task.
Judge Dawson is responsible for the
conduct of the trial. He
exercise his very ample discretion to Mr. Schiff's detriment and to the
government's advantage at every opportunity. One may rightly ask what
was the agenda that motivated him to do so. He no doubt created a
myriad of appeaable and reversible errrors along the way.
| 11.18.05 - 11:22 am | # |
And perspective really annoyed this poster.
TO the readers who come here to
support MR. Schiff and other
patriots I advise CAUTION!!!
blog spot has been infested with a manage-a-trois of clowns who pretend
they are friends of Mr. Schiff then TRASH HIM at every opportunity.
They blog under the names Peon, Perspective and their leader CJ.
They write about
government’s secret rules and other nonsense but
when asked to,
1. produce the law
requires anyone to file or pay the income tax
2. prove the
Secretary of
the Treasury delegated his authority to the
prove IRS agents have the authority to physically alter a Notice of
Lien to con Banks, employers or others to give them citizens money
show where in the tax code the IRS has the authority to confiscate ALL
of Mr. Schiff’s Social Security rather than the 15 % the law allows.
They claim those
are immaterial and refuse to address them.
I suggest you scan any blog prior to reading it and if it is signed by
Peon, Perspective or CJ ignore it or voice your disapproval of their
using so much space on this blog spot with their venomous attacks on of
Mr. Schiff just to build up their egos.
Law | 11.17.05 - 1:07 pm | #
When I first started in the freedom
movement, I believed it was
individuals regaining their liberties and dignity;
One of us- #12.
now it has been
reduced to a cult with NO direction.
They're stupid- #55.
It is evident that the
has “FOOLS” provocateurs to prevent it from finding any real answers.
They're stupid- #56.
Wouldn’t you think
after 35
years someone would start questioning the
assumptions that are not working?
They're stupid- #57.
with all due respect, the complexity of the issues, which are multiple,
go way beyond the assumption or use of the commerce clause. It is true,
however, that the commerce powers have been abused going as far back as
1888. There are many abuses of government over the last hundred years
that need addressing.
Talks the talk.
But unless the patriot
community changes its
attitude and directions, they will play little in a positive change or
They're stupid- #58.
To everyone that has read my statements
with an open
mind, I wish you well. Maybe someday our paths will cross.
Meaningless tripe- #15.
There’s time
to change the outcome,
Ethereal "solutions"- #24.
but it won’t be by
fools or
They're stupid- #59.
He doesn't mean it. According to my scroll bar, I'm only 1/3
the posts I downloaded when I started this project. And he's
more that I have yet to append to the source file I am working from. |
PS. CJ, The Peon, and
Reasonable Guy – thanks for the time.
| 11.17.05 - 5:41 pm | #
Duplicate post deleted to
your eyes.
| 11.18.05 - 10:37 am | # |
God’s sake, STOP all this hate and blame on Judge
He’s not to blame for your UNCONSTITUTIONAL use of patriot frivolous
off-point bad arguments.
Interesting point.
Dawson may be exactly what he appeared to be, an intolerant tyrant
lacking the tempermant to preside over a fair trial. And, perhaps
someone who sat in the court room is able to judge that better than
someone who wasn't there, yet chooses to espouse their opinions over
the internet.
Right or wrong,
deserves a fair trial. I believe the transcript
will show that was denied that.
Jahn | 11.18.05 - 11:20 am | #
As I’ve said before —
there, done that; I got my
ass handed to me using Irwin’s material.
Posted to the blog by a poster using a pseudonym.
Unsubstantiated assertion-
One of us- #13.
Resistance is futile- #15.
is there something that you’re not getting?
One of us- #14.
Resistance is futile- #16.
Denigrating attitude- #20.
So post some information proving you had
your ass handed to you...
Something like the docket number and jurisdiction so someone can check
your assertion for validity.
Just like Irwin’s case
every judge in tax trials is mandated to stay within the rule of the
Nothing is wrong- #21.
Irwin didn’t seem to
care or
comprehend what the judge was
telling him and continued on with his same old arguments.
They're stupid- #60.
I hope Irwin wins on appeal.
Meaningless tripe- #16.
But if that’s what the
patriot’s consider
winning, there’s no constitutional solution in that.
They're stupid- #61.
Ethereal "solutions"- #25.
Resistance is futile- #17.
again Judge Dawson had to deal with Irwin’s stubbornness and
outspokenness as everyone knows is quite profound — but in the eyes of
the court, that’s called contempt. Sorry, that’s just the way the hell
it works.
Nothing is wrong- #22.
| 11.18.05 - 12:14 pm | #
CJ, said
“Hi Perspective,
When I refer to
"commerce" I
am not referring to the commerce clause within the constitution
necessarily. I am referring to commerce in a general sense to encompass
money, debt, Law Merchant, admiralty, etc...”
Just be careful
when you’re researching law, some people have a tendency to
“Bridging-Laws,” finding themselves out of context. This is where you
hear the statement of “mixing apples and oranges” stems.
Meaningless tripe- #17.
Good stuff on the
Dogs, I’ll
be trying it out on the kids. Ha!
| 11.18.05 - 2:32 pm | #
The following is just some of the
elements “of good faith”
to claim the “Cheek defense”, regarding WILLFUL. This may help those
that do not have easy access to a law library.
§ 63
though a federal criminal defendant's constitutional arguments are not
objectively reasonable or are frivolous, the United States Supreme
Court–on certiorari to review a Federal Court of Appeals' affirmance of
the defendant's convictions, under 26 USCS §§ 7201 and 7203,
on several
counts of "willfully" attempting to evade federal income taxes and
"willfully" failing to file federal income tax returns–will address the
significance of the defendant's constitutional claims to the issue of
willfulness, where (1) at trial, (a) the defendant testified that it
was his belief that the law was being enforced unconstitutionally, (b)
the defendant produced a letter from counsel to the effect that (i)
Congress' power to tax supposedly came from Art I, § 8, cl 1 of
United States Constitution, and not from the Constitution's Sixteenth
Amendment, and (ii) the Sixteenth Amendment, construed with Art I,
§ 2,
cl 3 of the Constitution, supposedly did not authorize a tax on wages
and salaries, but only on gain and profit, (c) the jury, during
deliberations, asked for a portion of the transcript wherein the
defendant had said that he was attempting to test the constitutionality
of the income tax laws, and (d) the trial judge later instructed the
jury that an opinion that the tax laws violated a person's
constitutional rights did not constitute a good-faith misunderstanding
of the law; and (2) at oral argument before the Supreme Court, the
defendant's counsel made observations to the effect that (a) a personal
belief that a known statute was unconstitutional smacked of knowledge
of existing law, but disagreement with it, yet (b) a "little different
situation" was presented if the person was told by a lawyer or an
accountant erroneously that the statute was unconstitutional. Cheek v
United States (1991, US ) 112 L Ed 2d 617, 111 S Ct 604,
| 11.18.05 - 3:56 pm | #
Misrepresentation of position- #16.
Which the poster
with the 'nym "The Law" calls perspective on in the next post shown
below. He also calls perspective on his inability to answer
simple questions.
What is posted just above, is a subtle playing of the Resistance is
futile card. This is confirmed by what perspective then posts in reply
to "The Law".
Resistance is futile- #18.
Shortly below, I will address the Cheek case in a little more detail
instead of from the Am Jur synopsis posted here.
Since you did not
Mr. Schiff in your last post
I will address it. What is the significance of the trial and ruling you
mentioned? Neither Mr. Schiff nor his
students ever claimed the law was
unconstitutional. Clearly Mr. Schiff has said for over 30 years
there is no law and no IRS agent or anyone else ever produced such a
As an example, if
handed you an
orange but you refused it by explaining “The world is flat!” So,
whatever point you were trying to make did not pass muster.
Law | 11.18.05 - 4:16 pm | #
Bold emphasis mine.
The Law,
You cannot have it
Does anyone know what "both ways" he is talking about. Email me
if you
do so I can properly address this. Otherwise I will continue to believe
this guy deliberately posts stuff like "both ways" never intending to
define the first "way" or the second "way".
Schiff look to the
decision for his "good faith," claims. (See quote below) His 30 years
issues are still frivolous.
Perhaps he thinks the first "way" is the "good faith" belief claim, and
the second way is perspectives unsubstantiated assertion that Schiff's
"30 years
issues are still frivolous". If this is the case, implied within
statement is that somehow a frivolous "belief" is not a "good faith"
defense for a "willful" crime. Regardless this sentence contains
They're stupid- #62. Since Schiff was all about what the words of
statutes say, this Unsubstantiated assertion-
#10 that Schiff's beliefs (30 years issues) are frivolous means
perspective is still strongly implying Don't read the law- #8.
I thought you were
interested in getting
him out of jail, or am I incorrect?
Dance away to somewhere else with "I'm Chevy Chase.... And you're not."
One of us- #15. You're not. Ad hominem- #6.
Citing The Supreme Court.
“Even though a federal criminal defendant's constitutional arguments
are not objectively reasonable or are frivolous, …”
They're (Irwin is) stupid- #63.
And another implied Resistance is futile- #19.
| 11.18.05 - 4:39 pm | #
Cheek V. U.S. 498 U.S. 192
Petitioner Cheek was
charged with six counts of willfully failing to file a federal income
tax return in violation of 7203 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) and
three counts of willfully attempting to evade his income taxes in
violation of 7201. Although admitting that he had not filed his
returns, he testified that he had not acted willfully because he
sincerely believed, based on his indoctrination by a group believing
that the federal tax system is unconstitutional and his own study, that
tax laws were being unconstitutionally enforced and that his
actions were lawful. In instructing the
jury, the court stated that an
honest but unreasonable belief is not a defense, and does not negate
willfulness, and that Cheek's beliefs
that wages are not income and
that he was not a taxpayer within the meaning of the Code were not
objectively reasonable. It
also instructed the jury that a person's
opinion that the tax laws violate his constitutional rights does not
constitute a good-faith misunderstanding of the law. Cheek was
convicted, and the Court of Appeals affirmed.
The above is a good summary of the case. I have highlighted the
point that applies to all Tax Honesty researchers; "the tax laws were
being unconstitutionally [illegally] enforced".
The next part I highlighted is where the court erred in stating
basically, 'The court will decide if your belief is unreasonable."
And the third part where the court makes the decision that a belief
regarding wages is not reasonable. As an aside, here's what many
of the Tax Honesty Researchers "believe" about "wages". Opens in new window.
Now, Even though Cheek was convicted, his case contains some important
1. A good-faith misunderstanding of the
law or a
good-faith belief that one
is not violating the law negates willfulness, whether or not the
claimed belief or
misunderstanding is objectively
reasonable. Statutory
willfulness, which protects
the average citizen from prosecution
for innocent mistakes made due to the complexity of the tax laws,
United States v. Murdock, 290 U.S. 389 , is the voluntary,
intentional violation of
a known legal duty. United
States v. Pomponio, 429 U.S. 10 .
Thus, if the jury credited Cheek's assertion that he truly believed
that the Code did not treat wages as income, the Government would not
have carried its burden to prove willfulness, however unreasonable a
court might deem such a belief. Characterizing
a belief as objectively unreasonable transforms what is normally a
factual inquiry into a legal one, thus preventing a jury from
considering it. And forbidding a jury to consider evidence that might
negate willfulness would raise a serious question under the Sixth
Amendment's jury trial provision, which this interpretation of the
statute avoids. Of course,
in deciding whether to credit Cheek's
claim, the jury is free to consider any admissible evidence showing
that he had knowledge of his legal duties.
- A good faith belief that one is not violating the law
negates willfulness, whether or not the claimed belief is objectively
- Statutory willfulness is the voluntary, intentional violation of a known legal duty.
- Forbidding a jury to
consider evidence that might negate willfulness would raise a
serious question under the Sixth Amendment's jury trial provision.
Item three above is of importance when coupled with the details within
the case itself.
JUSTICE WHITE delivered the opinion of
the Court.
Title 26, 7201 of the
States Code provides that any person "who willfully attempts in any
manner to evade or defeat any tax imposed by this title or the payment
thereof" shall be guilty of a felony. Under 26 U.S.C. 7203, "[a]ny
person required under this title . . . or by regulations made under
authority thereof to make a return . . . who willfully fails to . . .
make such return" shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. This case turns on
the meaning of the word "willfully" as used in 7201 and 7203.
As does any case under 7201 or 7203
Petitioner John L.
Cheek has
been a pilot for American Airlines since 1973. He filed federal income
tax returns through 1979, but thereafter ceased to file returns.
Petitioner's income during this period at all times far
exceeded the minimum necessary to trigger the statutory filing
What is the definition of income
as used in this sentence? What is the definition of the word income used in the IRC? What
is the definition of income "in it's constitutional sense"?
In the course of its
instructions, the trial court advised the jury that, to prove
"willfulness," the Government must prove the voluntary and intentional
violation of a known legal duty, a burden that could not be proved by
showing mistake, ignorance, or negligence.
There is more to follow regarding this "known legal duty".
The general rule that
ignorance of the law or a mistake of law is no defense to criminal
prosecution is deeply rooted in the American legal system.
Based on the notion
that the
law is definite and knowable, the common law presumed that every person
knew the law. This common law rule has been applied by the Court in
numerous cases construing criminal statutes.
proliferation of statutes and regulations has sometimes made it
difficult for the average citizen to know and comprehend the extent of
the duties and obligations imposed by the tax laws. Congress has accordingly softened the
impact of the common law presumption by making specific intent to
violate the law an element of certain federal criminal tax offenses.
Thus, the Court almost 60 years ago interpreted the statutory term
"willfully" as used in the federal criminal tax statutes as carving out
an exception to the traditional rule.
Taken together, Bishop
Pomponio conclusively establish that the standard for the statutory
willfulness requirement is the "voluntary, intentional violation of a known
legal duty."
There is more to follow regarding this "known legal duty".
Cheek accepts the
definition of willfulness, but asserts that the District Court's
instructions and the Court of Appeals' opinion departed from that
definition. In particular, he challenges the
ruling that a good-faith
misunderstanding of the law or a good-faith belief
that one is not violating the law, if it is to negate willfulness, must be objectively
reasonable. We agree that
the Court of Appeals and the District Court erred in this respect.
Cheek challenges the trial court's ruling that a good-faith belief that
one is not violating the law must be objectively reasonable. The
Supreme Court agrees. So no matter how ridiculous a belief is, it
negates willfulness.
Willfulness, as
construed by
our prior decisions in criminal tax cases, requires the
Government to prove that the law imposed a duty on the defendant, that the defendant knew of this duty,
and that he voluntarily and intentionally violated that duty.
The only way to prove that
law imposes a duty on a defendant is for the government to SHOW THE JURY the
statute that creates the duty. That has been something
NOTICABLY MISSING from the cases of Simkanin, Schiff, and Rose.
Never was proof shown to the jury that there was a duty created by a
statute. What proof does the jury have otherwise. If the
judge asserts "there is a duty", the judge could (and did) LIE to the
jury regarding the existence of a statutory or regulatory duty.
Of course, in deciding
whether to credit Cheek's good-faith belief claim, the jury would be
free to consider any admissible evidence from any source showing that
Cheek was aware of his duty to file a return and to treat wages
as income, including evidence
showing his awareness of the relevant provisions of the Code or
regulations, of court
decisions rejecting his interpretation of the tax law, of authoritative
rulings of the Internal Revenue Service, or of any contents of the personal
income tax return forms and accompanying instructions that made it
plain that wages should be returned as income.
What a loaded compound sentence.
There are two points here that bear on the Cheek case itself:
- Duty to file a return;
- Duty to "treat wages as income".
Dealing with point 2 first, "A duty to treat
wages as income".
Regardless of what the courts say in regard to "wages are income",
right here, right now, is an admission by the court that wages are NOT
income. Wages do NOT fall under
the description of "income
in its constitutional sense". Income and wages are two
DIFFERENT items. The admission that wages are NOT income is
the "duty"
to "treat wages AS income".
Now dealing with point 1, proving that Cheek (or anyone else) has the
duty to file a return, this compound sentence says "the jury would be
free to consider any
admissible evidence ... including evidence showing his awareness of the
relevant provisions of the Code or regulations". If the
accused can cite chapter and verse of the relevant provisions of the
Code or regulations, such as Dick Simkanin, Irwin Schiff, or Larken
Rose could, Wouldn't you think that they would be the best witnesses to
prove their own "awareness of the
relevant provisions of the Code or regulations"?
Instead, judges are routinely gagging defendent's from proving that the
government did NOT in fact "prove that the law
imposed a duty on the defendant". Quite simply, proof that
a law does NOT impose a duty on a defendant is to simply observe the
law the government contends imposes the duty. (And in some cases a
string of law is required when laws are predicated upon other laws to
be activated.)
We thus disagree with
Court of Appeals' requirement that a claimed good-faith belief must be
objectively reasonable if it is to be considered as possibly negating
the Government's evidence purporting to show a defendant's awareness of
the legal duty at issue. Knowledge and belief are characteristically
questions for the factfinder, in this case the jury. Characterizing a
particular belief as not objectively reasonable transforms the inquiry
into a legal one, and would prevent the jury from considering it.
forbidding the jury to consider evidence that might negate willfulness
would raise a serious question under the Sixth Amendment's jury trial
Yeah, like sanctioning Irwin schiff everytime he brought up the law in
the Corrupt judge dawson's Court.
therefore error to instruct the jury to disregard evidence of Cheek's
understanding that, within the meaning of the tax laws, he was not a
person required to file a return or to pay income taxes and that wages are not taxable income,
as incredible as such misunderstandings of and beliefs about the law
might be.
of "understanding"....
Like the actual freaking
written words of
the statutes and regulations.....
The Corrupt judge dawson sanctioned Schiff everytime Schiff voiced "evidence of Schiff's
Those cases [
Murdock-Pomponio] construed the willfulness requirement in the
criminal provisions of the Internal Revenue Code to require proof of knowledge of the law.
This was because in "our complex tax system, uncertainty often arises
even among taxpayers who earnestly wish to follow the law" and "`[i]t is not the purpose of the law to
penalize frank difference of opinion or innocent errors made
despite the exercise of reasonable care.
Yet that "frank difference of opinion"
and the reasons supporting it was not allowed before the jury.
There is much more I would
in detail if I put together a web page just for the Cheek
decision. Since it is perspective's resistance is futile and
don't read the actual written words of law that I am addressing, I am
addressing Cheek simply because perspective did. As such, here is
a summary of points:
- A good faith belief that one is not violating the law
negates willfulness, whether or not the claimed belief is objectively
- Statutory willfulness is the voluntary, intentional violation of a known legal duty.
- Forbidding a jury to
consider evidence that might negate willfulness would raise a
serious question under the Sixth Amendment's jury trial provision.
- When the word income
is used, what definition; what meaning, is meant.
- The government must
the voluntary and intentional
violation of a known legal duty.
- Willfulness ... requires
the government to prove that the law imposed a duty on the defendant.
- The only way the government can prove #6 is to show
jury the written words of law.
- Without #6, #5 can NOT happen.
- When a court does not allow the defendent to force
government to show the written words of law that the government claims
imposes a duty on the defendant (#6) the court has effectively forbidden the jury to consider evidence
that might negate willfulness.
- The government did NOT do #6 or
allow #7 in the Simkanin
trial, the Rose trial, or the Schiff trial.
I leave it to the reader to compare what I discern from this case and
what perspective discerns from this case.
I belief Peymon still
a reward for anyone who can
show him the “liable” part of the code. Irwin use to offer $100.000 a
long time ago for the same thing, I’m not sure if he still does?
Anyway, you may want to present your case to Peymon — the hard part is
finding an impartial audience, good luck. Ha!
| 11.18.05 - 4:53 pm | #
Denigrating attitude- #21.
“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to
that iron string. Accept
place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your
contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have always done
so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age,
betraying their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was seated
at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their
being. And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same
transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected
corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers,
and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort, and advancing on Chaos
and the Dark.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
| 11.18.05 - 5:41 pm | #
Meaningless tripe- #18.
David Jahn said @ 11.18.05 - 10:14 pm:
“I look forward
to the day we have some comments that are actually
relevant to the purpose of this site.”
Trial Logs Header: “Our government's
ability to incarcerate innocent
people is evidenced by the number of those being exonerated, most often
through DNA evidence . . .”
I agree: The above
has a
great deal of validity — I relate the problem to overzealous DA’s, poor
police investigation, juries who watch too much cop TV, and last but
not least our (government) school systems which no longer teach civics.
One of us- #16
The statement about
evidence” proves necessary in rape or murder
cases, not income tax cases.
Perspective appears to be ignoring the point, that IN the cases of rape
or murder, DNA is the tool that PROVES the CORRUPT, BROKEN nature of
the court systems. By the phrase, "not income tax cases"
he wants to make a point of ridicule about DNA testing being useless in
tax cases. When you keep your eyes on the absurdity of DNA
testing in
tax cases, you have taken your eyes off the CORRUPT, BROKEN court
systems as proven by the DNA exonerations. The fact of corrupt, broken
court systems directly contradicts his "nothing is wrong" position
(that currently has a count of 22). This Meaningless tripe- #19
nothing more than a setup to espouse the nothing is wrong position as
he does below.
Trial Logs Header: “. . . These
wrongful convictions evidence our
judicial system's failure.”
Nothing is wrong- #23.
Our judicial system is
only reasonable forum we as
citizens have to determine FACTS of a case.
Nothing is wrong- #24.
Unless your purpose is
revert back to MOB rule where nobody would be safe.
Argumentum ad Baculum
Trial Logs
Header: “. . . Trial Logs
is currently covering the government's
prosecution of those who question the application of the income tax
Exactly! Most every
I’ve made attempts to clarify
one or both of your concerns: “prosecutions” and “income tax laws.”
Yeah, like we are all interested in buying that bridge you own in New
York City.
made the inference that you are a busy man when I made the suggestion,
quoting: Carefully re-read my postings, setting aside your
pre-conceived conclusions, and your response: “I'm lucky if I can find
time to read them the first time. David Jahn | 11.15.05 - 9:51 pm |”
to make the statement, “I look forward
to the day we have some comments
that are actually relevant to the purpose of this site,” it would
appear you’re really not interested in finding answers nor interested
in going beyond the 35 years plus of getting nowhere in the so-called
freedom movement.
Has anybody actually seen anything of substance that explains or
details ANYTHING posted by perspective. Bullshit artist comes to
for me right now.
Ethereal "solutions"- #26.
One of us- #17.
They're stupid- #64.
Trial Logs Header: “. . . It is our
that this coverage will help us understand the failings of our justice
system and help those struggling to comprehend this nation's income tax
Your statement is
They're stupid- #65.
it’s perfectly clear
you’re not really interested in finding answers to how the judicial
system works.
Bold emphasis mine. Nothing is wrong- #25.
Implied promise of Ethereal "solutions"- #27.
Nor are you interested
finding answers as to how to
solve this oppressive tax system.
Talks the talk: One of us- #18.
Ethereal "solutions"- #28.
I’ve seen this tunnel
in the so-called freedom movement – there’s usually a “hidden agenda”
One of us- #19.
They're stupid- #66.
Misrepresentation of position- #17.
It may be something as
simple as “Guru” worship, power, or
monetary gain, or it might even be just plain FEAR.
Ad hominem- #7.
Whatever your
purpose, it is short sighted—you would rather cater to fools, whose
over-extended PARANOIA suffocates the very word of FREEDOM.
They're stupid- #67.
Ad hominem- #8.
One of us- #20.
I stated my reasons for posting on your
sight as the following:
I have four purposes
for my
1. To promote HOPE
The count of "Resistance is futile" stands at 19.
2. To give direction
The count of "ethereal solutions" stands at 28.
3. To protect the
So you claim.
4. To stop the
that has infiltrated the freedom movement.
In other words, you know that eventially the government's tyrannical
actions are going to lead to refreshing the Tree of Liberty and you
don't wan't to be tarred and feathered.
perspective | 11.11.05
12:01 pm |
not interested in going around in circles arguing the IRC because it’s
NOT where the action lies;
Don't read the law- #9.
you’ll only continue
frustrate yourselves
— failing to see the real issues.
They're stupid- #68.
As for people who suggest I
am a government plant trying to mess with your “patriot” minds —that
would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.
One of us- #21.
Denigrating attitude- #22.
The present so-called
movement is NOT any threat to government;
Resistance is futile- #20.
you only encourage
paranoia and increase their power by your acts.
Resistance is futile- #21.
So your paranoia and
government paranoia added together only brings on more paranoia, fear,
and oppression.
Resistance is futile- #22.
I know my words may fall on deaf ears.
Just like a baby's "goo goo gah gah" does.
appears the information I provided is too much for you to digest and
may be over your heads at this time;
Ethereal "solutions"- #29.
but just maybe some
realize the importance of what I’ve been saying.
You ain't said nothing. Even this sentence, both parts, conveys
nothing of import or substance.
There’s a better
direction in regaining and actualizing our liberties through
constitutional approaches for those that will hear.
Ethereal "solutions"- #30.
Unsubstantiated assertion-
Just remember,
David, I once was one of you until I came to realize we were not going
in a realistic direction,
One of us- #22.
They're stupid- #69.
losing in every
respect our
jobs, our
property, our sanity.
Resistance is futile- #23.
So, I felt I had no
but to stand back and
get perspective to find out how the government put us in this sad
Meaningless tripe- #20.
Only then did I start
finding answers and a constitutional
Ethereal "solutions"- #31.
The infamous Jim Jones of Jonestown,
Guyana, had
many followers.
Puts me in mind of comments by Buckner/Reasonable Guy about "poison
cool-aid". Some have asserted that perspective is one of him...
Did I
say him? I meant to say Some have asserted that perspective is one of
He was very
charismatic even
up to the point of
convincing most of his followers to take the poison ending their lives
over their cause. Those that woke up too late to the dangers and the
madness of it all were simply shot attempting escape by Jones’ true
believers. The analogy is starting to fit the so-called patriot
movement with their ongoing attitude of hopelessness.
Argumentum ad Baculum
They're stupid- #70.
Ad hominem- #9.
Unsubstantiated assertion-
There is
direction; there is real hope — but you’ve got to get perspective.
Ethereal "solutions"- #32.
constitutional answers have always been right in front of us if we will
only take the time to look and understand.
Ethereal "solutions"- #33.
| 11.19.05 - 12:38 pm | # |
To The Peon,
Peon said: “I know there are
a lot of different
opinions here but, has anyone given thought to the fact that our
country is in a state of National Emergency? Did you know the
constitution is suspended during this state? All it takes is an
executive order to do so. Did you also know that we have been here in a
state of emergency since 1933? So they say.”
With all due
respect, the suspension of the U. S. Constitution is just another
patriot myth. It is, however, true there have been violations of power
by the executive branch and legislative branch of government under the
pretence of National Emergency. Example: F.D.R internment of Americans
of Japanese decent during WWII, even though it took a long time to
correct, it was shown to be in total violations of the U. S.
Constitution. In the end the Constitution prevails over
unconstitutional and usurp acts of government. The Constitution only
gives government one power of suspension and that relates to Habeas
Corpus, and only within certain limited circumstances. Example
President Lincoln, while certain parts of the Country were in
insurrection, suspended Habeas Corpus, he later was compelled to get
Congress” approval.
Talks the talk.
Peon carefully read Supreme Courts view
on “Emergency”. I hope this
clears this up for you.
does not create power. Emergency does not increase granted power or
remove or diminish the restrictions imposed upon power granted or
reserved. The Constitution was adopted in a period of grave emergency.
Its grants of power to the Federal Government and its limitations of
the power of the States were determined in the light of emergency, and
they are not altered by emergency. What power was thus granted and what
limitations were thus imposed are questions which have always been, and
always will be, the subject of close examination under our
constitutional system.
While emergency does
create power, emergency may furnish the
occasion for the exercise of power.
an emergency may not call into life a power which has never lived,
nevertheless emergency may afford a reason for the exertion of a living
power already enjoyed.” (cite omitted)
Talks the talk while talking Meaningless tripe- #21.
| 11.20.05 - 10:30 am | #
Duplicate post deleted to
your eyes.
| 11.19.05 - 12:44 pm | # |
Duplicate post deleted to
your eyes.
| 11.20.05 - 10:55 am | #
Jim | 11.19.05 - 8:25 pm,
Jim said: “For instance,
say Irwin ask you to advise him what you think
he should do.
has believed the same way for 25 years or more, has gone to jail twice
over this, and has just received a civil complaint from the IRS.”
This post effectively sidesteps a question, and as you will see, the
poster rewords and asks again.
advise to Irwin is next to impossible. But I believe in his present
circumstances he should maintain his position and focus on his “good
faith belief” in the “Cheek defense.” Also, since Irwin’s attempt to
question the governments “psychologist,” failed, was denied, he may
have a chance for a NEW Trial. Account of incompetence of stand by
council, this all depends on if the attorney was only there to question
Irwin, or he had more of an advisory role. The psychologist should have
been subpoenaed, in other words forced into court, where Irwin state of
mind could be exposed to the jury. Expert’s witnesses, especially
hostile that go in your favor hold lots of water in jury’s minds. Cindy
attorney’s totally missed the boat on the importance of the
psychologist testimony—therefore she has an appealable issue.
Talks the talk. |
Now you know why the judge denied
Irwin’s request to have the
psychologist brought in. He/she was a GOVERNMENT WITNESS not Irwin’s.
The shrink wasn't anybody's WITNESS, since there was NO TESTIMONY given
IN COURT by this alleged witness.
know those darn rules keep getting the way, but that’s the legal
Nothing is wrong- #26.
I didn’t know about
civil complaint those would follow, even if
Irwin had won the criminal trial.
No comment on Dave,
except Jerry has a nice voice.
| 11.20.05 - 11:55 am | #
Sidesteps question- #1.
To 'Per'
Change the name
Irwin to John Doe.
John has the same
situation at Irwin, he has a civil case against him,
but has not been charged criminally yet.
am trying to understand if John said he is open to all advice, and asks
you what he should do or say to gov and civil case, and what to do if
they come after him criminally.
How would he use
constitution to defend himself?
What constitutional
questions could he raise, and would he go on the
BTW is John wrong
believe there is no law that requires him to file?
| 11.20.05 - 12:49 pm | #
David Jahn | 11.19.05 - 5:10 pm | #
David said: “The fact
is that innocent people are being convicted in this country at an
alarming rate. That is a failure. Our system was designed to favor a
defendant realizing that a few guilty people might go free. Better that
than to incarcerate an innocent man. But, something has gone wrong. The
system has tilted in favor of the prosecution. It is in effect MOB
rule, only it is the governments MOB.”
I agree, David, no
injustice should be tolerated. Democracies have this tendency to find
fault in everything, which in turn produces victims under bad laws.
France is a good example. During their revolution it utilized a
democracy to form Mob rule; no one was safe from the guillotine. In
America a true Republic (not a democracy) was founded with an
independent judiciary, which meant the minority could be protected from
the majority, and even protected from bad laws.
frustration with the judicial system may be misplaced when no issues of
right/s are involved. Example: In a murder case the burden is on the
government to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Your rights are
protected through “due process,”
I interrupt this diatribe to quote perspective's quote of David Jahn's
Trial Blogs header: "Our government's
ability to incarcerate innocent
people is evidenced by the number of those being exonerated, most often
through DNA evidence . . ." Please continue....
wherein the
decision is
left to the jury to determine. Compare this with administrative law
where the burden becomes reversed.
FINALLY! After all those words, a tiny little bit of substance in
regard to the ethereal problem.
The burden is on you,
agency, to disprove any of their claims. Why? Because it will be
legally assumed you have volunteered for some privilege, benefit,
license or special access that is regulated and taxed.
Nexus / priviledge-
These elements
(privileges, benefits, licenses or special accesses) are not of “common
Nexus / priviledge-
therefore, they have
normal protections and are treated
summarily by the agencies and viewed by courts as being correct until
proven differently. Now the legislative branch has a tendency to add
“criminal” penalties to statutes of this nature for enforcement
purposes, which the administrative agency can use to take you into
court. Now you may see why you’re already HALF GUILTY coming into those
types of trials; the only real question the court is interested in
finding at that point is can you overcome the agency’s FACTS.
Though he has posted a bit of substance, it does not
connect with the
words of written law, which defines for the agency, and the person
executing privilege, what those privileges are, and what actions
connect those laws to that person.
Now as to what perspective has written the above, Let's say I am "the
agency". As the agency, I am bringing action against perspective
7201 for willfully evading the distilled spirits tax. "The burden is on
you, perspective not me the
agency, to disprove any of my claims. Why?
Because it will be
legally assumed you have volunteered for some privilege, benefit,
license or special access that is regulated and taxed." Namely,
importing and / or distilling spirits. "These elements
(privileges, benefits, licenses or special accesses) are not of “common
right; therefore, they
have no normal protections and are treated
summarily by the my agency and viewed by
courts as being correct until
proven differently." "Now you may see why
you’re already HALF GUILTY coming into" this trial; "the only real
question the court is interested in
finding at that point is can you overcome the my FACTS"
Though the "Don't read the law" count is only at 9 this will increase
as we continue through perspective's posts. But since he claims don't
read the law, he would have no reason (By his own standards) to avail
himself of the actual
written words of the distilled spirits laws.
I deal in Constitutional research. Solutions for many issues of rights,
not just taxes, are needed, but you won’t find solutions if you can’t
first identify the problem.
Ethereal "solutions"- #34.
| 11.20.05 - 2:39 pm | # |
I deal in Constitutional research. Solutions for
issues of rights, not just taxes, are needed, but you won’t find
solutions if you can’t first identify the problem
Many consitutional
challenges to the income tax have already failed.
The next question
where are you going to take your challenge? Into
the tax court? Into the federal court?
from the way they treated Ken Evans and his case, they will tap dance
around the issue in the court and then find in favor of the government
even if they have to fabricate an argument you didn't raise.
I'm still looking
integrity in these courts. You seem to think it
is there.
Jahn | 11.20.05 - 3:15 pm | # |
Jim | 11.20.05 - 12:49 pm |
Jim Said: “How would he use
the constitution to defend himself?”
”What constitutional questions could he
raise, and would he go on the
is not, nor is the patriot community, at this time in any position to
bring Constitutional issues. Until the issues of rights are completely
developed and proper standing is created, I would fear a Band-Aid
approach would be inappropriate.
Ethereal "solutions"- #35.
Are there
solutions to
reverse these usurpations? YES!!
Ethereal "solutions"- #36.
There are people like
who are
creating a new direction—researching and planning
Ethereal "solutions"- #37.
PATIENT as we’re in the beginning phases. I’m reluctant to give contact
information at this time.
Ethereal "solutions"- #38.
As hateful as the suggestion may sound,
settlement by John Doe may be
his best route to go.
Resistance is futile- #24.
is John wrong to believe there is no law that requires him to file?” See my previous note to
David -- Perspective | 11.20.05 - 2:39 pm | #
Sidesteps question- #2.
Just scroll up two posts to see if you agree, the answer was vapid.
| 11.20.05 - 3:42 pm | # |
David Jahn | 11.20.05 - 3:15 pm |
David said; “Many
consitutional challenges to the income tax have
already failed.”
Dear David—The ISSUE
INCOME TAX!! I finally identified your
"That boy is about as sharp as a bowlin' ball."
TAX COURT? Is a legislative court, it’s
not where you bring
Constitutional issues of law.
Misrepresentation of position- #18.
find solutions you must first be willing to learn American principles
before you go playing with law.
They're stupid- #71.
Ethereal "solutions"- #39.
Remember they stopped
teaching true
American civics in the early part of the twentieth century. We became
easy pickings for every socialistic act our government could throw at
our parents. We’re just paying the price for failing our duty to keep
vigilance over the Constitution.
Talks the talk morphs into Meaningless tripe- #22.
Please know I’ve been on your site to
help; someday hopefully we’ll
have a good laugh over any misunderstandings.
One of us- #23.
I have a questions for you: If you could get your freedoms back without
having to jeopardize your family, job, business, or property would you
do it?
Set up for the Ethereal "solutions"- #40.
Just think about that possibility.
Where your values
would count and you’d have a forum to speak your mind.
Meaningless tripe- #23.
I started in the
freedom movement because I believed in individuals and Freedom, I still
One of us- #24.
| 11.20.05 - 4:25 pm | #
David—The ISSUE ISN’T INCOME TAX!! I finally
your impasse.
what is the issue then? I'm aware the courts just threw out a law suit
involving a petition for redress of grievances that listed a number of
issues. Some will say that wasn't the proper action.
Apparently there is
proper action when it comes to bringing the
government within constitutional limitations.
court, it’s not where you bring
Constitutional issues of law.
well aware of this. My question is what court is going to listen to a
constitutional question regarding the conduct of our government? The
evidence suggest they don't concern themselves much with the
constitution anymore.
The U.S. district
in California has
voided the second amendment. It is only a matter of time before they
start collecting guns out there. Strike that, I believe they already
went around collecting assault rifles in that district.
Anyway, what court
do you
have in mind?
Jahn | 11.20.05 - 4:52 pm | # |
David Jahn | 11.20.05 - 4:52 pm
David said: “Okay, what is
the issue then? I'm aware the courts just threw out a law suit
involving a petition for redress of grievances that listed a number of
issues. Some will say that wasn't the proper action.”
Firsts part of
question and
answer: My issues will focus on Property
rights and liberty.
And.... And....
Ethereal "solutions"- #41.
for the “redress of grievance” suit: The “We The People,” group’s
petition was thrown out for good reason they didn’t have standing nor
cause to sustain their claims. They had a jerk of a lawyer who should
have known there was NO standing going in.
They're stupid- #72.
Oh well big money
brings out
the shysters. As I’ve indicated the Constitutional ignorance in this
country is pervasive, with the exception of the higher levels of law.
(See case and order below)
They're stupid- #73.
Case 1:04-cv-01211-EGS Document 28
Filed 08/31/2005 Page 1 of 7
“A motion to dismiss
failure to state a claim under
Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) should be granted when it appears
“beyond doubt” that there is no set of facts that plaintiffs can prove
that will entitle them to relief. See Sparrow v. United Air Lines,
Inc., 216 F.3d 1111, 1114 (D.C. Cir.2000).” |
David said: “Apparently there
is no proper action when it comes to bringing the
government within constitutional limitations.”
Answer: The
issues determine the jurisdiction not the other way around — Dave
—Constitutional Law isn’t a guessing game. There are no silver bullets
— no instant pudding —we’re dealing with reasoned law going back over
two hundred years.
David said: “I'm well aware
of this. . .”
Answer: You brought up
question of Tax Court not me; I just
described its legislative nature.
said: “. . . My
question is what court is going to listen to a
constitutional question regarding the conduct of our government? The
evidence suggest they don't concern themselves much with the
constitution anymore.”
Answer: That’s a
myth; the
Constitution is alive and well.
Kelo decision.
As for what courts,
court with
proper jurisdiction to answer question of law. Taking that statement to
the next logical level if needed, are the courts of last resort.
said: “The U.S.
district court in California has voided the second
amendment. It is only a matter of time before they start collecting
guns out there. Strike that, I believe they already went around
collecting assault rifles in that district.”
Answer: The Second
Amendment has NO application within a state. Its only application is
directed against the Federal Government.
I don't agree, however, in this case I recognize I could be in error,
however the point is moot.
Quoting U. S. Supreme
Court Reports – Part “D, —The Right to Keep and Bear Arms. – Not a
Right Granted by the Constitution. – The right to keep and bear arms is
not a right granted by the constitution. Neither is it in any manner
dependent upon that instrument for existence.” (cite omitted)
"Neither is it in any manner
dependent upon that instrument for existence"
In other words, the RIGHT to keep and bear arms exists outside the
constitution, be it a State or a Federal constitution. We'll see
he talks the talk when it comes to citizens carrying loaded arms on
their person in total ignorance of any law the purports to restrict
such right.
David said: “Anyway, what
court do you have in mind?”
Any court that has a proper jurisdiction to answer question of law
before it. Taking that statement to the next logical level if needed,
are the courts of last resort.
David, You have to
haven’t been many real questions of law being brought to the higher
courts in over 70 years. The reason is simply, most issues now days
relate to Congress’ socialistic controls over the country nothing more.
He's talking the talk again.
What I’m talking about
brining back to life are INALIENABLE ISSUES OF
"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every
other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an
American... The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of
either the federal or state government, but, where I trust in God it
will ever remain, in the hands of the people" (Tench Coxe, Pennsylvania
Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788)
"Their swords, and every other
terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American"
be it a full rock and roll capable M16 assault rifle, a 105mm Howizter,
or a Saturday night special. The purpose is to be capable of
tyrants and those who would enslave.
So talk the talk some more perspective, when is it justifiable to kill
a tyrant? If you are not willing to spill blood, then all your
talk of
freedom is just so much bullshit and you will cower in the corner when
the government thugs with guns come to trample all these rights you
babble on about.
What ya talking about
| 11.20.05 - 6:29 pm | #
Answer: That’s a patriot myth; the
Constitution is
alive and
why do we have show your papers dui checkpoints, no knock warrants, and
eminent domain abuses all courtesy of the supreme court?
Answer: The Second
has NO application within a state. Its
only application is directed against the Federal Government.
why do the feds consider free speech issues? Are first amendment
infringements their pervue, but second amendments aren't?
| 11.20.05 - 6:58 pm | #
Anonymous | 11.20.05 - 6:58 pm | #
There's lots of work
to be
done to make things right. Thanks for making
my point.
| 11.20.05 - 7:16 pm | #
That seems to be the only way you make a point....
Someone else does it for you. |
David Jahn | 11.20.05 - 10:19 pm |
David said: “The only
conclusion one can draw is that the government will do all that it can
to prevent the jury from being exposed to the issues and the juries
won't expend any energy trying to comprehend the issues.”
The jury can only be exposed to the facts of the case; the Code is not
on trial.
Did you guys catch that. He just said the duty under the law is
not a
fact. If the duty is not a fact, there is no reason for the trial.
Don't read the law- #10.
I’ve already stated
that any
questions of law must be brought
up before the trial not during the trial.
Nothing is wrong- #27.
Really? You don't do that very often.
“The “Political
Has already been addressed. See
is a bar against
courts from
interfering with the legislative branch’s constitutional enumerated
powers -- In Irwin’s case the congress’ taxing power.
Misrepresentation of position- #19.
The judicial
branch of government stands independent of the legislature and enforces
law as written by Congress unless it can be shown a conflict exists
between the Constitution and an ordinary act of Congress.”
none of Irwin’s, Cindy, Larken’s and Tessa’s case, or even in those up
coming trials has or will there be ANY issues of law presented in a
proper manner to stop these types of trials.
Unsubstantiated assertion-
Why? It’s because ALL
them fail to understand
They're stupid- #74.
there is a subject
relationship already
established within the jurisdiction of these taxing charges.
Nexus / priviledge-
The code
is NOT the issue as I’ve said through out this Trial logs.
Don't read the law- #11.
back to my postings starting at 11/05/05 and work your way forward,
maybe then you’ll start seeing why patriot arguments will never get
anywhere in these types of tax trial.
I've been doing just that. You ain't said much worth looking at
cuz you ain't said much of anything.
David, the jury, sorry
to say, is not in any position to solve the real problems.
Ethreal problem, to which we have so far had 41 references to the
ethereal solutions.
nullification does NOTHING to address the ISSUES OF LAW needed to over
turned bad laws.
Misrepresentation of position- #20. The law is not what is bad.
It's implementation is.
And Jury nullification IS the final check and "consent of the governed"
(Declaration of Independence) in regard to ANY law.
| 11.21.05 - 9:35 am | # |
DE from NC | 11.21.05 - 12:04 am |
DE from NC said:
comment goes to the counsel of the WTP lawsuit on the "Right to
Petition" our gov't for "redress of grievences". If you've followed the
HISTORICAL cases that the Mark Lane law firm has handled over the
years, you'd QUICKLY SHUT YOUR MOUTH trashing such a brilliant lawyer
!!! His legal "know how" borders on O.J.'s lawyers !!! The PROBLEM
Argue for your
limitations and sure enough they are yours. I presented the Order
against "WTP" petition and you congratulate the attorney for losing.
Then you continue to put your foot in your mouth, with the O. J. CASE.
I guess the court in O. J’s case was corrupt and not the jury? I guess
O. J’s wrongful death case really didn’t prove anything. Oops!
OJ's case proves it's stupid to try and frame a
man. The jury did the right thing by acquitting a man who was
person who doesn’t know a thing about law—has a perfect right to show
his ignorance.
They're stupid- #75.
But a fanatic does it
SELF-RIGHTEOUS religious terms.
Ad hominem- #10.
The fanatic thinks in
and White terms spewing hate as he goes.
Ad hominem- #11.
Gandhi said: “And Eye
and Eye makes the whole world blind.” Bye
Perhaps his ethereal solution using the Constitution is to have 6 reems
printed up and fashioned into a flak jacket, because a single sheet of
paper or parchment with the Constitution won't stop a bullet. And the
woman and children MURDERED at Waco didn't even have a copy of the
Constitution to hold up to attempt to stop the bullets aimed at their
vital organs..
| 11.21.05 - 9:58 am | # |
Mr.Liberty | 11.21.05 - 11:18 am
Mr. Liberty said: “All law
is territorial and never once have I ever seen Larken recognize the
fact that the term "United States" as used in 861 and in 26 USC 7701
(a)9 and (a)10, means ONLY the District of Columbia. And inside the
District, the US Constitution is not enforceable. See Downes v.
Bidlwell (1901).”
The Downes v Bidwell,
case,182 U.S. 244, dealt
with the following issues: Appeal, commerce, customs, customs duties,
federal question jurisdiction, imports, international law, judicial
review, jurisdiction, Puerto Rico, tax uniformity, taxation,
territories, treaties. You focused your conclusions on the element of
“territories” which can easily be taken out of context, when dealing
with domestic law.
Downes v. Bidwell runs 57,780 words. It's not my job to search
those words to prove or disprove perspective's
Unsubstantiated assertion-
I agree with your conclusions that
arguments are irrelevant.
There is NO arguement. There IS the WRITTEN WORDS OF LAW.
They're stupid- #76.
Don't read the law- #12.
But Irwin’s position
equally frivolous
notwithstanding your statements that he “. . . is a genuine patriot.”
They're stupid- #77.
You’re reading into
decisions of the case something that’s not
there. Congress does have exclusive power over the municipal affairs of
the District of Columbia, but your statement infers there are no
Constitutional limits to those powers. That simply is not true, and
misleads those less inclined to go beyond your theories and/or
Example: The people who live in the DC
area have
just as much right to be protected by the Bill of Rights as any other
citizen in the Country. Your blanketed statements have already produces
flaws. Do you know why the people living in the DC area have the same
protections as every other American? It’s because when the U. S.
Constitution was adopted years after the Articles of Confederation, the
people of the now D.C. area were part of already existing states. That
is the 10 square miles the Constitution talks about in Art. I, Sec 8.
Comparing Puerto Rico, which is under protectorate law and treaty laws,
to D.C. only adds to the patriot confusion.
Got a news flash for you... You haven't done any better in posting
something to educate. You have however, made another Unsubstantiated
Since I am merely aware of the territorial authority issue, I will not
engage it until such time as I have had a chance to fully study and
commit to memory, the appropriate points. (Like the three different
meanings of "United States".
Mr. Liberty said: “If
Larken got about 7 or 8 years, it will be about
what he deserves for misleading so many Americans . . .”
sad to see anyone going to jail, but to blame someone for others
misfortunes is to say I only create good results, and any bad ones are
someone else’s doing.
Each one of us is
responsible for our
own actions; sometimes we make bad decisions, but it’s still our
choice. Leaders are moved or pushed just as much by their followers as
leaders try to move their followers. It’s a two way street.
| 11.21.05 - 2:19 pm | #
Perspective gets a bye on this round.
Since it's in my face, I'm
to reply to Mr. Liberty.
"for misleading so many Americans"
Before one can be Mislead, one first must be lead. Where then,
was Mr.
Rose leading people? He lead me to read and examine the Internal
Revenue Code in the first place. For a good many years I
signed 1040 forms under penalty of perjury stating the form was
accurately filled out, having NEVER READ THE LAW. Just like most
State Citizens.
From Larken's web site:
"Who is
this Larken Rose guy, anyway?"
Larken Rose is a not
a lawyer. He has never received
formal training in tax law, or any other kind of law. He
has no special degrees or credentials regarding tax law.
He earns his living in a business unrelated to tax
"So why
should I take his word for anything?"
You shouldn't.
You are personally responsible for determining your own tax liability.
believing assertions—whether from tax professionals or Mr. Rose—does
negate that responsibility. We
advise determining the amount of your tax liability based entirely upon
actual federal statutes and regulations. It
is not Mr. Rose's intention that anyone "take his word" for
The statutes and regulations say what they say, whether they are
out to you by Charles Manson, Larken Rose, or the Commissioner of the
If after reading Mr. Rose's Taxable Income report, and examining the
actual statutes and regulations, you believe your income is taxable,
file your
return and pay up.
Larken says, you shouldn't take his word for
anything. I
didn't. And I don't. I look at the written words of law.
perspective is determined to keep the newcomer to the scene from
looking into.
the 861 EVIDENCE as I have found it, and graphically illustrated it. |
Billy Joe JimBob | 11.21.05 - 2:25 pm
| #
Billy Joe said: “Get a clue! They
Nothing is wrong- #28.
The comparison goes
this: The patriot arguments can be likened
to someone in a stadium crowd yelling, “Hit a home-run” at a “football”
They're stupid- #78.
You are delusional and
know it.
Ad hominem- #12.
They're stupid- #79. |
Now if you get
those thousands of people, as you were suggesting, ALL yelling at the
same time “hit a home-run” at a “football game, you have only more
delusional people, and you could start a riot.
Argumentum ad Baculum
They're stupid- #80.
| 11.21.05 - 2:46 pm | #
You are one
Dude. At times you seem to want to help and at
other times you seem divisive.
Whew! I was wondering if
I was
the only one seeing that.
the thing we point out to everyone here is, “Mr. Schiff's innocence or
guilt hung on one thing and one thing only. Does HE BELIEVE there is
any law that compels the filing of or paying of taxes?”
Dawson knew Mr. Schiff did not believe such a law exists. How do we
know that? Because on at least four occasions Judge Dawson told us he
knew that by telling Mr. Schiff "I disagree with your conclusions"
"That is your opinion" "That is what you think it says" "You are wrong
to believe" ECT.
Therefore, Mr.
case should never have
made it to the jury because Judge Dawson should have declared the
government did not prove Mr. Schiff BELIEVED there is such a duty or
In light of this no
arguments here as to what Mr.
Schiff did or did not do during his trial amount to a hill of beans
because, as Judge Dawson says, “They are immaterial!”
Constitutionalists | 11.21.05 - 4:42 pm | #
Billy Joe JimBob | 11.21.05 - 6:44 pm
Billy Joe said;
“Schiff was
convicted after the "judge" had PROVEN ex-parte
communications with the prosecution. This reason alone is cause for
With all due respect,
how do
you know they were
having ex-parte communications relating to the case to justify in your
mind a mistrial?
Maybe it had something to do with the judge prosecuting Irwin from the
Nothing is wrong- #29.
Just because they were
walking out of the room talking
doesn’t mean they were undermining the trial or playing favorites or
colluding against Irwin.
And just because you make this statement doesn't mean the weren't
undermining the trial or playing favorites or colluding against Irwin.
Nothing is wrong- #30.
Please explain the
of standards of
review that justifies mistrials.
And your explanation is what and where?
Are you going by those
“legal experts”
on the “”
So far, they're just as viable as a source of information as you are.
Billy Joe said: “Not to mention
witnesses were threatened (if they were allowed to testify at all) I
could go on but whats the use?”
these guys a favor.
If by "guys" you mean the prosecution, then I agree, since what dawson
did was attempt to INTIMIDATE defense witnesses.
Sworn testimony comes
evidence rules and CAN
So what you are saying between the lines about the witnesses for the
defense is that They're stupid- #81 and they couldn't possibly
understand that they are testifying and putting information upon a
public, legal record without dawson's intimidation, er... warning.
Irwin was dead WRONG
allow these people to be
put in jeopardy, and the judge was letting them know.
You are saying Nothing is wrong- #31 with dawson's intimidation, er...
Either Irwin
wasn’t thinking, or he wasn’t concerned about jeopardizing other
They're stupid- #82.
I'm wondering if I have to sub categorize all the ways, overt and
covert, that you use to trash people.
Billy Joe said: “You should
change your name to Unperspective if you
really believe they had fair trials.”
believe everyone should have a fair trial.
Fair and legal are not the same.... And that's nothing more than
SLIGHT admission that perhaps you have a valid point regarding
PROCEEDURE. But then, since you never bother to post anything
that has
substance, one just can't know for sure.
I don't think you give a rat's ass of concern for fair in any way,
shape, or form.
If you ever get over
being a
“true believer,”
Ad hominem- #13.
They're stupid- #83.
maybe you’ll start
PERSPECTIVE. It’s a breath
of fresh air.
Meaningless tripe- #25.
| 11.21.05 - 7:34 pm | #
The Constitutionalists | 11.21.05 -
4:42 pm |
Constitutionalists said: “You are one
confusing Dude. At times you seem
to want to help and at other times you seem divisive.”
Good, you’re starting
Failure to address being called confusing noted.
Failure to address being called a male Sybil noted.
And my purpose has
been to help.
One of us- #25.
Constitutionalist said: “However, the
thing we point out to everyone
here is, “Mr. Schiff's innocence or guilt hung on one thing and one
thing only. Does HE BELIEVE there is any law that compels the filing of
or paying of taxes?”
I’ve stated that
position at
least 3 to 4
You are both wrong.
Guilt or innocence hangs on THREE, count 'em, THREE things.
- The accused MUST KNOW THE DUTY.
- Meeting criteria 1 and 2, the accused must
fail to do the duty.
Bringing down from my reply to the previous whitewash of the Cheek case
by perspective is this summary of points:
- A good faith belief that one is not violating the law
negates willfulness, whether or not the claimed belief is objectively
- Statutory willfulness is the voluntary, intentional violation of a known legal duty.
- Forbidding a jury to
consider evidence that might negate willfulness would raise a
serious question under the Sixth Amendment's jury trial provision.
- When the word income
is used, what definition; what meaning, is meant.
- The government must
the voluntary and intentional
violation of a known legal duty.
- Willfulness ... requires
the government to prove that the law imposed a duty on the defendant.
- The only way the government can prove #6 is to show
jury the written words of law.
- Without #6, #5 can NOT happen.
- When a court does not allow the defendent to force
government to show the written words of law that the government claims
imposes a duty on the defendant (#6) the court has effectively forbidden the jury to consider evidence
that might negate willfulness.
- The government did NOT do #6 or
allow #7 in the Simkanin
trial, the Rose trial, or the Schiff trial.
Point 1 of 3 must be proven according to point 6 of 10
Irwin most definitely
a “good faith belief” in his
arguments notwithstanding if ANYONE agrees or not. Now you know the
reason I keep bringing up the psychologist who examined Irwin as an
appealable issue.
Yes. You want to keep people, especially new people, for looking
at the written words of law.
He would have
testified to
the FACT of Irwin’s “good
faith belief.” The reason the government DIDN’T call him into court?
They were afraid to!!!!!!!!!! It’s because his testimony would have
destroyed the government’s position on WILLFULLNESS.
He's talking the talk.
Since the trial
had elements of “state-of-mind,”
Misrepresentation of position- #21.
The elements are:
- The accused MUST KNOW THE DUTY.
- Meeting criteria 1 and 2, the accused must
fail to do the duty.
this psychologist’s
testimony would
have clarified in the jury’s minds Irwin’s unshakable position. If God
were to come into court and say, “Mr. Schiff, your arguments are
wrong,” Irwin would have disagreed.
Do you know why people such as Schiff, et al. have such an "unshakable
It's because they (we) have READ the WRITTEN WORDS of LAW.
It's because they (we) know there is NO DUTY according to the WRITTEN
But NO ONE, not Irwin, not
any of the defense lawyers recognized the importance of getting the
psychologist into court with the force of a subpoena.
They're stupid- #84.
He was a hostile
witness; therefore, it’s up to the defense to move the court to produce
him as a matter of right — 6th Amendment style.
I don't clearly remember, but there was something about the method used
by the court to stay the shrink giving testimony that didn't sound
You get a bye on this point. |
Constitutionalist said. “Judge Dawson
knew Mr. Schiff did not believe
such a law exists. How do we know that? Because on at least four
occasions Judge Dawson told us he knew that by telling Mr. Schiff "I
disagree with your conclusions" "That is your opinion" "That is what
you think it says" "You are wrong to believe" ECT.
Mr. Schiff’s case should never have made it to the jury because Judge
Dawson should have declared the government did not prove Mr. Schiff
BELIEVED there is such a duty or law.”
Those statements by
judge are not in question.
Nothing is wrong- #32.
The judge has a
right to state the
law as given.
Don't read the law- #13.
That way, when the judge lies to the jury as to what duty the law
creates, Nothing is wrong- #33.
By the way, the judge DIDN'T state the law per the cited statements, to
disagree with your conclusions" "That is your opinion" "That is what
you think it says" "You are wrong to believe"
I know that’s a hard
pill to
swallow, but bear with me.
The reason is simple:
'It's simple.' Okay, for
the moment I'll take that at face value
The plaintiff, the
government (IRS), has
presented a case that can be heard in District Courts, Judge Dawson’s
Point 1: The case can only be heard in a certain court.
Which is why "Those statements by the
judge" "I
disagree with your conclusions" "That is your opinion" "That is what
you think it says" "You are wrong to believe" "are
not in question."
That court, through
Congress, has been delegated the
jurisdiction to hear Tax Trials.
You said that;
Point 1: The case can only be heard in a certain court.
Which is why "Those statements by the
judge" "I
disagree with your conclusions" "That is your opinion" "That is what
you think it says" "You are wrong to believe" "are
not in question."
Irwin, at that point has ONLY three
I thought this was about why "Those statements by the
judge" "I
disagree with your conclusions" "That is your opinion" "That is what
you think it says" "You are wrong to believe" "are
not in question."
1. Challenge the
government’s jurisdiction over him with a
motion to dismiss.
Right from Irwin's web site:
Schiff’s Reply as to
why all criminal charges against Cindy Neun, Larry Cohen, and himself
must be dismissed, because federal courts have no subject matter
jurisdiction to criminally prosecute anybody for alleged income tax
crimes PDF file. 125 kb.
2. Plead guilty.
Resistance is futile- #25.
3. Go to trial
the prima
facie evidence the government produces, which has the added
element of
Bold emphasis mine.
Let's examine what prima facie evidence is:
prima facie adj. Latin for
"at first look," or "on its face," referring to a lawsuit or criminal
prosecution in which the evidence before trial is sufficient to prove
the case unless there is substantial contradictory evidence presented
at trial. A prima facie case presented to a grand jury by the
prosecution will result in an indictment. Example: in a charge of bad
check writing, evidence of a half dozen checks written on a
non-existent bank account, makes it a prima facie case. However, proof
that the bank had misprinted the account number on the checks might
disprove the prosecution's apparent "open and shut" case. Cite.
Latin for "on its
prima facie case is one that at first glance presents sufficient
evidence for the plaintiff to win. Such a case must be refuted in some
way by the defendant
for him to have a chance of prevailing at trial. For example, if you
can show that someone intentionally touched you in a harmful or
offensive way and caused some injury to you, you have established a
prima facie case of battery.
However, this does not mean that you automatically win your case. The
defendant would win if he could show that you consented to the harmful
or offensive touching. Cite.
(Latin) A legal
which means "on the face of it" or "at
first sight". Law-makers will often use this device to establish that
if a certain set of facts are proven, then another fact is established
prima facie. For example, proof of mailing a letter is prima facie proof that it was received by the
person to whom it was addressed and will accepted as such by a court
unless proven otherwise. Other situations may require a prima facie
case before proceeding to another step in the judicial process so that
you would have to at least prove then that at first glance, there
appears to be a case. Cite.
Go to
trial overcoming the prima
facie evidence the government produces...
I've yet to see the rules that make Irwin or anybody else, fall within
the statutory definitions that one must fall into in order to be a
"taxpayer". I've yet to see evidence that the rules apply to
Irwin or
anybody else who does not fall within the statutory definition of
"taxpayer". In short, defendends in these "wilfullness" trials
never allowed to question, or even to see the law, or should I say
evidence of law, the creates the duty in the instances of natural
Leading us right back
Irwin’s and Cindy’s state of
Because if you hammer on this point long enough, you
newcomers from looking at the WRITTEN WORDS of the LAW.
Don't read the law- #14.
Did he ever address and support his statement: "Those
statements by the
judge" "I
disagree with your conclusions" "That is your opinion" "That is what
you think it says" "You are wrong to believe" "are
not in question."?
Since there wasn’t any legitimate
challenge against the government,
Unsubstantiated assertion-
the court was only
with: “Irwin,
are you going to plead guilty, or do we proceed with the trial?”
Well, since the court ignored his challenges to jurisdiction until the
day before the trial was to begin, removing any chance for Irwin to
appeal the underhanded denial of Irwin's challenges...
IRCode doesn’t count
Don't read the law- #15.
because the taxable
relationship already has been
Nexus / priviledge-
along with the good
possibility that an
obstruction against the tax laws existed giving the court probable
Meaningless tripe- #26.
Unsubstantiated assertion-
The Constitutionalist
said: “In light of this
no other
arguments here as to what Mr. Schiff did or did not do during his trial
amount to a hill of beans because, as Judge Dawson says, “They are
You are correct.
Out of context statement being agreed to, ignoring the context.
Misrepresentation of position- #22.
| 11.21.05 - 8:12 pm | #
Billy Joe JimBob | 11.21.05 - 6:52 pm |
I suggest you read
my posts back to 11/04/05 forward.
If it's in green, I've read it, since I have to
it to change its color.
The Constitution wasn’t designed for
mob mentality.
No. It wasn't. It was designed to keep government
Do you want your freedoms back or do you just want to
rant? 99.99999% of Americans need a Constitutional civics class. Now
what part of the “rule of law” don’t you get?
Ethereal "solutions"- #42.
| 11.21.05 - 8:27 pm | #
Denigrating attitude- #23.
They're stupid- #85. (In this case, I agree.)
Perspective said, "Those statements by
the judge are not in
question. The judge has a perfect right to state the law as given."
We think you
misunderstood what we were saying. It was not THE LAW as
conjured up by Dawson that we were talking about.
you do not know but several times during the trail Dawson stopped Mr.
Schiff from proving a point by saying things like "That IS your
opinion, Mr. Schiff" or "You (Mr. Schiff) may believe such and such" or
“That’s what YOU THINK it says, Mr. Schiff” which confirms Dawson
believed Mr. Schiff does BELIEVE what he teaches. That being the case
Dawson’s duty was to dismiss the case because HE believed Mr. Schiff
was sincere in his beliefs
Constitutionalists | 11.21.05 - 8:47 pm | #
Scott Wagner | Homepage | 11.22.05 -
2:27 am |
Dear Scott:
Boortz and Congressman John Linder are really back-door socialists. The
Income Tax is communistic and needs to go — but so is the “Fair Tax
Scott said: “The FairTax does
not cut funding from any
cherished socialist programs like welfare or Social Security. It is
merely a new way for the federal government to pay for its existence.”
a “Fair Tax” would be considered a DIRECT TAX ON PROPERTY without
apportionment. The Fair Tax would not in actuality be a true
consumption tax in the first place.
Doesn’t work that way.
scheme is NOT much better than the present system. It still leads to
unconstitutional acts. We’ve already had enough CENTRALIZED social
planning from D.C. For over 80 years we’ve had unconstitutional nanny
state redistribution of property under the guise of taxes.
suggest Mr. Boortz and Congressman John Linder take a Civics course on
the Constitution because their plans to eliminate the IRS are just
shuffling chairs on the TITANIC.
Here’s what you’re not
getting, Scott. The National government’s original PURPOSE can be
reduced to 3 duties 1. Organize the DEFENSE of the Country. 2. Promote
the free flow of COMMERCE. 3. Provide an HONEST MONEY SYSTEM. I will
not discuss the internal housekeeping cost of the national government
because it’s insignificant. These three reasons are the basic purposes
for National taxes.
So, Scott, what do we
We have a
STANDING ARMY, which is used to promote IMPERIALISM around the world
creating more enemies as we go. It is an absurdity to take once free
people, who had a rightful means of self-defense, turning them into
mercenaries. That’s slavery!!!!! The UNITED NATIONS is a fraud and so
We as Americans have a
duty to defend this Country FROM INVASIONS and INSURRECTIONS. The
Constitution was created with the purpose to protect everyone’s
domestic liberties, as a UNION. Period.
Next: The Commerce
powers have been completely expanded outside of its Constitutional
authority and need to be put back to its original purpose. It is now
used to federally police the States.
Last but not least,
money system: Since the introduction of socialism into this country,
the government no longer pays its debts; it simply PRINTS PAPER. So
much for regulating the value of the currency for the protection of the
People’s property.
So, Scott, the
has failed in
doing its lawful Constitutional duty. And, you think by changing the
taxing system with a “Fair Tax,” everything will be better?
is the problem! Get rid of EVERY social federal program and dismantle
the standing army, and things will go back to where they were before
Oh, I hear the
“But, but, but, but I need my
government check!!!” The people, who need the help, will either have to
go back to work, or get local relief. Before big brother stuck its nose
into local affairs, we had Poor Laws. It used to be considered
undignified to be on the dole (exception of old widows and orphans),
and families were the first line of economic safety.
As for
defending the Country, I suggest everyone re-read Art. I, Section 8,
clauses 15 and 16. Those provisions work pretty much like Switzerland,
which is well trained to defend itself. That type of system would also
help eliminate crime in the streets overnight. Why? The reason is
simple: neighborhoods would have the means and responsibility to defend
themselves when called upon locally.
Oh, here’s one you can
agree on as a Libertarian: There would be NO more DRUG LAWS. Has anyone
wondered how the Federal government started into that business?? Did
anyone notice it took the 18th Amendment before the federal government
could enforce booze laws? Oops!!
Scott, you mean well —
you’re Constitutionally off point. WE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE REPUBIC —
the way the founding fathers created it.
| 11.22.05 - 3:27 pm | #
Here he's talking the talk big time. I even find I agree with
some of his statements, Yet his postings like an IRS Collaborator
detract from the message he has put here.
someone unimportant | 11.22.05
Billy Joe JimBob |
- 2:47 pm |
back and re-read my post--you're showing your frustrations. It’s about
time patriot’s start using perspective. The government is playing by
the rules they just changed the game.
Stop play baseball at
football game. Stand back for about 80 years
and get the picture.
| 11.22.05 - 3:37 pm | #
Denigrating attitude- #24.
Nothing is wrong- #34.
Scott Wagner | 11.22.05 - 7:36 pm | #
Scott said: “For the
naysayers who complain that The FairTax isn't 100% perfect -- for
goodness' sake, of course it isn't a perfect solution, but does that
mean you continue with a system that is 99% wrong just because the new
solution isn't 100% right?”
Dear Mr. Wagner, with
respect, would you like to know why the Libertarians aren’t much better
than the Democrats or the Republicans?
They're stupid- #86.
It’s because they
don’t have
REAL RESPECT for the U.S. Constitution either.
He's talking the talk.
Politicians only pay
Constitution lip service—sorry Charlie, either the Constitution is the
Supreme Law of the Land or we’ve got a problem.
He's talking the talk. (And the statement is correct.)
You know that
“99% wrong system” you were referring to, it’s on the way out through
the proper application of the Constitution.
Ethereal "solutions"- #43.
It doesn’t take votes
— the
means and the solutions have always existed within the LAWS of this
Ethereal "solutions"- #44.
Usurpation and fraud
permeated this Country for far to
Talkin' the talk.
Keep your eyes open
the REAL
YET!!!!!!!! The jig is up!!
Ethereal "solutions"- #45.
"What are legislatures? Creatures
of the constitution; they owe their existence to the constitution; they
derive their powers from the constitution; it is their commission; and
therefore, all their acts must be conformable to it, or else they will
be void." (Cite omitted)
Making this statement an Unsubstantiated assertion-
Because he didn't cite-link substantiation to support his CORRECT
sequence of authority, the UA is incremented because postings like this
do not allow scholars to
study and research the source that statements such as this come from.
| 11.22.05 - 9:50 pm | #
Due to the size of this file, it has been split and put on multiple
Next page.
Nothing is wrong- #34. I'm smart-
#16. They're stupid- #86. Resistance is futile- #25.
Unsubstantiated assertion-
#18. One of us- #25. Ad hominem- #13.
Meaningless tripe- #26. Straw man- #1. Nexus / priviledge-
#20. Ethereal "solutions"- #45. Don't read the law- #15.
Misrepresentation of position- #22.
Denigrating attitude- #24. Sidesteps question- #2.